Sorry for the catchy ’Subject:’ above, I am not sure at this point
whether it is appropriate.
I plan to make extensive changes to a multi-boot environment and
I looked in ‘GNU GRUB Manual 1.99~beta0’ for a way to create a CD/DVD
that would reflect the state of my grub environment, (including my
/boot/grub/menu.cfg) that would let me boot the system as if I was
booting from the HD.
My understanding is that the correct procedure is described in section
3.2 of the above manual: Making a GRUB bootable CD-ROM.
The first step specifies the following:
| Copy the file stage2_eltorito:
| $ cp /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/stage2_eltorito iso/boot/grub
I looked on the ubuntu 10.10 system where my grub environment happens to
live and was unable to find any file named ‘stage2_eltorito’ anywhere on
the system and definitely not in the above directory.
I have just downloaded a tarball of grub-1.99~rc1, and a ‘find’ command
on the untarred tree did not return any positives either.
Is this file part of another package that complements grub?
Is the documentation in the process of being updated?
Am I missing something?
If the above procedure is not longer current, please let me know how
I could create a bootable copy of my current grub environment,
preferably on a CD or DVD, so that I could use it as a simple backup
solution in the event I am no longer able to boot my systems from the
hard drive.
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