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I would like to contact with theming authors or to get commit rights and

From: Vladimir Testov
Subject: I would like to contact with theming authors or to get commit rights and became responsible for grub2 theming.
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:07:03 +0400
User-agent: KMail/4.9.4 (Linux/3.5.0-23-generic; KDE/4.9.4; x86_64; ; )

I would like to contact with the authors for discussing some ideas.

Is there anyone responsible for this part of grub2?

Looks like messages and patches connected with grub2 theming are not beeing 
considered at all. At least I don't see any activity or reply from someone 
beeing responsible of grub2 theming. Andrey's patch wasn't commited too (and I 
find this patch adequate)

Is there possibility to became responsible myself? (with commit rights or smth 
like that)

There are a lot of things in grub2 theming waiting for being corrected, fixed 
or updated. And I have many ideas to share.

I wish to participate in developing. (maybe not only theming)


With best regards,
Vladimir Testov, ROSA Laboratory.

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