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[Groff] groff german hyphenation question

From: Carsten Kunze
Subject: [Groff] groff german hyphenation question
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:58:30 +0200 (CEST)


as far as I undestand the documentation hyphenation for syllables with german 
umlauts works only if the umlaut is directly written into the ASCII file (i.e. 
must be รค and not \(:a or \[:a]).  Is it not possible to have hyphenation for 
such syllables with a 7 bit input file?  Or is it somehow possible to specify 
the umlaut character with e.g. .hcode (actually I use something like \*(:a 
instead of \[:a], it would be nice if this also could work somehow).


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