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Re: Can LUA e coming with future Grub2

From: Vesa Jääskeläinen
Subject: Re: Can LUA e coming with future Grub2
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 19:44:33 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

Robert Millan wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 04:25:12PM +0800, Bean wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 12:56 PM, y.volta <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> For the Grub2 internal script engine, yes, it is little. but need more work
>>> to be improved. About the size, i think, Lua can be a replacement if this
>>> lua.mod is available at runtime. at the same time, why not load gziped mod
>>> file from disk? this will reduce the size of lua module: 100,436 bytes ->
>>> 49,766.
>>> But the benifit of using Lua, i think, is for graphic menu. the gfxmenu uses
>>> a strange script engine, it is hard to learn for a common user; but the Lua,
>>> it is easy. ;-)
>>> So, it is good to have lua support in Grub2.
>> Hi,
>> In my suggestion to split normal mode, the script engine is separated
>> and can be replaced, as long as they export a certain interface that
>> return information like the menu items, etc. But now, I'm waiting for
>> the handler patch, as it's the basic of the new model.
> Note that size is still an issue, though.  For example coreboot users will
> usually want to use scripting for the grub.cfg they store in their ROM.


I like the idea of using Lua personally for graphical menu related
scripting and in my opinion it could be additional script that could be

User could in example defined scripting language in a bit same way that
you do that in HTML pages:


grub:"exec grub-script-filename"

own-extension:"do this and this effect that is integrated to some other

In order to one of those work, you need to load script module that
registers handler for it.

Do anyone have skills to decipher Lua's license is it compatible with
GPLv3 ?

Vesa Jääskeläinen

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