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*still* can't compile guile 1.7

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: *still* can't compile guile 1.7
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2005 17:18:46 +0100


When compiling latest CVS on x86-64 SMP, I still cannot build. It hangs
when snarfing docs, like so (prepare yourself):

creating guile
cat alist.doc arbiters.doc async.doc backtrace.doc boolean.doc chars.doc
continuations.doc debug.doc deprecation.doc deprecated.doc
discouraged.doc dynl.doc dynwind.doc environments.doc eq.doc error.doc
eval.doc evalext.doc extensions.doc feature.doc fluids.doc fports.doc
futures.doc gc.doc goops.doc gsubr.doc gc-mark.doc gc-segment.doc
gc-malloc.doc gc-card.doc guardians.doc hash.doc hashtab.doc hooks.doc
i18n.doc init.doc ioext.doc keywords.doc lang.doc list.doc load.doc
macros.doc mallocs.doc modules.doc numbers.doc objects.doc objprop.doc
options.doc pairs.doc ports.doc print.doc procprop.doc procs.doc
properties.doc random.doc rdelim.doc read.doc root.doc rw.doc
scmsigs.doc script.doc simpos.doc smob.doc sort.doc srcprop.doc
stackchk.doc stacks.doc stime.doc strings.doc srfi-4.doc srfi-13.doc
srfi-14.doc strorder.doc strports.doc struct.doc symbols.doc threads.doc
throw.doc values.doc variable.doc vectors.doc version.doc vports.doc
weaks.doc ramap.doc unif.doc dynl.doc filesys.doc posix.doc net_db.doc
socket.doc regex-posix.doc |
../scripts/snarf-check-and-output-texi --manual > guile.texi || { rm 
guile.texi; false; }
ERROR: In procedure memoization:
ERROR: Bad binding (name . trap-disable) in expression (let* ((name .
trap-disable)) (beautify-user-module! module) (let loop ((kws kws)
(reversed-interfaces (quote ())) (exports (quote ())) (re-exports (quote
())) (replacements (quote ()))) (if ((opt val) (quasiquote ((unquote
traps) (append # #)))) (call-with-deferred-observers (lambda ()
(module-use-interfaces! module (reverse reversed-interfaces))
(module-export! module exports) (module-replace! module replacements)
(module-re-export! module re-exports))) (case (car kws) ((#:use-module
#:use-syntax) (or (pair? #) (unrecognized kws)) (let* (# #) (and # # #)
(loop # # exports re-exports replacements))) ((#:autoload) (or (and # #)
(unrecognized kws)) (loop (cdddr kws) (cons # reversed-interfaces)
exports re-exports replacements)) ((#:no-backtrace) (set-system-module!
module #t) (loop (cdr kws) reversed-interfaces exports re-exports
replacements)) ((#:pure) (purify-module! module) (loop (cdr kws)
reversed-interfaces exports re-exports replacements)) ((#:duplicates)
(if (not #) (unrecognized kws)) (set-module-duplicates-handlers! module
(lookup-duplicates-handlers #)) (loop (cddr kws) reversed-interfaces
exports re-exports replacements)) #<freed cell 0x2aaaab7b0540; GC missed
a reference> (quasiquote ((unquote traps) (append # #))) ((#:replace
#:replace-syntax) (or (pair? #) (unrecognized kws)) (loop (cddr kws)
reversed-interfaces exports re-exports (append # replacements))) ...)))
(run-hook module-defined-hook module) module).

Sorry for that block of vomit. Now looking for the code that seems to be
the body of process-define-module, but with a different pair in the
let*. What gives?

Andy Wingo

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