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Re: Grub2 and Efi (MacBook 5,1)

From: Stefan Bienert
Subject: Re: Grub2 and Efi (MacBook 5,1)
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 16:36:14 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090912)

>>> This is my grub-mkimage line:
>>> grub-mkimage -o grub.efi part_gpt hfsplus fat ext2 normal chain boot
>>> configfile part_apple appleldr
>>> Next I try to include all modules.
>>> greetings,
>>> Stefan
>> OK, now I've included ALL modules BUT kernel in yesterdays SVN version
>> and I'm at the same state as with 1.96: Menu appears, items can be
>> choosed but the system hangs after giving some, what I guess is, video data.
> Why noefi?
> Doesn't this cause problems?

There is no module noefi.mod in my lib/grub2/x86_64.



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