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Re: [ppc patch] Old World Mac booting

From: Hollis Blanchard
Subject: Re: [ppc patch] Old World Mac booting
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 13:58:34 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.7

On Wednesday 06 October 2004 18:27, Marco Gerards wrote:
> Hollis Blanchard <address@hidden> writes:
> > This patch allows GRUB to boot via quik's stage1. Marco doesn't believe
> > we should depend on quik for a stage1 long-term, but for now it's working
> > great.
> Right.  A stage1 would be something for the todo list.  Do you want to
> work on that?

Yes, I will do that if nobody else gets to it, but it's a bit lower on my list 
than some other things (like adding a proper modularized "suspend" command 
and removing the use of BAT mappings).

I can't look right now, but does x86 GRUB need to use a block list for an 
early stage? If so, could someone point me to the structures used? I'd like 
to use that as my model...

> Ok.  I will apply this patch ASAP.  Can you send us a changelog entry?

Oops, sorry. Will do.


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