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Re: Debugging plans

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: Debugging plans
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:50:24 -0700

   From: Neil Jerram <address@hidden>
   Date: 29 Jun 2001 17:15:58 +0100

   Trouble is, to work well (i.e. ergonomically), this mechanism
   requires cooperation from the IDE as well (Emacs?), and I'd rather
   limit my work for the moment to Guile on its own.  As you say, the
   general approach is appropriate for some kinds of condition, and can
   easily be combined with the more efficient approach once that is

from the emacs side, it would be nice to have inferior guile processes
talk sexps through a "debug socket"...

i'm actually looking at these kinds of issues in my Day Job: the
inferior (not guile (yet :-)) process has a mode where its output is
sexps of the form:

        (register 1 "AB302F")
        (register 2 ...)

the emacs groks these w/ a `read' variant and does various pretty
user-interface things (like putting the register value on the screen in
a certain position w/ a certain color, etc).  at the moment, this is
done using traditional filters (see `set-process-filter'), but i just
stumbled on the "Transaction Queues" node in the elisp manual and am in
the midst of trying that approach -- it's more high level and easier to
manage, IMHO.

anyway, the point is that it's no big jump from register info to
breakpoint and debug info.  whatever your guile-side implementation
approach, w/ well defined sexp protocol you will reach an even wider
audience than just emacs (which is enough for me, thanks, but maybe not
for the WIMP folks :-).


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