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Re: Groff algorithm

From: Damian McGuckin
Subject: Re: Groff algorithm
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 08:44:23 +1100 (AEDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.02 (LRH 1266 2009-07-14)

On Tue, 12 Jan 2021, M Douglas McIlroy wrote:

I wonder how I can format a nice algorithm in the usual sense in groff.
I want to write pseudocode...\

It all depends on what you mean by "nice". If it's just a properly indented
listing, most of the standard macro packages have adequate support.
For example, in the -ms package (man 7 groff_ms) bracket the code with
.DS and .DE and use .ta to set tabs. However,. groff will not serve as a
pretty-printer and decide how code should be indented.

It's customary also to use a constant-width font for programs: .ft CW. But you may not want to do so for pseudocode.

If you want syntax highlighting, e.g. bold keywords of (heaven forfend) syntax colorization. it will be painful, but straightforward: use \f and \m escapes to change font and color.

When documenting an algorithm, code or pseudo-code, within a report or document, lots of people (including myself) follow Doug's ideas (almost) to the letter. But these are usually only code snippets or at most a single routine which fits in less than one page.

For pretty printing actual code written in some language, I use vgrind(1) which is just a preprocessor to groff. You would have to define your own
'pseudo-language' for vgrind to make it work in your scenario.

Regards - Damian

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