.HTL demo of www.tmac problems .HTML \" to insert a blank line?? .NHR .ce 2 \fBwww.tmac from groff 1.20.1\fP .br HTML created via \*Qgroff -Thtml test.txt > test.html\*U .HR .HnS 1 EPS files .HnE .HTML-IMAGE \" an eps file .PSPIC cross_box.eps 2i .HTML-IMAGE-END .ce 1 .ll 3i An EPS file is centred when surrounded by .HTML-IMAGE ... .HTML-IMAGE-END .ll . .HTML-IMAGE-LEFT \" an eps file .PSPIC cross_box.eps 2i .HTML-IMAGE-END .ce 1 .ll 3i An EPS file is left justified when surrounded by .HTML-IMAGE-LEFT ... .HTML-IMAGE-END .ll . .HTML-IMAGE-RIGHT \" an eps file .PSPIC cross_box.eps 2i .HTML-IMAGE-END .ce 1 .ll 3i An EPS file is right justified when surrounded by \&.HTML-IMAGE-RIGHT ... .HTML-IMAGE-END .ll .HnS 1 DLS, OLS and ULS demo .HnE Only ULS/ULE are mentioned in the man page: .ULS .LI ULS first line .LI ULS second line .LI ULS third line .ULE DLS/DLE is not mentioned. .DLS .LI DLS first line .LI DLS second line .LI DLS third line .DLE OLS/OLE is not mentioned either. .OLS .LI OLS first line .LI OLS second line .LI OLS third line .OLE .HnS 1 IMG and PIMG .HnE The documentation says that \*QIMG\*U "includes a picture in a document", but does not indicate the format (which turns out to be PNG). It says the argument list has a length of four: .OLS .LI -R, -L or -C .LI the file name .LI optional width (which defaults to 1 inch) .LI optional height (which defaults to the width) .OLE Unfortunately, arguments 1 and 2 are reversed in the macro, so the following fails (the image is "PNG image, 611 x 611, 2-bit colormap, non-interlaced" and is to be displayed as left justified, 2 inches wide) and doesn't display at all (.IMG -L cross_box.eps001.ppm.png 2i): .IMG -L cross_box.eps001.ppm.png 2i \" left justified, 2 inch width The following does work however. The first two arguments are reversed, and the width is declared in pixels as 305 611. The invocation is .IMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png -L 305 611. .IMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png -L 305 611 Changing this to a right justified display (.IMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png -R 305 611) yields: .IMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png -R 305 611 Curious that it displays to the left again. If I place the .IMG macro command immediately after this line of text, it might go the right place, but it didn't in this experiment. .IMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png -R 305 611 While constructing this demonstration, I noticed that the left justified box did move to the right when the macro invocation followed a line of text without any intervening space (given that this line is long enough to wrap around the image). .IMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png -L 305 611 Very curious, but of course it failed to repeat itself in this experiment. So on to PIMG. I noticed that the argument list was identical, but that the location parameters were optional. But it didn't work the same way. Here is a sample PIMG invocation: .PIMG -R cross_box.eps001.ppm.png 2.4i. .PIMG -R cross_box.eps001.ppm.png 2.4i This should result in a 2.4 inch wide image. The macro seems to have the width and height parameters selected incorrectly, so that the following will work: .PIMG -R cross_box.eps001.ppm.png dummy 2.4i. .PIMG -R cross_box.eps001.ppm.png dummy 2.4i And so will a centred version: .PIMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png dummy 2.4i. .PIMG cross_box.eps001.ppm.png dummy 2.4i I hope that this demo helps to clarify the comments in my previous note. If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.