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Re: [Groff] .mso for groff_hdtbl(7)

From: Joachim Walsdorff
Subject: Re: [Groff] .mso for groff_hdtbl(7)
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 11:41:53 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120824 Thunderbird/15.0

Am 05.02.2013 09:13, schrieb Werner LEMBERG:

In my man-page is everything ok, as soon as I use the .mso line,
even groffer in tty mode.

Using `groff -man -mhdtbl ...' leads to errors, even without any
output.  2 `-m' parameters seem to be illegal.

Well, in this very case Bernd is right: You *must* write

   .mso hdtbl.tmac

since `-man -mhdtbl' doesn't work, causing a loop.  Given that .TH is
used only once at the very beginning of the document, the re-use of
.TH as a hdtbl macro works just fine.

On the other hand, this only gets important if someone is going to add
proper TTY support to hdtbl.  IMHO, man pages which don't deliver good
TTY results are useless in most cases.

If, for instance, you were to write

   groff -tpe -mm -ms -me -Tps

then the Universe would fall apart!

As does

   groff -man -hdtbl



`groff -mhdtbl -man ...´ works for both man and hdtbl with the only restriction, that hdtbl's .TH is overwritten by man, which doesn't matter hdtbl because .TH is more optional and one can do the same with .TD. -- But why using man and hdtbl together?


Dr. Joachim Walsdorff • Hauptstraße 225 • D 69117 Heidelberg •
Tel. 06221-28680

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