.pl 9c .RP no .P1 .ds pic Valence4a.jpg .nr PO 6c .nr LL 9c .nr LT 9c .nr HM 1c .nr FM .5c .nr bm 0 1 .nop \!x X papersize=16c,9c .OH "'\m[grey]Slides Demo''Deri James\m[]'" .EH "'\m[grey]Slides Demo''Deri James\m[]'" .pdftransition PAGE Box 1.5 . O .pdftransition BLOCK Wipe 1 .de HD .sp |\\n[HM]u-6p \Z!\D't 1p'!\D'l \\n[LL]u 0p' .dopic .sp |\\n[HM]u+6p .. .de dopic .ev pic \\Z@\\v'|2.5c'\\h'-5c'\\M[white]\\D'P 4.5c 0 0 6c -4.5c 0'\\M[]@ \\Z@\\v'|2.5c'\\h'-5c'\\X'pdf: pdfpic \\*[pic] -L 4c'@ .sp -1 .ev .. .de HEAD . NH \\$1 . shift \\m[pdf:href.colour]\\$*\\m[] . fl . pdfbookmark -T bm\\n+[bm] \\n[nh*hl] \\*[SN-STYLE] \\$* . XS \\n[%] . pdfhref L -D bm\\n[bm] -- \\*[SN-STYLE] \\$* . XE . pdfpause .. .pdfpagename TITLE .TL \m[pdf:href.colour]Demonstrating using .br ms macros .br for a slideshow\m[] .AU Deri James .LP .nr PS 9 .HD .\" .sp -2.4v .HEAD 1 Valence School .LP A residential school for disabled children .pdfhref W -D https://www.valenceschool.com/ -- \s'+2p'\[rA]\s'-2p' .\" .pdfpause .IP \[bu] 2n Victorian mansion .pdfhref W -D https://www.parksandgardens.org/places/valence -- \s'+2p'\[rA]\s'-2p' .pdfpause .IP \[bu] Built 1866 replacing C17 mansion .pdfpause .IP \[bu] 40 acres including two lakes .pdfpause .ds pic Valence2.jpg .dopic .IP \[bu] Funded by Kent County Council .pdfpause .ds pic Valence-new2.jpg .dopic .IP \[bu] Adjacent Forestry Commission land now a golf course .pdfpause .LP .ds pic Crimes.jpg .bp .HEAD 1 Crimes and Punishment .LP I took my grandson to an open day at the school (he is now convinced I went to Hogwarts) and in a display of the history of the school we found this with my face in the middle (circa 1965)! .LP .pdfpause \m[grey63]Mr Hodgson outlined his ideas about punishment right at the beginning of the school's life. He felt that punishment shouldn't be \[oq]unpleasant\[cq] and that corporal punishment should not be used. However, the occasional smack was acceptable. .LP .pdfpause Some of the \[lq]crimes\[rq] carried out by students in the early years which are listed in the minutes of the staff meetings are: .IP \[bu] 2n Making too much noise in the early mornings \[en] especially the older boys \[en] and in doing so waking up the staff who all lived on site. .IP \[bu] .pdfpause Sliding down the bannisters. .IP \[bu] .pdfpause Jumping on the beds .bp .IP \[bu] Riding on the back of others' bikes, riding indoors or riding other people's bikes without permission .IP \[bu] .pdfpause Playing truant .LP .pdfpause Mr Hodgson felt that the best way to avoid mischievous behaviour was to ensure that students did not have too much \[lq]time on their hands\[rq] and so came up with the idea of the students carrying out estate work every afternoon. .LP This involved students working around the Valence estate possibly looking after the animals or even on building projects.\m[] .LP .pdfpause For \[lq]bikes\[rq] read \[lq]trikes\[rq] (bikes were not allowed), although, in protest, I rode the trike mostly on two wheels. \[lq]Estate Work\[rq] was two afternoons a week (if you didn't have physio/speech therapy), a punishment was \fBextra\fP Estate Work! .ds pic Valence4a.jpg .pdfswitchtopage after TITLE .TC