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Re: [PATCH] Move assembly code out of the kernel

From: Vesa Jääskeläinen
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Move assembly code out of the kernel
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2008 14:31:05 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

address@hidden wrote:
> I have made generic function that does basically the same thing for bios
> service 0x10 (video). In that modification you prepare registers
> structure that will be configured during real mode switching. I am yet
> to commit it for review, but I think it would be more generic way to do
> this. When I come back from my holiday I will commit the code for review.
> So please wait a bit before committing this :)

And here it is :)

Comments are welcome.
Index: conf/i386-pc.rmk
--- conf/i386-pc.rmk    (revision 1815)
+++ conf/i386-pc.rmk    (working copy)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
        partition.h pc_partition.h rescue.h symbol.h term.h time.h types.h \
        machine/biosdisk.h machine/boot.h machine/console.h machine/init.h \
        machine/memory.h machine/loader.h machine/vga.h machine/vbe.h \
-       machine/kernel.h machine/pxe.h
+       machine/kernel.h machine/pxe.h machine/bioscall.h
 kernel_img_CFLAGS = $(COMMON_CFLAGS)
@@ -231,8 +231,9 @@
 multiboot_mod_LDFLAGS = $(COMMON_LDFLAGS)
 # For vbe.mod.
-vbe_mod_SOURCES = video/i386/pc/vbe.c video/i386/pc/vbeblit.c \
-                 video/i386/pc/vbefill.c video/i386/pc/vbeutil.c
+vbe_mod_SOURCES = video/i386/pc/vbe.c video/i386/pc/vbebios.c \
+                 video/i386/pc/vbeblit.c video/i386/pc/vbefill.c \
+                 video/i386/pc/vbeutil.c
Index: kern/i386/pc/startup.S
--- kern/i386/pc/startup.S      (revision 1815)
+++ kern/i386/pc/startup.S      (working copy)
@@ -1625,437 +1625,6 @@
        popl    %ebp
- * grub_vbe_bios_status_t grub_vbe_get_controller_info (struct 
grub_vbe_info_block *controller_info)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                *controller_info
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %edi
-       pushl   %edx
-       movw    %ax, %di        /* Store *controller_info to %edx:%di.  */
-       xorw    %ax, %ax
-       shrl    $4, %eax
-       mov     %eax, %edx      /* prot_to_real destroys %eax.  */
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       pushw   %es
-       movw    %dx, %es        /* *controller_info is now on %es:%di.  */
-       movw    $0x4f00, %ax
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       popw    %es
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       movl    %edx, %eax
-       andl    $0x0FFFF, %eax  /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       pop     %edx
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_mode_info (grub_uint32_t mode,
- *                                               struct 
grub_vbe_mode_info_block *mode_info)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                mode
- * %edx                *mode_info
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %edi
-       movl    %eax, %ecx      /* Store mode number to %ecx.  */
-       movw    %dx, %di        /* Store *mode_info to %edx:%di.  */
-       xorw    %dx, %dx
-       shrl    $4, %edx
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       pushw   %es
-       movw    %dx, %es        /* *mode_info is now on %es:%di.  */
-       movw    $0x4f01, %ax
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       popw    %es
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       movl    %edx, %eax
-       andl    $0x0FFFF, %eax  /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_mode (grub_uint32_t mode,
- *                                          struct grub_vbe_crtc_info_block 
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                mode
- * %edx                *crtc_info
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       pushl   %edi
-       movl    %eax, %ebx      /* Store mode in %ebx.  */
-       movw    %dx, %di        /* Store *crtc_info to %edx:%di.  */
-       xorw    %dx, %dx
-       shrl    $4, %edx
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       pushw   %es
-       movw    %dx, %es        /* *crtc_info is now on %es:%di.  */
-       movw    $0x4f02, %ax
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       popw    %es
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       movw    %dx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_mode (grub_uint32_t *mode)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                *mode
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       pushl   %edi
-       pushl   %edx
-       pushl   %eax            /* Push *mode to stack.  */
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       movw    $0x4f03, %ax
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       popl    %edi            /* Pops *mode from stack to %edi.  */
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %ebx
-       movl    %ebx, (%edi)
-       movw    %dx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edx
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_memory_window (grub_uint32_t window,
- *                                                   grub_uint32_t position);
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                window
- * %edx                position
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       movl    %eax, %ebx
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       movw    $0x4f05, %ax
-       andw    $0x00ff, %bx    /* BL = window, BH = 0, Set memory window.  */
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       movw    %dx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_memory_window (grub_uint32_t window,
- *                                                   grub_uint32_t *position);
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                window
- * %edx                *position
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       pushl   %edi
-       pushl   %edx            /* Push *position to stack.  */
-       movl    %eax, %ebx      /* Store window in %ebx.  */
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       movw    $0x4f05, %ax
-       andw    $0x00ff, %bx    /* BL = window.  */
-       orw     $0x0100, %bx    /* BH = 1, Get memory window.  */
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %bx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       popl    %edi            /* pops *position from stack to %edi.  */
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %edx
-       movl    %edx, (%edi)    /* Return position to caller.  */
-       movw    %bx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_scanline_length (grub_uint32_t length)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                length
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       pushl   %edx
-       movl    %eax, %ecx      /* Store length in %ecx.  */
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       movw    $0x4f06, %ax
-       movw    $0x0002, %bx    /* BL = 2, Set Scan Line in Bytes.  */
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       movw    %dx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edx
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_scanline_length (grub_uint32_t *length)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                *length
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       pushl   %edi
-       pushl   %edx            /* Push *length to stack.  */
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       movw    $0x4f06, %ax
-       movw    $0x0001, %bx    /* BL = 1, Get Scan Line Length (in bytes).  */
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       popl    %edi            /* Pops *length from stack to %edi.  */
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %ebx
-       movl    %ebx, (%edi)    /* Return length to caller.  */
-       movw    %dx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_display_start (grub_uint32_t x,
- *                                                   grub_uint32_t y)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                x
- * %edx                y
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       movl    %eax, %ecx      /* Store x in %ecx.  */
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       movw    $0x4f07, %ax
-       movw    $0x0080, %bx    /* BL = 80h, Set Display Start 
-                                  during Vertical Retrace.  */
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       movw    %dx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_display_start (grub_uint32_t *x,
- *                                                   grub_uint32_t *y)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                *x
- * %edx                *y
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       pushl   %edi
-       pushl   %eax            /* Push *x to stack.  */
-       pushl   %edx            /* Push *y to stack.  */
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       movw    $0x4f07, %ax
-       movw    $0x0001, %bx    /* BL = 1, Get Display Start.  */
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %bx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       popl    %edi            /* Pops *y from stack to %edi.  */
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %edx
-       movl    %edx, (%edi)    /* Return y-position to caller.  */
-       popl    %edi            /* Pops *x from stack to %edi.  */
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %ecx
-       movl    %ecx, (%edi)    /* Return x-position to caller.  */
-       movw    %bx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
- * grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_palette_data (grub_uint32_t color_count,
- *                                                  grub_uint32_t start_index,
- *                                                  struct 
grub_vbe_palette_data *palette_data)
- *
- * Register allocations for parameters:
- * %eax                color_count
- * %edx                start_index
- * %ecx                *palette_data
- */
-       pushl   %ebp
-       pushl   %ebx
-       pushl   %edi
-       movl    %eax, %ebx      /* Store color_count in %ebx.  */
-       movw    %cx, %di        /* Store *palette_data to %ecx:%di.  */
-       xorw    %cx, %cx
-       shrl    $4, %ecx
-       call    prot_to_real
-       .code16
-       pushw   %es
-       movw    %cx, %es        /* *palette_data is now on %es:%di.  */
-       movw    %bx, %cx        /* color_count is now on %cx.  */
-       movw    $0x4f09, %ax
-       xorw    %bx, %bx        /* BL = 0, Set Palette Data.  */
-       int     $0x10
-       movw    %ax, %dx        /* real_to_prot destroys %eax.  */
-       popw    %es
-       DATA32 call     real_to_prot
-       .code32
-       movw    %dx, %ax
-       andl    $0xFFFF, %eax   /* Return value in %eax.  */
-       popl    %edi
-       popl    %ebx
-       popl    %ebp
-       ret
        .long   0
@@ -2153,3 +1722,170 @@
        popl    %esi
        popl    %ebp
+ * grub_uint32_t grub_bioscall_int10h (struct grub_bioscall_regs *regs,
+ *                                                                        
struct grub_bioscall_regs *result_regs)
+ *
+ * Register allocations for parameters:
+ * %eax                *regs
+ * %edx                *result_regs
+ */
+       pushl   %ebp
+       pushl   %ecx
+       pushl   %ebx
+       pushl   %edi
+       pushl   %esi
+       /* save address to result register structure */
+       pushl   %edx
+       /* just in case, set GDT */
+       lgdt    gdtdesc
+       /* setup %esi for bioscall registers copy operation */
+       movl    %eax, %esi
+       /* save the protected mode stack */
+       movl    %esp, %eax
+       movl    %eax, protstack
+       /* copy bios call registers to realmode stack */
+       xorl    %eax,%eax
+       movw    %ax,%ds
+       movw    %ax,%es
+       movl    $(GRUB_MEMORY_MACHINE_REAL_STACK-16), %eax
+       /* register order: ax, cx, dx, bx, si, di, es, ds */
+       /* note: %esi is loaded above.  */
+       movl    $16, %ecx
+       movl    %eax, %edi
+       cld
+       rep
+       movsb
+       /* set up new stack */
+       movl    $GRUB_MEMORY_MACHINE_REAL_STACK, %eax
+       movl    %eax, %ebp
+       /* adjust stack for copied registers */
+       subl    $16, %eax
+       movl    %eax, %esp
+       /* set up segment limits */
+       movw    %ax, %ds
+       movw    %ax, %es
+       movw    %ax, %fs
+       movw    %ax, %gs
+       movw    %ax, %ss
+       /* this might be an extra step */
+       /* jump to a 16 bit segment */
+       .code16
+       /* clear the PE bit of CR0 */
+       movl    %cr0, %eax
+       andl    $(~GRUB_MEMORY_MACHINE_CR0_PE_ON), %eax
+       movl    %eax, %cr0
+       /* flush prefetch queue, reload %cs */
+       DATA32  ljmp    $0, $grub_bioscall_int10h_realcseg
+       /* we are in real mode now
+        * set up the real mode segment registers : DS, SS, ES
+        */
+       /* zero %eax */
+       xorl    %eax, %eax
+       movw    %ax, %fs
+       movw    %ax, %gs
+       movw    %ax, %ss
+       xorl    %edx, %edx
+       /* setup registers from stack */
+       popw    %ax
+       popw    %cx
+       popw    %dx
+       popw    %bx
+       popw    %si
+       popw    %di
+       popw    %es
+       popw    %ds
+       /* note: bp should equal to sp */
+       /* restore interrupts */
+       sti
+       /* call BIOS interrupt service function */
+       int             $0x10
+       /* disable interrupts */
+       cli
+       /* save registers to stack */
+       pushw   %ds
+       pushw   %es
+       pushw   %di
+       pushw   %si
+       pushw   %bx
+       pushw   %dx
+       pushw   %cx
+       pushw   %ax
+       /* just in case... load the GDT register */
+       DATA32  ADDR32  lgdt    %cs:gdtdesc
+       /* turn on protected mode */
+       movl    %cr0, %eax
+       orl     $GRUB_MEMORY_MACHINE_CR0_PE_ON, %eax
+       movl    %eax, %cr0
+       /* jump to relocation, flush prefetch queue, and reload %cs */
+       .code32
+       /* reload other segment registers */
+       movw    %ax, %ds
+       movw    %ax, %es
+       movw    %ax, %fs
+       movw    %ax, %gs
+       movw    %ax, %ss
+       /* get protected mode stack */
+       movl    protstack, %eax
+       movl    %eax, %esp
+       movl    %eax, %ebp
+       /* get result register structure address from stack */
+       popl    %edi
+       /* register order: ax, cx, dx, bx, si, di, es, ds */
+       /* note: %edi is setup above */
+       movl    $16, %ecx
+       movl    $(GRUB_MEMORY_MACHINE_REAL_STACK-16), %esi
+       cld
+       rep
+       movsb
+       /* zero %eax */
+       xorl    %eax, %eax
+       /* copy %ax from result registers */
+       movw    GRUB_MEMORY_MACHINE_REAL_STACK-16, %ax
+       /* Restore modified registers */
+       popl    %esi
+       popl    %edi
+       popl    %ebx
+       popl    %ecx
+       popl    %ebp
+       ret
Index: video/i386/pc/vbebios.c
--- video/i386/pc/vbebios.c     (revision 0)
+++ video/i386/pc/vbebios.c     (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ *  GRUB  --  GRand Unified Bootloader
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ *  GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with GRUB.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <grub/machine/bioscall.h>
+#include <grub/machine/vbe.h>
+#include <grub/types.h>
+#include <grub/misc.h>
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f00 to get VBE Controller Information, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_bios_get_controller_info (struct grub_vbe_info_block *ci)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t addr = (grub_uint32_t)ci;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+ = addr >> 4;
+  regs.di = addr & 0x0F;
+ = 0x4F00;
+  return grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f01 to get VBE Mode Information, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_bios_get_mode_info (grub_uint32_t mode,
+                             struct grub_vbe_mode_info_block *mode_info)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t addr = (grub_uint32_t)mode_info;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+ = mode & 0xFFFF;
+ = addr >> 4;
+  regs.di = addr & 0x0F;
+ = 0x4F01;
+  return grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f02 to set video mode, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_bios_set_mode (grub_uint32_t mode,
+                        struct grub_vbe_crtc_info_block *crtc_info)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t addr = (grub_uint32_t)crtc_info;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  regs.bx = mode & 0xFFFF;
+ = addr >> 4;
+  regs.di = addr & 0x0F;
+ = 0x4F02;
+  return grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f03 to return current VBE Mode, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_mode (grub_uint32_t *mode)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t rc;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+ = 0x4F03;
+  rc = grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+  /* Save results.  */
+  *mode = result_regs.bx;
+  return rc;
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f05 to set memory window, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_memory_window (grub_uint32_t window,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t position)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  regs.bx = window & 0x00FF;
+  regs.dx = position & 0xFFFF;
+ = 0x4F05;
+  return grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f05 to return memory window, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_memory_window (grub_uint32_t window,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t *position)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t rc;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  regs.bx = (window & 0x00FF) | 0x0100;
+ = 0x4F05;
+  rc = grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+  /* Save results.  */
+  *position = result_regs.dx;
+  return rc;
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f06 to set scanline length (in bytes), return status.  */
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_scanline_length (grub_uint32_t length)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  regs.bx = 0x0002;
+ = length & 0xFFFF;
+ = 0x4F06;
+  return grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f06 to return scanline length (in bytes, return status.  
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_scanline_length (grub_uint32_t *length)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t rc;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  regs.bx = 0x0001;
+ = 0x4F06;
+  rc = grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+  /* Save results.  */
+  *length = result_regs.bx;
+  return rc;
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f07 to set display start, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_display_start (grub_uint32_t x,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t y)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  /* BL = 80h, Set Display Start during Vertical Retrace.  */
+  regs.bx = 0x0080;
+ = x & 0xFFFF;
+  regs.dx = y & 0xFFFF;
+ = 0x4F07;
+  return grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f07 to get display start, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_display_start (grub_uint32_t *x,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t *y)
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t rc;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  regs.bx = 0x0001;
+ = 0x4F07;
+  rc = grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);
+  /* Save results.  */
+  *x =;
+  *y = result_regs.dx;
+  return rc;
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f09 to set palette data, return status.  */
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_palette_data (grub_uint32_t color_count,
+                                                  grub_uint32_t start_index,
+                                                  struct grub_vbe_palette_data 
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs regs;
+  struct grub_bioscall_regs result_regs;
+  grub_uint32_t addr = (grub_uint32_t)palette_data;
+  /* Zero registers.  */
+  grub_memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
+  /* Fill registers.  */
+  regs.dx = start_index & 0xFFFF;
+ = color_count & 0xFFFF;
+ = addr >> 4;
+  regs.di = addr & 0x0F;
+ = 0x4F09;
+  return grub_bioscall_int10h(&regs, &result_regs);

Property changes on: video/i386/pc/vbebios.c
Name: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain

Index: include/grub/i386/pc/vbe.h
--- include/grub/i386/pc/vbe.h  (revision 1815)
+++ include/grub/i386/pc/vbe.h  (working copy)
@@ -151,48 +151,46 @@
   grub_uint8_t alignment;
 } __attribute__ ((packed));
-/* Prototypes for kernel real mode thunks.  */
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f00 to get VBE Controller Information, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_get_controller_info) (struct 
grub_vbe_info_block *controller_info);
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_controller_info (struct 
grub_vbe_info_block *controller_info);
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f01 to get VBE Mode Information, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_get_mode_info) (grub_uint32_t mode,
-                                                            struct 
grub_vbe_mode_info_block *mode_info);
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_mode_info (grub_uint32_t mode,
+                                               struct grub_vbe_mode_info_block 
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f02 to set video mode, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_set_mode) (grub_uint32_t mode,
-                                                       struct 
grub_vbe_crtc_info_block *crtc_info);
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_mode (grub_uint32_t mode,
+                                          struct grub_vbe_crtc_info_block 
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f03 to return current VBE Mode, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_get_mode) (grub_uint32_t *mode);
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_mode (grub_uint32_t *mode);
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f05 to set memory window, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_set_memory_window) (grub_uint32_t 
-                                                                grub_uint32_t 
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_memory_window (grub_uint32_t window,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t position);
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f05 to return memory window, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_get_memory_window) (grub_uint32_t 
-                                                                grub_uint32_t 
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_memory_window (grub_uint32_t window,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t *position);
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f06 to set scanline length (in bytes), return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_set_scanline_length) 
(grub_uint32_t length);
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_scanline_length (grub_uint32_t length);
-/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f06 to return scanline length (in bytes), return status.  
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_get_scanline_length) 
(grub_uint32_t *length);
+/* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f06 to return scanline length (in bytes, return status.  
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_scanline_length (grub_uint32_t *length);
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f07 to set display start, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_set_display_start) (grub_uint32_t 
-                                                                grub_uint32_t 
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_display_start (grub_uint32_t x,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t y);
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f07 to get display start, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_get_display_start) (grub_uint32_t 
-                                                                grub_uint32_t 
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_get_display_start (grub_uint32_t *x,
+                                                   grub_uint32_t *y);
 /* Call VESA BIOS 0x4f09 to set palette data, return status.  */
-grub_vbe_status_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_vbe_bios_set_palette_data) (grub_uint32_t 
-                                                               grub_uint32_t 
-                                                               struct 
grub_vbe_palette_data *palette_data);
+grub_vbe_status_t grub_vbe_bios_set_palette_data (grub_uint32_t color_count,
+                                                  grub_uint32_t start_index,
+                                                  struct grub_vbe_palette_data 
 /* Prototypes for helper functions.  */
Index: include/grub/i386/pc/bioscall.h
--- include/grub/i386/pc/bioscall.h     (revision 0)
+++ include/grub/i386/pc/bioscall.h     (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ *  GRUB  --  GRand Unified Bootloader
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ *  GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with GRUB.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <grub/symbol.h>
+#include <grub/types.h>
+/* Registers for real mode BIOS call.  */
+struct grub_bioscall_regs
+  grub_uint16_t ax;
+  grub_uint16_t cx;
+  grub_uint16_t dx;
+  grub_uint16_t bx;
+  grub_uint16_t si;
+  grub_uint16_t di;
+  grub_uint16_t es;
+  grub_uint16_t ds;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* Prototypes for kernel real mode helpers.  */
+grub_uint32_t EXPORT_FUNC(grub_bioscall_int10h) (struct grub_bioscall_regs 
+                                                 struct grub_bioscall_regs 

Property changes on: include/grub/i386/pc/bioscall.h
Name: svn:mime-type
   + text/plain

Index: ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   (revision 1815)
+++ ChangeLog   (working copy)
@@ -1,3 +1,40 @@
+2008-08-17  Vesa Jääskeläinen  <address@hidden>
+       * conf/i386-pc.rmk (kernel_img_HEADERS): Add machine/bioscall.h.
+       (vbe_mod_SOURCES): Add video/i386/pc/vbebios.c.
+       * include/grub/i386/pc/bioscall.h: New file.
+       * include/grub/i386/pc/vbe.h (grub_vbe_bios_get_controller_info):
+       Moved from kernel to vbe.mod.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_mode_info): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_mode): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_mode): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_memory_window): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_memory_window): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_scanline_length): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_scanline_length): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_display_start): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_display_start): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_palette_data): Likewise.
+       * kern/i386/pc/startup.s (grub_vbe_bios_get_controller_info):
+       Removed.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_controller_info): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_mode_info): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_mode): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_mode): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_memory_window): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_memory_window): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_scanline_length): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_scanline_length): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_display_start): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_get_display_start): Likewise.
+       (grub_vbe_bios_set_palette_data): Likewise.
+       (grub_bioscall_int10h): New function.
+       * video/i386/pc/vbebios.c: New file.
 2008-08-17  Carles Pina i Estany  <address@hidden>
         * menu/normal.c (run_menu): Add Home and End keys in grub-menu.

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