argc=2 argv[0]=./okm-mkimage argv[1]=grub-core/kernel.img Reading grub-core/kernel.img File size 84680 bytes (0x14ac8) ehdr 0x00000000 phdr 0x00000034 shdr 0x000148e8 ********** ELF HEADER START ********** ehdr->e_ident 16 bytes 0x00-0x0F 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EI_MAG[0x7f ELF] Passed! EI_CLASS[0x01] ELFCLASS32 32-bit objects EI_DATA[0x01] ELFDATA2LSB 2's complement, little endian EI_VERSION[0x01] This must be EV_CURRENT EI_OSABI[0x00] EFI flag at 0x0C[0x00] for ZDBIOS This must be 0xA(EFI) or 0x0(ELF) ehdr->e_type 2 bytes 0x10-0x11 [0x0002] ET_EXEC Executable file ehdr->e_machine 2 bytes 0x12-0x13 [0x0008] Check elfdef.h ehdr->e_version 4 bytes 0x14-0x17 [0x00000001] Current version ehdr->e_entry 4 bytes 0x18-0x1b [0x88800000] Entry point ehdr->e_phoff 4 bytes 0x1c-0x1f [0x00000034] Program header table's file offset ehdr->e_shoff 4 bytes 0x20-0x23 [0x000148e8] Section header table's file offset ehdr->e_flags 4 bytes 0x24-0x27 [0x20000027] Machine Flags ehdr->e_ehsize 2 bytes 0x28-0x29 [0x0034] ELF header's size ehdr->e_phentsize 2 bytes 0x2a-0x2b [0x0020] size of one entry in Program header table ehdr->e_phnum 2 2 bytes 0x2c-0x2d [0x0003] number of entries in Program header table ehdr->e_shentsize 2 bytes 0x2e-0x2f [0x0028] a section header's size ehdr->e_shnum 2 2 bytes 0x30-0x31 [0x000c] number of entries in section header table ehdr->e_shstrndx 2 bytes 0x32-0x33 [0x000b] see PDF for more information ********** PROGRAM HEADER START ********** phdr[0].p_type 0x0034 [0x70000000] PT_LOPROC Start of processor-specific phdr[0].p_offset 0x0038 [0x00000000] Offset from beginning of the file phdr[0].p_vaddr 0x003c [0x00000000] Virtual Address phdr[0].p_paddr 0x0040 [0x00000000] Physical Address phdr[0].p_filesz 0x0044 [0x00000000] Number of bytes in the file of the segment phdr[0].p_memsz 0x0048 [0x00000000] Number of bytes in the memory of the segment phdr[0].p_flags 0x004c [0x00000004] [Readable] phdr[0].p_align 0x0050 [0x00000004] 0 and 1 means no alignment phdr[1].p_type 0x0054 [0x00000001] PT_LOAD Loadable program segment phdr[1].p_offset 0x0058 [0x00000094] Offset from beginning of the file phdr[1].p_vaddr 0x005c [0x00000000] Virtual Address phdr[1].p_paddr 0x0060 [0x00000000] Physical Address phdr[1].p_filesz 0x0064 [0x00000000] Number of bytes in the file of the segment phdr[1].p_memsz 0x0068 [0x00000000] Number of bytes in the memory of the segment phdr[1].p_flags 0x006c [0x00000004] [Readable] phdr[1].p_align 0x0070 [0x00000004] 0 and 1 means no alignment phdr[2].p_type 0x0074 [0x00000001] PT_LOAD Loadable program segment phdr[2].p_offset 0x0078 [0x000000a0] Offset from beginning of the file phdr[2].p_vaddr 0x007c [0x88800000] Virtual Address phdr[2].p_paddr 0x0080 [0x88800000] Physical Address phdr[2].p_filesz 0x0084 [0x00012834] Number of bytes in the file of the segment phdr[2].p_memsz 0x0088 [0x0001a020] Number of bytes in the memory of the segment phdr[2].p_flags 0x008c [0x00000007] [Executable] [Writable] [Readable] phdr[2].p_align 0x0090 [0x00000010] 0 and 1 means no alignment Section to Segment mapping: Segment Sections... 00 01 02 [.text] [.rodata] [] [.data] [.module_license] [.got] [.sbss] [.bss] ********** SECTIONS START ********** shdr[00].sh_name 0x000148e8 [0x00000000] [NULL] shdr[00].sh_type 0x000148ec [0x00000000] SHT_NULL Section header table entry unused shdr[00].sh_flags 0x000148f0 [0x00000000] shdr[00].sh_addr 0x000148f4 [0x00000000] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[00].sh_offset 0x000148f8 [0x00000000] the section's byte offset shdr[00].sh_size 0x000148fc [0x00000000] section size shdr[00].sh_link 0x00014900 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[00].sh_info 0x00014904 [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[00].sh_addralign 0x00014908 [0x00000000] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[00].sh_entsize 0x0001490c [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[01].sh_name 0x00014910 [0x0000000b] [.text] shdr[01].sh_type 0x00014914 [0x00000001] SHT_PROGBITS Program data shdr[01].sh_flags 0x00014918 [0x00000007] [WRITE] [ALLOC] [EXECINSTR] shdr[01].sh_addr 0x0001491c [0x88800000] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[01].sh_offset 0x00014920 [0x000000a0] the section's byte offset shdr[01].sh_size 0x00014924 [0x0000f080] section size shdr[01].sh_link 0x00014928 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[01].sh_info 0x0001492c [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[01].sh_addralign 0x00014930 [0x00000010] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[01].sh_entsize 0x00014934 [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[02].sh_name 0x00014938 [0x00000011] [.rodata] shdr[02].sh_type 0x0001493c [0x00000001] SHT_PROGBITS Program data shdr[02].sh_flags 0x00014940 [0x00000002] [ALLOC] shdr[02].sh_addr 0x00014944 [0x8880f080] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[02].sh_offset 0x00014948 [0x0000f120] the section's byte offset shdr[02].sh_size 0x0001494c [0x000029d0] section size shdr[02].sh_link 0x00014950 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[02].sh_info 0x00014954 [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[02].sh_addralign 0x00014958 [0x00000010] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[02].sh_entsize 0x0001495c [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[03].sh_name 0x00014960 [0x00000019] [] shdr[03].sh_type 0x00014964 [0x00000001] SHT_PROGBITS Program data shdr[03].sh_flags 0x00014968 [0x00000003] [WRITE] [ALLOC] shdr[03].sh_addr 0x0001496c [0x88811a50] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[03].sh_offset 0x00014970 [0x00011af0] the section's byte offset shdr[03].sh_size 0x00014974 [0x000000c0] section size shdr[03].sh_link 0x00014978 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[03].sh_info 0x0001497c [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[03].sh_addralign 0x00014980 [0x00000008] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[03].sh_entsize 0x00014984 [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[04].sh_name 0x00014988 [0x00000026] [.data] shdr[04].sh_type 0x0001498c [0x00000001] SHT_PROGBITS Program data shdr[04].sh_flags 0x00014990 [0x00000003] [WRITE] [ALLOC] shdr[04].sh_addr 0x00014994 [0x88811b10] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[04].sh_offset 0x00014998 [0x00011bb0] the section's byte offset shdr[04].sh_size 0x0001499c [0x00000ac0] section size shdr[04].sh_link 0x000149a0 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[04].sh_info 0x000149a4 [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[04].sh_addralign 0x000149a8 [0x00000010] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[04].sh_entsize 0x000149ac [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[05].sh_name 0x000149b0 [0x0000002c] [.module_license] shdr[05].sh_type 0x000149b4 [0x00000001] SHT_PROGBITS Program data shdr[05].sh_flags 0x000149b8 [0x00000003] [WRITE] [ALLOC] shdr[05].sh_addr 0x000149bc [0x888125d0] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[05].sh_offset 0x000149c0 [0x00012670] the section's byte offset shdr[05].sh_size 0x000149c4 [0x00000030] section size shdr[05].sh_link 0x000149c8 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[05].sh_info 0x000149cc [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[05].sh_addralign 0x000149d0 [0x00000008] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[05].sh_entsize 0x000149d4 [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[06].sh_name 0x000149d8 [0x0000003c] [.got] shdr[06].sh_type 0x000149dc [0x00000001] SHT_PROGBITS Program data shdr[06].sh_flags 0x000149e0 [0x10000003] [WRITE] [ALLOC] shdr[06].sh_addr 0x000149e4 [0x88812600] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[06].sh_offset 0x000149e8 [0x000126a0] the section's byte offset shdr[06].sh_size 0x000149ec [0x00000234] section size shdr[06].sh_link 0x000149f0 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[06].sh_info 0x000149f4 [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[06].sh_addralign 0x000149f8 [0x00000010] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[06].sh_entsize 0x000149fc [0x00000004] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[07].sh_name 0x00014a00 [0x00000041] [.sbss] shdr[07].sh_type 0x00014a04 [0x00000008] SHT_NOBITS Program space with no data (bss) shdr[07].sh_flags 0x00014a08 [0x10000003] [WRITE] [ALLOC] shdr[07].sh_addr 0x00014a0c [0x88812834] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[07].sh_offset 0x00014a10 [0x000128d4] the section's byte offset shdr[07].sh_size 0x00014a14 [0x00000044] section size shdr[07].sh_link 0x00014a18 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[07].sh_info 0x00014a1c [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[07].sh_addralign 0x00014a20 [0x00000004] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[07].sh_entsize 0x00014a24 [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[08].sh_name 0x00014a28 [0x00000047] [.bss] shdr[08].sh_type 0x00014a2c [0x00000008] SHT_NOBITS Program space with no data (bss) shdr[08].sh_flags 0x00014a30 [0x00000003] [WRITE] [ALLOC] shdr[08].sh_addr 0x00014a34 [0x88812880] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[08].sh_offset 0x00014a38 [0x000128d4] the section's byte offset shdr[08].sh_size 0x00014a3c [0x000077a0] section size shdr[08].sh_link 0x00014a40 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[08].sh_info 0x00014a44 [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[08].sh_addralign 0x00014a48 [0x00000010] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[08].sh_entsize 0x00014a4c [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[09].sh_name 0x00014a50 [0x0000004c] [.pdr] shdr[09].sh_type 0x00014a54 [0x00000001] SHT_PROGBITS Program data shdr[09].sh_flags 0x00014a58 [0x00000000] shdr[09].sh_addr 0x00014a5c [0x00000000] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[09].sh_offset 0x00014a60 [0x000128d4] the section's byte offset shdr[09].sh_size 0x00014a64 [0x00001fa0] section size shdr[09].sh_link 0x00014a68 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[09].sh_info 0x00014a6c [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[09].sh_addralign 0x00014a70 [0x00000004] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[09].sh_entsize 0x00014a74 [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[10].sh_name 0x00014a78 [0x00000051] [.gnu.attributes] shdr[10].sh_type 0x00014a7c [0x6ffffff5] Unknow value. shdr[10].sh_flags 0x00014a80 [0x00000000] shdr[10].sh_addr 0x00014a84 [0x00000000] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[10].sh_offset 0x00014a88 [0x00014874] the section's byte offset shdr[10].sh_size 0x00014a8c [0x00000010] section size shdr[10].sh_link 0x00014a90 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[10].sh_info 0x00014a94 [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[10].sh_addralign 0x00014a98 [0x00000001] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[10].sh_entsize 0x00014a9c [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed shdr[11].sh_name 0x00014aa0 [0x00000001] [.shstrtab] shdr[11].sh_type 0x00014aa4 [0x00000003] SHT_STRTAB String table shdr[11].sh_flags 0x00014aa8 [0x00000000] shdr[11].sh_addr 0x00014aac [0x00000000] the section's reside address(if not 0) shdr[11].sh_offset 0x00014ab0 [0x00014884] the section's byte offset shdr[11].sh_size 0x00014ab4 [0x00000061] section size shdr[11].sh_link 0x00014ab8 [0x00000000] section header table index link shdr[11].sh_info 0x00014abc [0x00000000] extra information See PDF for more shdr[11].sh_addralign 0x00014ac0 [0x00000001] alignment 0 and 1 for none shdr[11].sh_entsize 0x00014ac4 [0x00000000] fixed-size entries 0 for none fixed ********** Symbol Table START ********** There are no Symbol Table in this file. ********** Relocation Section START ********** There are no Symbol Table in this file.