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Re: [Groff] Overview, Sept. 2014

From: Steffen Nurpmeso
Subject: Re: [Groff] Overview, Sept. 2014
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:48:18 +0200
User-agent: s-nail v14.7.6-15-gc1887ab

Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> wrote:
 |Please say `git help blame' on the command line and read this
 |command's manpage :-)

Or "$ man git-XY", e.g., "man git-blame" (but Ralph yet said so).

 |>>>         - reducing the number of global variables
 |>> Why?  Again, please provide an example that could benefit.

Because it consumes space in BSS, or DATA -- and then even causing
linker work upon loading time, even if never used.
A program with a DATA section is shit ;)


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