.\" .\" -------------------------------------------- .\" Exaggerate sentence space in order to .\" emphasize end-of-sentence in output: .ss 12 72 .\" -------------------------------------------- .\" One space after period, followed by text, .\" is treated as a normal space: M. Douglas McIlroy .br Mr. Douglas McIlroy .br .\" -------------------------------------------- .\" A period at end of line is treated as .\" end-of-sentence: M. Douglas McIlroy .br Mr. Douglas McIlroy .br .\" -------------------------------------------- .\" A period followed by two spaces is .\" treated as end-of-sentence: M. Douglas McIlroy .br Mr. Douglas McIlroy .br .\" -------------------------------------------- .\" Any additional spaces are *added* to the .\" sentence space: M. Douglas McIlroy .br Mr. Douglas McIlroy .br .\" -------------------------------------------- .\" \& after the period disables end-of-sentence .\" recognition; all spaces are copied to output: M.\& Douglas McIlroy .br Mr.\& Douglas McIlroy .br M.\& Douglas McIlroy .br Mr.\& Douglas McIlroy .br