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[grt-talk] New New De gree or Diplo ma of Your Choice

From: Marc
Subject: [grt-talk] New New De gree or Diplo ma of Your Choice
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 23:02:38 +0300

Degr ee - advancement
F ast Tr ack D egree Progr am

Obtain the d egree you deserve, based on your present knowledge and life
experience. A prosperous future, mo ney earning power, and the Admiration of 

De grees from an Established, Prestigio us, Leading Institution.
Your degre e will show exactly what you really can do.

Get the Jo b, Promotion, Busines s Opportunity and Social Advancement you 
Eliminates classrooms and traveling.

Achieve your Bach elors, Master s, M BA, or Ph D
in the field of your expertise.

Professional and affordable! Call now - your Grad uation is a phone call away.

Please call:
Calls returned promptly

Least said soonest mended Money makes the world go around To the victor the 
spoils  Chaste makes waste. A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a 
rainy day. Merry Nights Make Sorry Days If you wish to be loved, love

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