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trying to make fmt work under guile

From: Stefan Israelsson Tampe
Subject: trying to make fmt work under guile
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 23:26:54 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/; KDE/4.4.4; x86_64; ; )


I'm trying to package the fmt library. And have it compiling it's working on a
simple test case. (I'll need it to produce nicely formatted c-code)
I still need to export some symbols. But it seams to work at least in initiall
test eh, actually just one simple test case :-).

To note.

1. I need srfi-66 for unicode stuff, but can't find it in guile. any clues?
2. I tryied (ice-9 optargs) but that failes and I had to use the supplied 

This to make LET-OPTIONALS* work properly. It seams that the ice-9 
version don't allow define's in it's declaration part of the body.
It doesn't help to put the code inside a body form.

The error message is,

;;; WARNING: compilation of 
/home/stis/src/guile/module/language/clambda/fmt.scm failed:
;;; key syntax-error, throw args (macroexpand "~a in subform `~s' of `~s'"
;;; ("definition in expression context" write-positive (lambda (n) (let* ((m+e
;;; (mantissa+exponent (exact->inexact n)))

Is this a bug?

Happy new year

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