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Re: guile.el?

From: Neil W. Van Dyke
Subject: Re: guile.el?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 11:40:15 -0400 (EDT)

Hans O. Lowe <address@hidden> writes at 10:03 19-Apr-2001 -0500:
> Is anyone writing a guile mode for Emacs or modifying scheme.el to work
> with guile? Or has it already been done?

I continually resist the impulse to get distracted by writing a good
standalone "guile.el", and would be delighted if someone else did. :)

I'm currently using a combination of "scheme.el", ILISP (a particular
version from CVS, which I've been afraid to update), and the below
kludgey ".emacs" code.  This combination gives a good indenting and
fontifying file editor and a REPL buffer.

I'd *like* a better eval interface from the file editor, a simple
backtrace-buffer debugger (triggered on error from the inferior
process), an edebug-like stepper... :)

  (setq ilisp-*enable-scheme-easy-menu-p* t
        ilisp-*use-frame-for-output*      nil
        ilisp-bindings-*bind-space-p*     nil
        ilisp-motd                        nil
        ilisp-no-popper                   nil
        guile-program                     "/home/nwv/guile/bin/guile")
  (setq scheme-mit-dialect nil)
  (mapcar (function (lambda (n)
                      (put (nth 0 n) 'scheme-indent-function (nth 1 n))))
          '((while 1)
            (catch 1)))
  (eval-after-load "scheme"
       (when window-system
         (setq scheme-font-lock-keywords
               (append scheme-font-lock-keywords-2
                        (cons (concat "("
                                      (regexp-opt '("while") t)
       (define-key scheme-mode-map "\C-j" 'eval-defun-lisp)))
  (require 'scheme)
  (require 'ilisp)
  (setq scheme-mode-hook '(lambda () (local-set-key "\C-j" 'eval-defun-lisp)))

                                          Neil W. Van Dyke <address@hidden>

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