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grub EFI "too little memory"

From: David Holloway
Subject: grub EFI "too little memory"
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 00:01:57 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071210)

Intended for Robert Millan, et. al.

I have an Intel 1U server board that fails with the current version of grub with the message "too little memory", as in line 312 of CVS version 1.4 of grub2/kern/efi/mm.c
The board is described here:

I added some debug and I think "required_pages" at line 312 has a value of 1MB (256 pages), consistent with MIN_HEAP. mmap from the EFI shell reports just 38 pages of LoaderData and just 196 pages of LoaderCode.

It's my intention to bone up on EFI, but I'm not there yet.

The question: does just 38 pages of LoaderData make sense in this implemetation? is MIN_HEAP too large or does this EFI implementation provide too little memory to be practical?

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