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how far can i go with grotty?

From: Marc Chantreux
Subject: how far can i go with grotty?
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 19:46:21 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13)

hello roffers,

i wrote this filter

    sed '
    lB l l l.
    ' | tbl |groff -kTutf8 | sed '/^$/q'

so i can get readable tables as stdout of my shell scripts. i wrote it
as a hack but now i'm wondering ...

* I already know (using man command) that groff is good for positioning
* I just looked at the code of tty.cpp and it
  seems to be able to deal with colors and SGR_REVERSE CSI "7m"

so i wonder if there would be a way to have some text macros to render
colored and reversed table headers when rendering in a terminal but
can also be used when i need some pdf docs.

also: i need "sed '/^$/q'" at the end of my filter because groff
renders a lot of empty lines at the end of the output whenever i
use b in my tbl format. i don't know how to remove it.

any tought (even to tell me how stupid my ideas are) are welcome.


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