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Emacs Lisp, macros

From: Daniel Kraft
Subject: Emacs Lisp, macros
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 21:48:09 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070425)

Hi Andy and all,

yesterday and today I implemented lambda expressions and defvar/defconst/defun for elisp as well as found a (hopefully good) solution to automatically create fluids not yet present on reference. With these additions and some basic built-ins (mainly arithmetic/numbers so far, but trivial to extend), I think elisp is already quite usable as a language for simple tasks. I just pushed the elisp branch with my additions.

For instance, this simple code works in guile's elisp language:

; Check if p is prime, but start looking for divisors at from if
; present.  It seems that recursion using anonymous functions is
; not that nicely to do in elisp as in scheme (at least not before
; defining funcall/apply), so this is done using while.
(defun primep (p &optional from)
  (let ((i (if from from 2)))
    (while (and (/= (% p i) 0) (<= (* i i) p))
      (setq i (1+ i)))
    (/= (% p i) 0)))

(primep 1283939) -> #t
(primep 1283937) -> #f
(primep 1283937 1000) -> #t

While of course the #f should be %nil, this is simply because I use #f at the moment for nil (but that will be redefined once the falsity of %nil is corrected).

Besides some "important" built-ins like makunbound, boundp, set, funcall, apply, fset and others, I think the next big thing to work on will be macro support (for a more extensive list of implemented things and stuff still missing see module/language/elisp/README) as well as a real testsuite.

For macros (and also for funcall/apply, which ought to be able to execute functions in form of an uncompiled list like '(lambda (a b) (+ a b))) I will probably need some means of compiling and executing a certain piece of code 'by hand' from within compilation. It seems that I can do something along

((compile <my code here> #:from 'elisp) arguments to compiled code)

to do this; or is there some other way to do this that would be better for this situation?

Regarding the test-suite: It seems to me there's no 'very extensive' and 'complete' single test-suite for guile at the moment, but I might be mistaken. So maybe I should create testsuite/elisp and a run-elisp-tests.scm like the one for vm which loads/compiles/runs and all that the individual tests? Or is there some existing framework I can plug my tests into?

Good night!


Done:  Arc-Bar-Cav-Ran-Rog-Sam-Tou-Val-Wiz
To go: Hea-Kni-Mon-Pri

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