Once again I make the following proposal to make guile compile on a [MinGW
gcc] / [MSVC] installation with Cygwin tools possible. The libtool people
consider the PIC flag for Windows to be `-DDLL_EXPORT' for shared (.lo)
objects. Therefore we can declare something like this in `__scm.h'.
#if defined (__SCM_IMPORT__)
# define SCM_API __declspec (dllimport)
#elif defined (__SCM_EXPORT__) || defined (DLL_EXPORT)
# define SCM_API __declspec (dllimport)
# define SCM_API extern
This should be done for each library (guilereadline, guilesrfi) with
different *_API and *_(IM/EX)PORT__ symbols.
Now each symbol (data and code) which is meant to be visible for
programs/libraries linking against the produced library *must* declare
these symbols in header files like this:
SCM_API int scm_function (void);
SCM_API int scm_data;
Some people always want to leave this issue to the libtool people. But it
seems impossible for the linker (ld for MinGW / link for M$VC) is unable
to resolve the problem. That is why they introduced the DLL_EXPORT define
on the compile line and left it to the programmers of libraries to use it.
I hope this explains some of the questions Unix people have and why this
issue raises from time to time on this mailing list but leaves
unresolved. I would really appreciate comments on all this.
Recently I also sent a patch to guile-developers which implements a
working uname() and the dirent-interface for Win32. Also I tried to
resolve the __CYGWIN__ <-> __MINGW32__ problem with the <winsock2.h>. This
was due to the following: Cygwin has a <winsock2.h>, but is a Unix
emulation layer also having <sys/socket.h>. But <winsock2.h> only defines
a limited subset from <sys/socket.h>. Since the inclusion of these files
was exclusiv (either or) it failed to use <sys/socket.h> on Cygwin. That
has been fixed.
Hope this helps, answers questions, raises some discussion, whatever...
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