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Re: [htmlxref.cnf] Please update link to the Groff manual

From: Thérèse Godefroy
Subject: Re: [htmlxref.cnf] Please update link to the Groff manual
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2023 10:31:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.15.1

Le 02/10/2023 à 21:37, Gavin Smith a écrit :
On Sun, Oct 01, 2023 at 06:53:30PM -0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
So while changing the name of the directory back to html_node will fix
some broken link problems, it won't fix them all, and it won't be robust
in the face of future development.  I'm fairly neutral on the
"html_node" vs. "groff.html.node" naming issue, but I'm downright
_opposed_ to limiting my (or future contributors') flexibility in
updating, expanding, reducing, or otherwise mutating the node names of
the groff Texinfo manual.  Those shackles are much too tight.

I don't want to go to the GNU site admins with requests to set up
unmaintainable-in-CVS symbolic links (or HTTP redirects in the web
server, whatever they think best) to resurrect some dead links until
we've decided this issue.  So here's what I propose.

You do not need to ask GNU site admins to set up redirects for you.
You can do it with the @anchor command in Texinfo.  From Info node

                              ... when you delete or rename a node, it is
   usually a good idea to define an ‘@anchor’ with the old name.  That way,
   any links to the old node, whether from other Texinfo manuals or general
   web pages, keep working.

There are other ways to redirect the html_node directory without any
help from sysadmins or webmasters.

* Create an .htaccess file, for example in the manual directory:

RedirectMatch "html_node((/.*)?)$" /software/groff/manual/groff.html.node$1

The URL is redirected to something like this:*.html

* Add a line to the existing .symlinks file at the root of the groff directory:

    manual/groff.html.node manual/html_node

This symlink is processed into a rewrite directive:
RewriteRule ^/savannah-checkouts/gnu/groff/manual/html_node((/.*)?)$ \
  /savannah-checkouts/gnu/groff/manual/groff.html.node$1 [R=302,L]

I think the symlink method is not as clean as .htaccess because it
replaces the standard path ( with the
actual location of the manual, possibly confusing visitors:*.html

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