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How does Grub find itself being booted from UEFI CD ElTorito image ?

From: adrian15sgd
Subject: How does Grub find itself being booted from UEFI CD ElTorito image ?
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 13:06:28 +0200
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I actually have an specific question for Grub developers / maintainers / contributors so if you are one of them you can skip to: (2) .


1.1) I am working on liveid ( ), this is sort of an earmark for live cds. I am currently trying to push some changes onto the live-build and live-boot packages from Debian GNU/Linux distribution.

I was quite convinced I knew how Grub booted from a Debian's ElTorito image bundled into a Debian Live CD but as it turns out I was wrong.

1.2) The current way this is implemented from a Debian point of view (based on GRUB 2.06) can be described in two steps. 1.2.1) The first step is creating a gcdx64.efi file that has an embedded memdisk with a custom grub.cfg.

So... the gcdx64.efi image is created thanks to a custom Debian script named `build-efi-images` .

A memdisk image is being created first:
( )
and then it's being used on the final gcdx64.efi file:
( )

Please note that the embedded grub.cfg contents are:
if [ -z "\$prefix" -o ! -e "\$prefix" ]; then
    if ! search --file --set=root /.disk/info; then
        search --file --set=root /.disk/mini-info
    set prefix=(\$root)/boot/grub
if [ -e \$prefix/$platform/grub.cfg ]; then
    source \$prefix/$platform/grub.cfg
elif [ -e \$prefix/grub.cfg ]; then
    source \$prefix/grub.cfg
    source \$cmdpath/grub.cfg

So, as you can see it tries to find the kernel and initrd thanks to info and mini-info files.

1.2.2) The second step is that the Debian live cd is going to have an ElTorito image inside of it ( boot/grub/efi.img ) which it's essentially a FAT partition. You can find the specific code for that creation on:

Basically a FAT partition image is created reusing some SecureBoot signed EFI images (if available, otherwise you would be using non-signed EFI images).
In the end what the FAT partition image contents are is somewhat similar to:


The grubx64.efi file that you see above is actually a copy of the gcdx64.efi file created above in (1.2.1).

1.3) How does Debian image boot thanks to this ElTorito image from an UEFI CD boot?

UEFI firmware reads whatever defines ElTorito image and finds the contents of boot/grub/efi.img . UEFI firmware only loads into memory EFI/boot/bootx64.efi on the ElTorito image.
This is usually shim which will boot onto grub.
But let's suppose that this is grub itself for the sake of simplicity.

When EFI/boot/grubx64.efi ( which it's actually a copy of gcdx64.efi ) is loaded into RAM as it has an embedded memdisk, its prefix gets set to the memdisk image and then the snippet mentioned above that searches for `/.disk/info` and `/.disk/mini-info` files is run.

Please note that whatever `boot/grub/grub.cfg` file was inside of the ElTorito image gets **ignored**. Also please note that we are not reading information about the CD unless the CD has such files and it is found first in the Grub devices search. In other words if you have a `/.disk/info` file in your internal hard disk or another device this might get messed up.

So, usually what happens is that the `/.disk/info` is found on the (cd0) device and then everything boots correctly.

1.4) Building a barebones ElTorito image.

So I have modified both Debian live-build's package and Debian grub `build-efi-images` script.

1.4.1) From the point of view of ElTorito image you only get:


with the modified `gcdx64.efi` contents.

1.4.2) And what about `gcdx64.efi`, well, it's no longer created with a embedded memdisk so it just boots and that's it.

1.4.3) My only test suggests that somehow Grub knows that its root is `(cd0)` and prefix is changed onto the usual `(cd0)/boot/grub` .

So that's very great because you can run the `/boot/grub/grub.cfg` file in the cdrom. That's what we all wanted all of the way down.

2) If I build a grub image with cdrom modules without any embedded memdisk and I use it inside of an ElTorito image and I boot from an UEFI firmware CD... Grub knows how to autodetect itself from RAM and finds (cd0).

QUESTION: Can you please point me to the Grub source code where that autodetection is coded?

I want to make sure this autodetection won't fail detecting another quite similar cd (cd0) instead of (cd1) if booted from (cd1).

ElTorito image which it's usually found in `boot/grub/efi.img` would have had:


That bootx64.efi is a grub image created thanks to this command ( Yes, it's actually a copy of gcdx64.efi ):
"obj/grub-pc/grub-mkimage"     -O "x86_64-efi"     -o "obj/monolithic/grub-efi-amd64/gcdx64.efi"     -d "obj/grub-efi-amd64/grub-core"     -p /boot/grub     --sbat "/tmp/tmp.OGhv28NUZq/sbat.debian.csv" all_video boot btrfs cat chain configfile echo efifwsetup efinet ext2 fat font f2fs gettext gfxmenu gfxterm gfxterm_background gzio halt help hfsplus iso9660 jfs jpeg keystatus loadenv loopback linux ls lsefi lsefimmap lsefisystab lssal memdisk minicmd normal ntfs part_apple part_msdos part_gpt password_pbkdf2 png probe reboot regexp search search_fs_uuid search_fs_file search_label serial sleep smbios squash4 test true video xfs zfs zfscrypt zfsinfo cpuid linuxefi play tpm

3) QUESTION: Do you know if Grub could autodetect its device if a regular grubx64.efi image is being loaded from 'Boot from file' UEFI option? Or are we supposed to add an embedded memdisk with an embedded grub.cfg that helps the image find the rest of it? (This is for a live cd finding itself).

Actually I think this is the reason why the current Debian implementation is done in that embedded way. If Grub manages to find itself consistently in a cd I'll send a pull request to Debian project about using this rediscovered method of using Grub for cds.


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