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Re: [PATCH v2] man*/: ffix (migrate to `MR`)

From: Alejandro Colomar
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2] man*/: ffix (migrate to `MR`)
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2023 01:30:32 +0200
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Hi Jakub, Branden, Ingo

On 2023-08-01 00:16, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * G. Branden Robinson <>, 2023-07-31 12:52:
>> Use the man(7) macro `MR`, new to groff 1.23.0,
> Given that this version of groff was released approximately yesterday¹, 
> this is very premature.
> NACK from me.

I included that, and the reason, in the commit message.  It's in the MR
branch in my private repo, as I mentioned in a reply to Branden:

My server is HTTP-only, but the commit should be signed with my PGP
signature, so it should be safe to check anything from my git:

$ git show --pretty=fuller --show-signature 
commit d4a22d4645184c205a04477ee84b0ee429fb6200 (HEAD -> MR, alx/MR)
gpg: Signature made Tue Aug  1 01:19:00 2023 CEST
gpg:                using RSA key EA3A87F0A4EBA030E45DF2409E8C1AFBBEFFDB32
gpg: Good signature from "Alejandro Colomar <>" [ultimate]
gpg:                 aka "Alejandro Colomar Andres <>" 
Author:     G. Branden Robinson <>
AuthorDate: Mon Jul 31 12:52:51 2023 -0500
Commit:     Alejandro Colomar <>
CommitDate: Tue Aug 1 01:18:59 2023 +0200

    man*/: ffix (migrate to `MR`)

    Signed-off-by: "G. Branden Robinson" <>
    [Jakub has concerns that groff-1.23.0 was released too recently]
    Nacked-by: Jakub Wilk <>
    [alx: Added quote from gbr documenting how he tested for regressions]
    Signed-off-by: Alejandro Colomar <>

(While preparing this email, I noticed I hadn't noted Branden's
authorship while committing, so I've amended the commit; luckily it
wasn't on  I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience to
anyone fetching from my repo.)

>> When the text of all Linux man-pages documents (excluding those 
>> containing only `so` requests) is dumped, with adjustment mode 'l' 
>> ("-dAD=l") and automatic hyphenation disabled ("-rHY=0") before and 
>> after this change, there is no change to rendered output.
> That's not what I'm seeing with Debian groff 1.22.4-10 (which seems to 
> have .MR backported).
> After applying the patch, the man page references are typeset in 
> italics, which is ugly and against man-pages(7) recommendations.

I guess he meant no regressions other than the intended formatting
change.  Branden, I find that this isn't really documented in the
commit message and it should be.  We probably thought it was obvious,
but Jakub is right there.

I would be worried if there would remain any difference after removing
formatting, or more precisely, if after configuring MR to do bold
there would remain any differences.

However: Branden, I suggest you content Jakub showing more proof that
there's no regressions, and very explicitly document the intentional
regressions a bit more (basically that we're changing to italics).

Jakub, you (or distributors) can always change the meaning of MR to
perform bold instead of italics.  Just in case you didn't know.
Although if you didn't, maybe it's a sign that it should be more
thoroughly documented in this patch.

I started CCing Ingo in these discussions to let him know that D-day
has come, and we would appreciate mandoc(1) support for `MR`.


> ¹ More precisely, about a month ago.

GPG key fingerprint: A9348594CE31283A826FBDD8D57633D441E25BB5

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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