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[grt-talk] lance

From: Pius Rivera
Subject: [grt-talk] lance
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 21:04:22 -0400

The man who can talkwell and to the point need never fear to go idle. _Grief_ is frequently loud and violent, _sorrow_ is always quietand retiring. In other fields of endeavor poverty has been the spur to action. Imitate the best writers in their _style_, but not intheir exact words. This form is now nearly obsolete, the plural_you_ being almost universally used. This holds goodin all situations as well as with pronouns. Remember In lifes earnest battle they only prevail Who daily march onward and never say fail. A person may be so ornamental that he is valueless from anyother standpoint. Wheneveryou meet a strange word note it down until you discover its meaning anduse. Something cannot be manufactured out of nothing. Its all Greek to me is traceable to the play of _Julius Caesar_. It is words and their placing that count on almost all occasions. _An apple_, _an orange_, _an heir_, _anhonor_, etc. You can, however, listen to the charm of the living. A person may be so ornamental that he is valueless from anyother standpoint. ThusHis vocation was the law, his avocation, farming. To say that he is very nice would be too weak a way to express heradmiration. We can walk on _either_ side of the street. Listen to the best conversationalists and howthey express themselves. Even the most flatulent of yellow sheets no longertolerate it in their columns. The objective form of the Relative should be always used, inconnection with a preposition. After his installation speech, in going through the halls, he met astudent seemingly deep in study. Hard and fast rules, however, can never make awriter or author. _Fire_ is much better than _conflagration_. Familiar themes are always the best forthe beginner. THESE--THOSEDont say, _These kind; those sort_.

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