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Re: [GITGRUB] New menu interface (implementation)

From: Bean
Subject: Re: [GITGRUB] New menu interface (implementation)
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 21:07:59 +0800

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Michal Suchanek <address@hidden> wrote:
>> 2, You should use far position as you want to extend the widget at the
>> far side (top).
> This dependency is a problem. The rules for creating a working layout
> are then complicated and hard to understand.
> Also I have no idea why I should set position on the screen, it is
> never positioned.


For example, if parent width=10, two children, width=4, then the
extend property decide how to assign the extra 2 space:

extend=first, space is added to first widget, which is 6,4
extend=all, space is distributed to alls widget, which is 5,5
extend=last, space is added to last widget, which is 4,6

This is different than the halign property of children, which indicate
how it uses the extra space, for example, when extend=first, the first
widget gets two extra space, halign can be:

left: starts at 0, width=4
center: starts at 1, width=4
right: starts at 2, width=4
extend: starts at 0, width=6

>> 3, border_width only draws left/right border, to draw top/bottom
>> border, you need to add border_height as well.
> That's quite surprising. In other layout systems I have seen so far there is
>  - border width (of all borders)
>  - border top/left/bottom/right width (for particular borders,
> sometimes not available)
> It would be useful to have aliases for margin and padding so that
> vertical./horizontal/all can be set in one assignment.

Right, I can use border_top/border_left/border_right/border_bottom to
control four different borders, if users want to set all of them at
the same time, he can use border_size.


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