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Please nominate Savannah bugs that should block 1.23 release

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: Please nominate Savannah bugs that should block 1.23 release
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:38:42 -0500

Hi folks,

If there are any tickets open in Savannah that should gate the groff
1.23 release but aren't marked with severity "Blocker", please nominate
them for consideration in a reply to this list, if you feel the groff
project would be embarrassed by failing to remedy them.

Here is a Savannah ticket tracker query URL to show all open tickets
sorted by severity.[]=1&resolution_id[]=0&assigned_to[]=0&category_id[]=0&bug_group_id[]=0&advsrch=0&msort=0&chunksz=200&spamscore=5&report_id=101&sumORdet=&morder=severity%3C&sumOrdet=&order=resolution_id#results

If Savannah would have let me, I would filtered out tickets that are
already of severity "Blocker" or whose status is "Postponed" or "Need
info"--those are themselves blocked.  Some that are "In Progress" have
been substantially addressed but completion is not expected before the
release, or the completion criterion is not concretely known.

I would appreciate your assistance in addressing any current blockers or
ones you would nominate.  So would everybody who's waiting on this
release, I'll wager.  :)


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