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Re: bzr is online

From: Bean
Subject: Re: bzr is online
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 04:32:02 +0800

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Vladimir 'phcoder' Serbinenko
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello, all. As you may have heard or noticed we had a data corruption in
> bzr repository. We couldn't find for sure what caused it but we could
> recover it, Robert Millan is running regular backups. But please be
> careful in the future.
> 1) Don't use bzr-svn. The IDs won't match anyway so it's useless. I
> removed bzr-svn altogether
> 2) Don't use bzr+ssh. Old daemon on savannah is one of possible vectors.
> --2a format should block it but don't even try please. Use
> s
> <s>
> 3) Take precautions when handling your current branches. As the IDs
> don't match the bzr trunk you need to migrate it anyway. If you have
> small number of branches and history isn't important just create a patch
> and apply it to new bzr branch of current trunk. If you have large
> number of branches or no local copy contact me privately.
> 4) Regularly run "bzr check" on your repository
> 5) Sign your commits. For this add
> create_signatures = always
> to your bazaar.conf
> This has double use: security and integrity.
> Currentyl we haven't set up syncronisation between bzr and svn. Wait
> further instructions before comitting to mainstream


I just sync my branch with main bzr repo, and find similar issue. It
seems the bzr diff  has bug that could cause problem with renames, for
example, don't use this:

old branch:
bzr diff > aa.diff

new branch:
bzr patch aa.diff

The renamed file could get lost in the process. The only reliable way
to apply patch is to export the whole tree from old branch, and add
them in the new branch.


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