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Broken font in branch deri-gropdf-ng

From: Nikita Ivanov
Subject: Broken font in branch deri-gropdf-ng
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2023 17:53:28 +0200

Hi, Deri

Thank you for improving PDF support, especially fixing the issue with Unicode
characters within the outline.

I've discovered a bug where one of my fonts does not render properly.
I've attached an archive containing the fonts, a troff file and produced
PostScript and PDF files. The font is supposed to be Times New Roman,
but, in the resulting PDF, regular and bold styles are rendered with a
different font--seems like it's a default font on my system.

I get these errors when viewing the PDF file with zathura:

   error: FT_New_Memory_Face(VVMHFM+TimesNewRomanPSMT): invalid argument
   warning: ignored error when loading embedded font; attempting to load system 
   error: FT_New_Memory_Face(KUTWST+TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT): invalid argument
   warning: ignored error when loading embedded font; attempting to load system 



Attachment: gropdf.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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