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CVSROOT/modules + bye bye devel/, hello workbook/

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: CVSROOT/modules + bye bye devel/, hello workbook/
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 17:37:32 -0800


CVSROOT/modules (modulo comments) now looks like:

  core            guile/guile-core
  workbook        guile/workbook
  scripts         guile/guile-scripts
  hack            &core &workbook &scripts

this means you can do "cvs co hack" to get:


i figured these three cvs modules are the essential ones for the Serious
Guile Hacker.  i tried "cvs co -r branch_release-1-6 hack" but only got
hack/core as a result (no workbook or scripts).  based on that, here are
the instructions for those interested in playing with multiple branches:

  cvs co hack
  cd hack
  for branch in 1-4 1-6 ; do
      cvs co -d core-$branch -r branch_release-$branch core

if the name "hack" is uncomfortable to you, you can do something like
"cvs co -d guile hack".  (i deliberately avoided the word "guile" in the
module names because it seemed pretty obvious to me the context.)

as for the web pages, unfortunately, they are under another cvsroot.
IMHO they should be included in this bundle (if we can agree on a
checkout bundle organization, it makes it easier to write scripts).
any ideas?

in other news, devel/ is history.  its contents are now in workbook
(sorry, i didn't actually preserve the individual file histories in the
move).  i took the liberty of moving memory.text into gc/, htbmc* into
policy/, and adding dirs bugs/ (currently empty pending BUGS import) and


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