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Re: SHA256 performance with Guile 2.2 vs. Guile 3.0

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: SHA256 performance with Guile 2.2 vs. Guile 3.0
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2020 01:40:08 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (gnu/linux)

Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden> skribis:

> ludo@ribbon ~/src/guix$ ./pre-inst-env guix environment --pure --ad-hoc 
> guile-next guile3.0-hashing -- guile ~/tmp/sha256.scm
> ;;; (hash "b33576331465a60b003573541bf3b1c205936a16c407bc69f8419a527bf5c988")
> clock utime stime cutime cstime gctime
> 65.17 89.75  0.45   0.00   0.00  35.63

The patch below gives us:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
ludo@ribbon /tmp/hashing$ guile --r6rs -L .. ~/tmp/sha256.scm

;;; (hash "b33576331465a60b003573541bf3b1c205936a16c407bc69f8419a527bf5c988")
clock utime stime cutime cstime gctime
59.31 80.65  0.39   0.00   0.00  30.73
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

It’s a disappointingly small improvement.  The reason is that (hashing
fixnums) adds another layer of opacity, where it ends up doing

  (define fx32xor fxxor)

Thus, no inlining, and no easy trick to solve that.  :-/

Anyhow, I think the patch is probably a good idea.  WDYT?


diff --git a/module/rnrs/arithmetic/fixnums.scm 
index 4ec1cae0c..c30807eb5 100644
--- a/module/rnrs/arithmetic/fixnums.scm
+++ b/module/rnrs/arithmetic/fixnums.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; fixnums.scm --- The R6RS fixnums arithmetic library
-;;      Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;      Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2013, 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -75,25 +75,26 @@
   (import (only (guile) ash
-                       cons*
-                       define-inlinable
-                       inexact->exact
-                       logand
-                       logbit?
-                       logcount
-                       logior
-                       lognot
-                       logxor
-                       most-positive-fixnum 
-                       most-negative-fixnum
-                       object-address)
+               cons*
+               define-inlinable
+               inexact->exact
+               logand
+               logbit?
+               logcount
+               logior
+               lognot
+               logxor
+               most-positive-fixnum 
+               most-negative-fixnum
+               object-address)
          (ice-9 optargs)
          (rnrs base (6))
          (rnrs control (6))
          (rnrs arithmetic bitwise (6))
          (rnrs conditions (6))
          (rnrs exceptions (6))
-         (rnrs lists (6)))
+          (rnrs lists (6))
+          (rnrs syntax-case (6)))
   (define fixnum-width
     (let ((w (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))
@@ -121,70 +122,105 @@
     (or (for-all inline-fixnum? args) (raise (make-assertion-violation))))
   (define-syntax define-fxop*
+    (lambda (s)
+      (syntax-case s ()
+        ((_ name op)
+         (with-syntax ((proc (datum->syntax
+                              #'name
+                              (string->symbol
+                               (string-append "%"
+                                              (symbol->string
+                                               (syntax->datum #'name))
+                                              "-proc")))))
+           #'(begin
+               ;; Define a procedure for when the inline case doesn't
+               ;; apply.
+               (define proc
+                 (case-lambda
+                   ((x y)
+                    (assert-fixnum x y)
+                    (op x y))
+                   (args
+                    (assert-fixnums args)
+                    (apply op args))))
+               (define-syntax name
+                 (lambda (s)
+                   (syntax-case s ()
+                     ((_ args (... ...))
+                      #'(begin
+                          (assert-fixnum args (... ...))
+                          (op args (... ...))))
+                     (x
+                      (identifier? #'x)
+                      #'proc))))))))))
+  (define-syntax define-alias
     (syntax-rules ()
-      ((_ name op)
-       (define name
-       (case-lambda
-         ((x y)
-          (assert-fixnum x y)
-          (op x y))
-         (args
-          (assert-fixnums args)
-           (apply op args)))))))
+      ((_ new old)
+       (define-syntax new (identifier-syntax old)))))
   ;; All these predicates don't check their arguments for fixnum-ness,
   ;; as this doesn't seem to be strictly required by R6RS.
-  (define fx=? =)
-  (define fx>? >)
-  (define fx<? <)
-  (define fx>=? >=)
-  (define fx<=? <=)
+  (define-alias fx=? =)
+  (define-alias fx>? >)
+  (define-alias fx<? <)
+  (define-alias fx>=? >=)
+  (define-alias fx<=? <=)
-  (define fxzero? zero?)
-  (define fxpositive? positive?)
-  (define fxnegative? negative?)
-  (define fxodd? odd?)
-  (define fxeven? even?)
+  (define-alias fxzero? zero?)
+  (define-alias fxpositive? positive?)
+  (define-alias fxnegative? negative?)
+  (define-alias fxodd? odd?)
+  (define-alias fxeven? even?)
   (define-fxop* fxmax max)
   (define-fxop* fxmin min)
-  (define (fx+ fx1 fx2)
+  (define-inlinable (fx+ fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2) 
     (let ((r (+ fx1 fx2))) 
       (or (inline-fixnum? r)
           (raise (make-implementation-restriction-violation)))
-  (define (fx* fx1 fx2)
+  (define-inlinable (fx* fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2) 
     (let ((r (* fx1 fx2))) 
       (or (inline-fixnum? r)
           (raise (make-implementation-restriction-violation)))
-  (define* (fx- fx1 #:optional fx2)
-    (assert-fixnum fx1)
-    (if fx2 
-       (begin 
-         (assert-fixnum fx2) 
-         (let ((r (- fx1 fx2))) 
-           (or (inline-fixnum? r) (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
-           r))
-       (let ((r (- fx1))) 
-         (or (inline-fixnum? r) (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
-         r)))
-  (define (fxdiv fx1 fx2)
+  (define-syntax fx-
+    (lambda (s)
+      (syntax-case s ()
+        ((_ fx)
+         #'(begin
+             (assert-fixnum fx)
+             (let ((r (- fx)))
+               (unless (inline-fixnum? r) (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+               (- fx))))
+        ((_ fx1 fx2)
+         #'(begin
+             (assert-fixnum fx1)
+             (assert-fixnum fx2)
+             (let ((r (- fx1 fx2)))
+               (unless (inline-fixnum? r) (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
+               r)))
+        (x
+         (identifier? #'x)
+         #'-))))
+  (define-inlinable (fxdiv fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2)
     (div fx1 fx2))
-  (define (fxmod fx1 fx2)
+  (define-inlinable (fxmod fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2)
     (mod fx1 fx2))
-  (define (fxdiv-and-mod fx1 fx2)
+  (define-inlinable (fxdiv-and-mod fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2)
     (div-and-mod fx1 fx2))
@@ -221,71 +257,71 @@
           (s1 (div0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))))
       (values s0 s1)))
-  (define (fxnot fx) (assert-fixnum fx) (lognot fx))
+  (define-inlinable (fxnot fx) (assert-fixnum fx) (lognot fx))
   (define-fxop* fxand logand)
   (define-fxop* fxior logior)
   (define-fxop* fxxor logxor)
-  (define (fxif fx1 fx2 fx3) 
+  (define-inlinable (fxif fx1 fx2 fx3) 
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2 fx3) 
     (bitwise-if fx1 fx2 fx3))
-  (define (fxbit-count fx)
+  (define-inlinable (fxbit-count fx)
     (assert-fixnum fx)
     (if (negative? fx)
         (bitwise-not (logcount fx))
         (logcount fx)))
-  (define (fxlength fx) (assert-fixnum fx) (bitwise-length fx))
-  (define (fxfirst-bit-set fx) (assert-fixnum fx) (bitwise-first-bit-set fx))
-  (define (fxbit-set? fx1 fx2) (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2) (logbit? fx2 fx1))
+  (define-inlinable (fxlength fx) (assert-fixnum fx) (bitwise-length fx))
+  (define-inlinable (fxfirst-bit-set fx) (assert-fixnum fx) 
(bitwise-first-bit-set fx))
+  (define-inlinable (fxbit-set? fx1 fx2) (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2) (logbit? fx2 
-  (define (fxcopy-bit fx1 fx2 fx3) 
+  (define-inlinable (fxcopy-bit fx1 fx2 fx3) 
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2 fx3) 
     (unless (and (<= 0 fx2) (< fx2 (fixnum-width)))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (bitwise-copy-bit fx1 fx2 fx3))
-  (define (fxbit-field fx1 fx2 fx3)
+  (define-inlinable (fxbit-field fx1 fx2 fx3)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2 fx3)
     (unless (and (<= 0 fx2 fx3) (< fx3 (fixnum-width)))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (bitwise-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3))
-  (define (fxcopy-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4)
+  (define-inlinable (fxcopy-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4)
     (unless (and (<= 0 fx2 fx3) (< fx3 (fixnum-width)))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (bitwise-copy-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4))
-  (define (fxarithmetic-shift fx1 fx2)
+  (define-inlinable (fxarithmetic-shift fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2)
     (unless (< (abs fx2) (fixnum-width))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (ash fx1 fx2))
-  (define (fxarithmetic-shift-left fx1 fx2)
+  (define-inlinable (fxarithmetic-shift-left fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2)
     (unless (and (<= 0 fx2) (< fx2 (fixnum-width)))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (ash fx1 fx2))
-  (define (fxarithmetic-shift-right fx1 fx2)
+  (define-inlinable (fxarithmetic-shift-right fx1 fx2)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2)
     (unless (and (<= 0 fx2) (< fx2 (fixnum-width)))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (ash fx1 (- fx2)))
-  (define (fxrotate-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4)
+  (define-inlinable (fxrotate-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4)
     (unless (and (<= 0 fx2 fx3) (< fx3 (fixnum-width)) (< fx4 (- fx3 fx2)))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (bitwise-rotate-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4))
-  (define (fxreverse-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3)
+  (define-inlinable (fxreverse-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3)
     (assert-fixnum fx1 fx2 fx3)
     (unless (and (<= 0 fx2 fx3) (< fx3 (fixnum-width)))
       (raise (make-assertion-violation)))
     (bitwise-reverse-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3))
+  )

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