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Re: [grt-talk] Picking targets. Was: Some suggestions.

From: Anton N. Mescheryakov
Subject: Re: [grt-talk] Picking targets. Was: Some suggestions.
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 09:43:35 +0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030401

Nikodemus Siivola wrote:

On Mon, 12 May 2003, Anton N. Mescheryakov wrote:

Someone asked me for a patch, if anybody remembers.

So I did -- well, suggested at least. Though I must say that the examples
you provided seem to favor terseness instead of clarity: it's by no means
obious to me what OP3* does and how it's supposed to be used. But it's
getting late and I maybe just tired. How does it look to others?
(defmacro op* (maker order operation &rest args)
 (let ((conc-fun (if (consp operation)
   (lst nil))
   (dotimes (i order)
     (push (funcall conc-fun
            (mapcar (lambda (e) `(aref ,e ,i)) args)) lst))
   `(,maker ,@(reverse lst))))

op* macro is a macro constructor;). It's supposed to be used as follows:

   (OPERATION (AREF ARG0 (1- ORDER)) ...))

op3 is a convenience macro:

(defmacro op3* (operation &rest args)
 `(op* make-v3d 3 ,operation ,@args))

For more examples, look at attachments (WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL CODE!).
I don't insist on including this features in grt, of course. I simply thought that:
a) Usage of structures instead of vectors is evil;
b) Writing a lot of similar things is COBOL feature, not LISP.

Sometimes three lines are better than one.
I can't say better.

in progress is somewhat obscure. So let's discuss that to do and in
which order, or I'm too exacting and lame?

No, but you remind me of something I've been meaning to say for a fair
while now.

GRT is my baby.
My deepest congratulations! No kidding, I's a great thing to have.

There. Now I've said it. What do I mean by it? Not much, just that while
everything is open to discussion, I hold the final veto. Of course, anyone
is free to fork it to their hearts content.
Personaly, I *hate* forking. That's why I don't use XEmacs, for example.

Ok, back to topic at hand. The feature list for 0.2 is pretty much set and
the work divided, but do you have something in mind? There are basically
two ways things can work:

a) You say that you are doing foo. When you are done you provide a patch.
   It (hopefully) gets integrated.

b) You ask what needs doing. Things are suggested. You pick one. Work

OK, I'll try to do something with pattern projection (_mapping_ or whatever you call it) and probably bounding volumes, if nobody is already in it. I still think that 'defstruct instead of vectors is evil as there isn't any point in using structures here: structures are good for collections of distinct types while vectors are tailored to store values of the same type. Of course, I can live with it, but it will be better if you somewhat advocate employment of structures for things like 3D vectors or RGB colors.

Best regards,

;; This file is part of GRT, a Common Lisp raytracing system
;; Copyright (C) 2002 Nikodemus Siivola
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
;; MA  02111-1307  USA

(in-package grt)
(export '(rgb))

(deftype color '(array grt-float '(3)))

(defmacro red (c) `(aref ,c 0))
(defmacro green (c) `(aref ,c 1))
(defmacro blue (c) `(aref ,c 2))

(defun rgb (r g b)
  (vector r g b))

(defmacro op-rgb* (operation &rest args)
  `(op* rgb 3 ,operation ,@args))

(defmacro op-rgb (operation list)
  `(op rgb ,operation ,list))

(export '(+black+ +white+ +red+ +green+ +blue+))

(defvar +black+ (rgb 0.0 0.0 0.0))
(defvar +white+ (rgb 1.0 1.0 1.0))
(defvar +red+   (rgb 1.0 0.0 0.0))
(defvar +green+ (rgb 0.0 1.0 0.0))
(defvar +blue+  (rgb 0.0 0.0 1.0))

 (inline rgb-8-byte-components)
  (function (color)
            (values (unsigned-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8)))
(defun rgb-8-byte-components (color)
  "Returns as multiple values the RGB components of the given color scaled
into 8-byte range (0-255)."
  (flet ((scale (f) (max 0 (min 255 (truncate (* 255.0 f))))))
    (values (scale (red color)) (scale (green color)) (scale (blue color)))))

(defmacro color-add* (&rest colors)
  "Add N colors together."
  `(op-rgb* + ,colors))

(defun color-add (&rest colors)
  (op-rgb #'+ colors))

(defmacro color-product* (&rest colors)
  "Product of N colors."
  `(op-rgb* * ,colors))

(defun color-product (&rest colors)
  (op-rgb #'* colors))

 (inline color-mul)
 (ftype (function (color grt-float) color) color-mul))
(defun color-mul (color f)
  "Multiply a color by a float."
  (op-rgb* `(* ,f) `(,v)))

(defun interpolate-color (f c1 c2)
  "Linear interpolation between two colors."
  (declare (type grt-float f)
           (type color c1 c2))
  (op-rgb* `(linear-interpolate ,f) `(,c1 ,c2)))
;; -*- mode: lisp; package: grt; -*-
;; This file is part of GRT, a Common Lisp raytracing system
;; Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Nikodemus Siivola
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
;; USA

(in-package grt)
 '( vector-add vector-sub vector-mul vector-div
   dot-product cross-product normalize
   op op* vector-add* vector-sub*))

;; General math for GRT

(defconstant +grt-epsilon+            (* single-float-epsilon 1000))
(defconstant most-positive-grt-float  most-positive-single-float)
(defconstant least-positive-grt-float least-positive-single-float)
(defconstant least-negative-grt-float least-negative-single-float)
(defconstant most-negative-grt-float  most-negative-single-float)

(deftype grt-float (&optional lo hi)
  "Floating point type used in GRT."
  (cond ((and lo hi) `(single-float ,lo ,hi))
        (lo `(single-float ,lo))
        (t 'single-float)))

(defun grt-float (f)
  (coerce f 'grt-float))

(defun facos (f)
  (grt-float (acos f)))

(defmacro fcos (f)
  `(coerce (cos ,f) 'grt-float))

(defmacro fsin (f)
  `(coerce (sin ,f) 'grt-float))

(defmacro =~ (a b)
  "Almost equal."
  `(<= (- +grt-epsilon+) (- ,a ,b) +grt-epsilon+))

 (ftype (function (grt-float grt-float grt-float) (grt-float 0.0))
(defun min-pos-root (a b c)
  "Quadratic root solver that returns the smallest
   positive real root -- or 0.0 if there are no positive
   real roots."
  (let ((D (- (expt b 2) (* 4.0 a c))))
    (declare (type grt-float D))
    (if (> D 0.0)
        (let ((r1 (max 0.0 (/ (+ (- b) (sqrt D)) (* 2.0 a))))
              (r2 (max 0.0 (/ (- (- b) (sqrt D)) (* 2.0 a)))))
          (cond ((and (> r1 0.0) (> r2 0.0)) (min r1 r2))
                ((> r1 0.0) r1)
                (t r2)))

 (ftype (function (grt-float grt-float grt-float) (vector (grt-float 0.0)))
(defun pos-roots (a b c)
  "Quadratic root solver that returns the positive roots as a sorted vector
of grt-floats."
  (let ((D (- (expt b 2) (* 4.0 a c))))
    (declare (type grt-float D))
    (if (> D 0.0)
        (let ((r1 (max 0.0 (/ (+ (- b) (sqrt D)) (* 2.0 a))))
              (r2 (max 0.0 (/ (- (- b) (sqrt D)) (* 2.0 a)))))
          (cond ((and (> r1 0.0) (> r2 0.0))
                 (if (< r1 r2)
                     (vector r1 r2)
                   (vector r2 r1)))
                ((> r1 0.0) (vector r1))
                (t (vector r2))))

 (inline linear-interpolate)
 (ftype (function (grt-float grt-float grt-float) grt-float)
(defun linear-interpolate (r f1 f2)
  "Linear interpolation between f1 and f2."
  (+ (* r (- f2 f1)) f1))

(defun deg-to-rad (deg)
  (grt-float (* 2 PI (/ deg 360.0))))

(defun rad-to-deg (rad)
  (grt-float (* 360.0 (/ rad (* 2 PI)))))

;; Vector math for GRT

(deftype grt-vector (length) `(array grt-float (,length)))
;; Some advocacy: IMHO, _vector_ means general vector, not nescessary
;; 3 component, so we must employ more specific name for 3D vectors
;; as opposed to 2D, 4D or some others...
(deftype grt-v3d () '(grt-vector 3))

(declaim (inline make-v3d)
         (ftype (function (grt-float grt-float grt-float) grt-v3)))
(defun make-v3d (x y z)
  (vector x y z))

(defmacro op* (maker order operation &rest args)
  "Makes things like this
       (OPERATION (AREF ARG0 1) (AREF ARG1 1) ...)
       (OPERATION (AREF ARG0 (1- ORDER)) (AREF ARG1 (1- ORDER))))"
  (let ((conc-fun (if (consp operation)
        (lst nil))
    (dotimes (i order)
      (push (funcall conc-fun
                     (mapcar (lambda (e) `(aref ,e ,i)) args)) lst))
    `(,maker ,@(reverse lst))))

(defmacro op (operation type list)
  (let ((a (gensym))
        (b (gensym)))                   ;place DECLARE here?
    `(reduce (lambda (,a ,b) (map ,type ,operation ,a ,b)) ,list)))

(defmacro op3* (operation &rest args)
  `(op* make-v3d 3 ,operation ,@args))

(defmacro op3 (operation list)
  `(op ,operation grt-v3d ,list))

(defmacro x (v) `(aref ,v 0))
(defmacro y (v) `(aref ,v 1))
(defmacro z (v) `(aref ,v 2))

(defun vector-values-1 (vector size)
  (labels ((extend (lst) (append lst (make-list (- size (length lst))
                                                :initial-element (last lst))))
         (mklist (seq pos) (if (= pos size)
                             (cons (elt seq pos) (mklist seq (1+ pos)
     (ctypecase vector
                (number (extend `(,vector)))
(export '(+x+ +y+ +z+ +o+))

(defvar +x+ (make-v3d 1.0 0.0 0.0))
(defvar +y+ (make-v3d 0.0 1.0 0.0))
(defvar +z+ (make-v3d 0.0 0.0 1.0))
(defvar +o+ (make-v3d 0.0 0.0 0.0))

(defmacro vector-add* (&rest args)
  "Add a set of vectors. Macro version"
  `(op3* + ,@args))

(defun vector-add (&rest args)
  "Add a set of vectors. Function version"
  (op3 #'+ args))

(defmacro vector-sub* (&rest args)
  "Substract a set of vectors. Macro version"
  `(op3* - ,@args))

(defun vector-sub (&rest args)
  "Substract a set of vectors. Function version"
  (op3 #'- args))

 (inline dot-product)
 (ftype (function (grt-v3d grt-v3d) grt-float) dot-product))
(defun dot-product (u v)  
  "Dot-product of two grt-vectors."
  (op* + 3 * u v))                      ;nice, er?

 (inline vector-mul)
 (ftype (function (grt-v3d grt-float) grt-v3d) vector-mul))
(defun vector-mul (v f)
  "Grt-vector multiplied by a grt-float. Returns a newly allocated
  (op3* (* f) v))

 (inline vector-div)
 (ftype (function (grt-v3d (grt-float 0.0)) grt-v3d) vector-div))
(defun vector-div (v f)
  "Grt-vector divided by a positive grt-float. Returns a newly allocated
  (vector-mul v (/ 1 f)))

 (ftype (function (grt-v3d grt-v3d grt-float) grt-v3d)
(defun vector-adjust (v d l)
  "Adjust vector V along D by L. Returns a newly allocated grt-vector."
  (vector-add* v (vector-mul l d)))

(defun cross-product (a b)
  "Cross-product of two grt-vectors."
  (macrolet ((mul (i j) `(* (aref a ,i) (aref b ,j))))
     (- (mul 1 2) (mul 2 1))
     (- (mul 2 0) (mul 0 2))
     (- (mul 0 1) (mul 1 0)))))

 (inline vector-length)
 (ftype (function (grt-v3d) (grt-float 0.0)) vector-lenght))
(defun vector-length (v)
  "Length of a grt-vector."    
  (sqrt (dot-product v v)))

(defun vector-alignp (a b)
  "Returns NIL when grt-vector A and B are aligned."
  (= 0.0 (vector-length (cross-product a b)))) ;Why not =~ 

 (inline normalize)
 (ftype (function (grt-v3d) grt-v3d) normalize))
(defun normalize (vector)
  "Normalized copy of a grt-vector."
  (vector-div vector (vector-length vector)))

 (inline nnormalize)
 (ftype (function (grt-v3d) grt-v3d) nnormalize))
(defun nnormalize (v)
  "Normalized version of a grt-vector. Non-consing."
  (let ((l (vector-length v)))
    (setf (x v) (/ (x v) l)
          (y v) (/ (y v) l)
          (z v) (/ (z v) l))

;; Matrix math for GRT
;; Our matrix types are on occasion a bit restrictive in the interest of
;; speeeed.

(deftype matrix-1 ()
  '(array grt-float (4)))

(deftype matrix-4 ()
  '(array grt-float (4 4)))

(deftype matrix ()
  "4x1 or 4x4 floating point matrix used in GRT."
  '(or matrix-1 matrix-4))

(defmacro mref (matrix &rest indices)  ; row, col
  `(aref (the matrix ,matrix) ,@indices))

(defmacro make-matrix (dimensions &key initial-contents)
  "Create a matrix of given DIMENSIONS (maximum two dimensions!) filled with 
   or the given :INITIAL-CONTENTS."
  (if initial-contents
      `(make-array ,dimensions :element-type 'grt-float :initial-contents 
      `(make-array ,dimensions :element-type 'grt-float :initial-element 0.0)))

(defun identity-matrix ()               ;(devfar +I+ (identity-matrix))?
  "Create a 4x4 identity matrix."
  (let ((I (make-matrix '(4 4))))
    (dotimes (j 4 I)
      (setf (mref I j j) 1.0))))

(defmacro do-4x4 (args &body body)
  `(dotimes (,(first args) 4 ,(third args))
     (dotimes (,(second args) 4)

 (ftype (function (matrix) unsigned-byte) matrix-rows))
(defun matrix-rows (matrix)
  "Return the number of rows in matrix."
  (array-dimension matrix 0))

 (ftype (function (matrix) unsigned-byte) matrix-columns))
(defun matrix-columns (matrix)
  "Return the number of columns in matrix."
  (array-dimension matrix 1))

(defun copy-matrix (matrix)
  "Creates a copy of a 4x4 matrix."
  (let ((copy (make-matrix '(4 4))))
    (do-4x4 (row col copy)
            (setf (mref copy row col) (mref matrix row col)))))

(defun matrix-multiply (m1 m2)
  "Multiply two 4x4 matrices. Returns a newly allocated matrix."
  (let ((result (make-matrix '(4 4))))
    (do-4x4 (row col result)
            (dotimes (i 4)
              (setf (mref result row col)
                    (+ (mref result row col)
                       (* (mref m2 row i)
                          (mref m1 i col))))))))

;; TODO: purify
;; TODO: unify with op3*?
(defmacro mult-row (matrix row vector)
  `(+ (* (mref ,matrix ,row 0) (aref ,vector 0))
      (* (mref ,matrix ,row 1) (aref ,vector 1))
      (* (mref ,matrix ,row 2) (aref ,vector 2))))

(defmacro mult-row-1 (matrix row vector)
  `(+ (mult-row ,matix ,row ,vector) (mref ,matrix ,row 3)))

 (ftype (function (grt-v3d matrix-4) grt-v3d) transform-vector))
(defun transform-vector (v m)
  "Apply a 4x4 transformation matrix M to a grt-vector V.
   Returns a newly allocated grt-vector."
  (make-v3d (mult-row-1 m 0 v)
            (mult-row-1 m 1 v)
            (mult-row-1 m 2 v)))

 (ftype (function (grt-v3d matrix-4) grt-v3d) ntransform-vector))
(defun ntransform-vector (v m)
  "Apply a 4x4 transformation matrix M to a grt-vector V.
   Returns a grt-vector. Non-consing."
  (setf (x v) (mult-row-1 m 0 v)
        (y v) (mult-row-1 m 1 v)
        (z v) (mult-row-1 m 2 v))

 (ftype (function (grt-v3d matrix-4) grt-v3d)
(defun transform-direction-vector (v m)
  "Apply a 4x4 transformation matrix M to a grt-vector V,
   ignoring translation component. Returns a newly
   allocated grt-vector."
  (make-v3d (mult-row m 0 v)
            (mult-row m 1 v)
            (mult-row m 2 v)))

;; I won't touch this simply to regard all these comments - targon.
(defun inverse-matrix (matrix)
  "Find the inverse of a orthogonal affine matrix."
  (let ((res (make-matrix '(4 4))))
    ;; The inverse of the upper 3x3 is the transpose (since the basis
    ;; vectors are orthogonal to each other.  We also need to invert out
    ;; any scales in these basis vectors.  To do this, divide by the
    ;; square of the magnitude of the vector (once to get a unit vector,
    ;; and once more to get a vector of inverse length.)  This just
    ;; amounts to dividing by the vector dotted with itself.
    (dotimes (i 3)
      (let ((l (/ 1.0 (+ (expt (mref matrix 0 i) 2)
                         (expt (mref matrix 1 i) 2)
                         (expt (mref matrix 2 i) 2)))))
        (dotimes (j 3)
          (setf (mref res i j) (* l (mref matrix j i))))))
    ;; The inverse of the translation component is just the negation of the
    ;; translation after dotting with the new upper3x3 rows.
    (let ((tx (mref matrix 0 3))
          (ty (mref matrix 1 3))
          (tz (mref matrix 2 3)))
      (dotimes (i 3)
        (setf (mref res i 3) (- (+ (* tx (mref res i 0))
                                   (* ty (mref res i 1))
                                   (* tz (mref res i 2)))))))
    ;; We assume a bottom (affine) row of [0 0 0 1].
    (dotimes (i 3)
      (setf (mref res 3 i) 0.0))
    (setf (mref res 3 3) 1.0)

 (ftype (function (matrix-4) matrix-4) transpose-matrix))
(defun transpose-matrix (matrix)
  "Transposes a matrix. Returns a newly allocated matrix."
  (let ((result (make-matrix '(4 4))))
    (do-4x4 (row col result)
        (setf (mref result col row)
              (mref matrix row col)))))

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