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[Groff] Problem with bottom page margin in MM

From: Anton Shepelev
Subject: [Groff] Problem with bottom page margin in MM
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 17:11:45 +0400

Hello all,

I  have  found a problem with pagination in MM. In
the following example, the bottom margin  is  dif-
ferent  for  the  first  page  (which  ends with a
filled line of text) and the  second  page  (which
ends with a non-filled line of a footnote). To the
left is the source and to the right the result:

.de TP                                               What the white whale was 
to Ahab, has been hinted;
..                                                   what, at times, he  was  
to  me,  as  yet  remains
.de EOP                                              unsaid.     Aside    from  
 those   more   obvious
.tl ''- % -''                                        considerations touching 
Moby Dick, which could not
..                                                   but  occasionally  awaken  
in  any man's soul some
.PGFORM 50n 20v 0i 1                                 alarm, there was another 
thought, or rather vague,
.VM -T 0v 2 \"Doesn't work with bottm margin 2v      nameless  horror 
concerning him, which at times by
causing infinite loop                                its intensity completely 
overpowered all the rest;
.                                                    and  yet  so  mystical and 
well nigh ineffable was
.P                                                   it, that I almost  despair 
 of  putting  it  in  a
What the white whale was to Ahab, has been hinted;   comprehensible  form.  It 
was the whiteness of the
what, at times, he was to me, as yet remains         whale that above all 
things appalled me.  But  how
unsaid. Aside from those more obvious                can  I  hope  to  explain 
myself here; and yet, in
considerations touching Moby Dick, which could not   some dim, random way, 
explain myself I must,  else
but occasionally awaken in any man's soul some       all these chapters might 
be naught.
alarm, there was another thought, or rather vague,                              
nameless horror concerning him, which at times by    That ghastly whiteness it 
is which imparts such an
its intensity completely overpowered all the rest;   abhorrent  mildness,  even 
 more  loathsome   than
and yet so mystical and well nigh ineffable was      
it, that I almost despair of putting it in a                                - 1 
comprehensible form. It was the whiteness of the     terrific, to the dumb 
gloating of their aspect. So
whale that above all things appalled me. But how     that not the fierce-fanged 
tiger in  his  heraldic
can I hope to explain myself here; and yet, in       coat  can so stagger 
courage as the white-shrouded
some dim, random way, explain myself I must, else    bear or shark(1).
all these chapters might be naught.
That ghastly whiteness it is which imparts such an
abhorrent mildness, even more loathsome than
terrific, to the dumb gloating of their aspect. So
that not the fierce-fanged tiger in his heraldic
coat can so stagger courage as the white-shrouded
bear or shark(\*F).                                  ____________________
With reference to the Polar bear, it may possibly    1. With  reference  to  
the  Polar  bear,  it  may
be urged by him who would fain go still deeper          possibly  be  urged  by 
 him  who would fain go
into this matter, that it is not the whiteness,         still deeper into this 
matter, that it  is  not
separately regarded, which heightens the                the   whiteness,   
separately  regarded,  which
intolerable hideousness of that brute.                  heightens the 
intolerable hideousness  of  that
.FE                                                     brute.                  
                                                                            - 2 

Is it a bug?

Thanks in advance,

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