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Re: fosdem

From: Yoshinori K. Okuji
Subject: Re: fosdem
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 15:29:42 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1

On Sunday 26 December 2004 13:19, Marco Gerards wrote:
> I considered giving a talk about the internals of GRUB 2 in the Hurd
> developers room, although I'm not sure if that talk will take place.
> I am way too shy to give such public talk, sorry...

IHMO, you are the best one for such a talk, since you are the most 
active developer currently (sorry that it's not me).

I'd like to describe my idea. The meaning of attending a conference is, 
in my definition, to meet people. With this opportunity, you can get 
touch with other developers and sometimes they are extremely talented. 
So this may give more developers, this may give you enlightenment (such 
as really new ideas) or this may give you more good friends. In any 
case, this is very useful for your life.

And, the most effective way to begin talking with people is to make a 
presentation, because people recognize how you look, your name, your 
interest, etc., thus it becomes easier to speak something to you at the 
first time.

I understand that you hesitate. I had the same feeling when I was 
younger. But it is not shameful to do a public talk at all. In 
particular, if you make a good (or not bad) presentation, you would 
feel satisfied. Even if it is a failure, you could grow thanks to this 
experience, and you would definitely be able to make a better one next 

I myself don't plan to do this, because I'm not active at the moment, I 
think I will have to make one (not for GRUB, though) in LSM/RMLL next 
year again, and I'd like someone else to do this. The last reason is 
important for me, since becoming a presentator is the only way to 
obtain public interest on you, if you are not the project maintainer. I 
personally believe that all developers should be appreciated equally, 
but people only see maintainers in reality. I feel this is unfair.

> Who on this mailing list will go to FOSDEM?  It would be nice if we
> could meet there so we can see each other in real life. :)

I'm planning to go, perhaps only one day. It takes only one hour for me 
to go to the university, so I have no reason to stay there.


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