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inconsistent behavior of eqn bar operator

From: Douglas McIlroy
Subject: inconsistent behavior of eqn bar operator
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 21:19:44 -0400

The two bars below differ radically, although the barred objects have
the same width. The lone A gets a wimpy short bar. (Roman font merely
avoids possible confounding effects with slanted characters.)
gfont R
A bar ~~~ "\&A\&" bar

If you put a bar over a string of As, the length of the bar increases
by the same amount for every A you add, but that amount is not the
length of a bar over a lone A.
This nonuniformity is unfortunate.

I imagine the design is intended to make the n=1 case look like the
customary dictionary diacritical mark for long A. Ideally this usage
would parallel that of other diacriticals, which have special glyphs.


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