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Re: [Groff] Eqn creates a challenge for Mike(tm) Smith

From: Eric S. Raymond
Subject: Re: [Groff] Eqn creates a challenge for Mike(tm) Smith
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 18:16:00 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/

Michael(tm) Smith <address@hidden>:
> Yep. By the way, can you give some numbers on how many existing
> man pages in your Red Hat corpus are using eqn markup?

I just counted 173. Most are in a 3D graphics library attached to X,
> > The hardest part will probably be implementing the MathML-entity-to-troff-
> > special mappings.  I can give you a table of those.
> Great -- I'd very much appreciate it.

Here's the table I used, straight from the eqn sources.  It maps 
troff specials to ISO entities.  You just need to invert it.  You
might find it useful for your general man styleheets, as well.

(This is a slightly modified version of the translation table I originally
built for doclifter.  The main difference is that while DocBook accepts
ISOgrk1 entities, MathML likes the ISOgrk3 set.)

struct map entity_table[] = {
  // Classic troff special characters
  {"%", "&shy;"},       // ISOnum
  {"'", "&acute;"},     // ISOdia
  {"!=", "&ne;"},       // ISOtech
  {"**", "&lowast;"},   // ISOtech
  {"*a", "&alpha;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*A", "A"},
  {"*b", "&beta;"},     // ISOgrk3
  {"*B", "B"},
  {"*d", "&delta;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*D", "&Delta;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*e", "&epsilon;"},  // ISOgrk3
  {"*E", "E"},
  {"*f", "&phi;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*F", "&Phi;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*g", "&gamma;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*G", "&Gamma;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*h", "&theta;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*H", "&Theta;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*i", "&iota;"},     // ISOgrk3
  {"*I", "I"},
  {"*k", "&kappa;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*K", "K;"},
  {"*l", "&lamda;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*L", "&Lambda;"},   // ISOgrk3
  {"*m", "&mu;"},       // ISOgrk3
  {"*M", "M"},
  {"*n", "&nu"},        // ISOgrk3
  {"*N", "N"},
  {"*o", "o"},
  {"*O", "O"},
  {"*p", "&pi;"},       // ISOgrk3
  {"*P", "&Pi;"},       // ISOgrk3
  {"*q", "&psi;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*Q", "&PSI;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*r", "&rho;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*R", "R"},
  {"*s", "&sigma;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*S", "&Sigma;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*t", "&tau;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*T", "&Tau;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*u", "&upsilon;"},  // ISOgrk3
  {"*U", "&Upsilon;"},  // ISOgrk3
  {"*w", "&omega;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*W", "&Omega;"},    // ISOgrk3
  {"*x", "&chi;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*X", "&Chi;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*y", "&eta;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*Y", "&Eta;"},      // ISOgrk3
  {"*z", "&zeta;"},     // ISOgrk3
  {"*Z", "&Zeta;"},     // ISOgrk3
  {"+-", "&plusmn;"},   // ISOnum
  {"->", "&rarr;"},     // ISOnum
  {"12", "&frac12;"},   // ISOnum
  {"14", "&frac14;"},   // ISOnum
  {"34", "&frac34;"},   // ISOnum
  {"<-", "&larr;"},     // ISOnum
  {"==", "&equiv;"},    // ISOtech
  {"Fi", "&ffilig;"},   // ISOpub
  {"Fl", "&ffllig;"},   // ISOpub
  {"aa", "&acute;"},    // ISOdia
  {"ap", "&sim;"},      // ISOtech
  {"bl", "&phonexb;"},  // ISOpub
  {"br", "&boxv;"},     // ISObox
  {"bs", "&phone;"},    // ISOpub (for the Bell logo)
  {"bu", "&bull;"},     // ISOpub
  {"bv", "&verbar;"},   // ISOnum
  {"ca", "&cap;"},      // ISOtech
  {"ci", "&cir;"},      // ISOpub
  {"co", "&copy;"},     // ISOnum
  {"ct", "&cent;"},     // ISOnum
  {"cu", "&cup;"},      // ISOtech
  {"da", "&darr;"},     // ISOnum
  {"de", "&deg;"},      // ISOnum
  {"dg", "&dagger;"},   // ISOpub
  {"dd", "&Dagger;"},   // ISOpub
  {"di", "&divide;"},   // ISOnum
  {"em", "&mdash;"},    // ISOpub
  {"eq", "&equals;"},   // ISOnum
  {"es", "&empty;"},    // ISOamso
  {"ff", "&fflig;"},    // ISOpub
  {"fi", "&filig;"},    // ISOpub
  {"fl", "&fllig;"},    // ISOpub
  {"fm", "&prime;"},    // ISOtech
  {"ge", "&ge;"},       // ISOtech
  {"gr", "&nabla;"},    // ISOtech
  {"hy", "&hyphen;"},   // ISOnum
  {"ib", "&sube;"},     // ISOtech
  {"if", "&infin;"},    // ISOtech
  {"ip", "&supe;"},     // ISOtech
  {"is", "&int;"},      // ISOtech
  {"le", "&le;"},       // ISOtech
  // Some pile characters go here
  {"mi", "&minus;"},    // ISOtech
  {"mo", "&isin;"},     // ISOtech
  {"mu", "&times;"},    // ISOnum
  {"no", "&not;"},      // ISOnum
  {"or", "&verbar;"},   // ISOnum
  {"pl", "&plus;"},     // ISOnum
  {"pt", "&prop;"},     // ISOtech
  {"rg", "&trade;"},    // ISOnum
  // More pile characters go here
  {"rn", "&macr;"},     // ISOdia
  {"ru", "&lowbar;"},   // ISOnum
  {"sb", "&sub;"},      // ISOtech
  {"sc", "&sect;"},     // ISOnum
  {"sl", "/"},
  {"sp", "&sup;"},      // ISOtech
  {"sq", "&squf;"},     // ISOpub
  {"sr", "&radic;"},    // ISOtech
  {"ts", "&sigmav;"},   // ISOgrk3
  {"ua", "&uarr;"},     // ISOnum
  {"ul", "_"},
  {"~=", "&cong;"},     // ISOtech
  // Extended specials supported by groff; see groff_char(7).
  // These are listed in the order they occur on that man page.
  {"-D", "&ETH;"},      // ISOlat: Icelandic uppercase eth
  {"Sd", "&eth;"},      // ISOlat1: Icelandic lowercase eth
  {"TP", "&THORN;"},    // ISOlat1: Icelandic uppercase thorn
  {"Tp", "&thorn;"},    // ISOlat1: Icelandic lowercase thorn
  {"ss", "&szlig;"},    // ISOlat1
  // Ligatures
  // ff, fi, fl, ffi, ffl from old troff go here
  {"AE", "&AElig;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"ae", "&aelig;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"OE", "&OElig;"},    // ISOlat2
  {"oe", "&oelig;"},    // ISOlat2
  {"IJ", "&ijlig;"},    // ISOlat2: Dutch IJ ligature
  {"ij", "&IJlig;"},    // ISOlat2: Dutch ij ligature
  {".i", "&inodot;"},   // ISOlat2,ISOamso
  {".j", "&jnodot;"},   // ISOamso (undocumented but in 1.19)
  // Accented characters
  {"'A", "&Aacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'C", "&Cacute;"},   // ISOlat2
  {"'E", "&Eacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'I", "&Iacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'O", "&Oacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'U", "&Uacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'Y", "&Yacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'a", "&aacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'c", "&cacute;"},   // ISOlat2
  {"'e", "&eacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'i", "&iacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'o", "&oacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'u", "&uacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"'y", "&yacute;"},   // ISOlat1
  {":A", "&Auml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":E", "&Euml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":I", "&Iuml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":O", "&Ouml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":U", "&Uuml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":Y", "&Yuml;"},     // ISOlat2
  {":a", "&auml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":e", "&euml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":i", "&iuml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":o", "&ouml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":u", "&uuml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {":y", "&yuml;"},     // ISOlat1
  {"^A", "&Acirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^E", "&Ecirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^I", "&Icirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^O", "&Ocirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^U", "&Ucirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^a", "&acirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^e", "&ecirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^i", "&icirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^o", "&ocirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"^u", "&ucirc;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"`A", "&Agrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`E", "&Egrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`I", "&Igrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`O", "&Ograve;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`U", "&Ugrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`a", "&agrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`e", "&egrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`i", "&igrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`o", "&ograve;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"`u", "&ugrave;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"~A", "&Atilde;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"~N", "&Ntilde;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"~O", "&Otilde;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"~a", "&atilde;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"~n", "&ntilde;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"~o", "&otilde;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"vS", "&Scaron;"},   // ISOlat2
  {"vs", "&scaron;"},   // ISOlat2
  {"vZ", "&Zcaron;"},   // ISOlat2
  {"vz", "&zcaron;"},   // ISOlat2
  {",C", "&Ccedil;"},   // ISOlat1
  {",c", "&ccedil;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"/L", "&Lstrok;"},   // ISOlat2: Polish L with a slash
  {"/l", "&lstrok;"},   // ISOlat2: Polish l with a slash
  {"/O", "&Oslash;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"/o", "&oslash;"},   // ISOlat1
  {"oA", "&Aring;"},    // ISOlat1
  {"oa", "&aring;"},    // ISOlat1
  // Accents
  {"a\"","&dblac;"},    // ISOdia: double acute accent (Hungarian umlaut)
  {"a-", "&macr;"},     // ISOdia: macron or bar accent
  {"a.", "&dot;"},      // ISOdia: dot above
  {"a^", "&circ;"},     // ISOdia: circumflex accent
  {"aa", "&acute;"},    // ISOdia: acute accent
  {"ga", "&grave;"},    // ISOdia: grave accent
  {"ab", "&breve;"},    // ISOdia: breve accent
  {"ac", "&cedil;"},    // ISOdia: cedilla accent
  {"ad", "&uml;"},      // ISOdia: umlaut or dieresis
  {"ah", "&caron;"},    // ISOdia: caron (aka hacek accent)
  {"ao", "&ring;"},     // ISOdia: ring or circle accent
  {"a~", "&tilde;"},    // ISOdia: tilde accent
  {"ho", "&ogon;"},     // ISOdia: hook or ogonek accent
  {"ha", "^"},          // ASCII circumflex, hat, caret
  {"ti", "~"},          // ASCII tilde, large tilde
  // Quotes
  {"Bq", "&lsquor;"},   // ISOpub: low double comma quote
  {"bq", "&ldquor;"},   // ISOpub: low single comma quote
  {"lq", "&ldquo;"},    // ISOnum
  {"rq", "&rdquo;"},    // ISOpub
  {"oq", "&lsquo;"},    // ISOnum: single open quote
  {"cq", "&rsquo;"},    // ISOnum: single closing quote (ASCII 39)
  {"aq", "&zerosp;'"},  // apostrophe quote
  {"dq", "\""},         // double quote (ASCII 34)
  {"Fo", "&laquo;"},    // ISOnum
  {"Fc", "&raquo;"},    // ISOnum
  //{"fo", "&fo;"},
  //{"fc", "&fc;"},
  // Punctuation
  {"r!", "&iexcl;"},    // ISOnum
  {"r?", "&iquest;"},   // ISOnum
  // Old troff \(em goes here
  {"en", "&ndash;"},    // ISOpub: en dash
  // Old troff \(hy goes here 
  // Brackets
  {"lB", "&lsqb;"},     // ISOnum: left (square) bracket
  {"rB", "&rsqb;"},     // ISOnum: right (square) bracket
  {"lC", "&lcub;"},     // ISOnum: left (curly) brace
  {"rC", "&rcub;"},     // ISOnum: right (curly) brace
  {"la", "&lang;"},     // ISOtech: left angle bracket
  {"ra", "&rang;"},     // ISOtech: right angle bracket
  // Old troff \(bv goes here
  // Bracket-pile characters could go here.
  // Arrows
  // Old troff \(<- and \(-> go here
  {"<>", "&harr;"},     // ISOamsa
  {"da", "&darr;"},     // ISOnum
  {"ua", "&uarr;"},     // ISOnum
  {"lA", "&lArr;"},     // ISOtech
  {"rA", "&rArr;"},     // ISOtech
  {"hA", "&iff;"},      // ISOtech: horizontal double-headed arrow
  {"dA", "&dArr;"},     // ISOamsa
  {"uA", "&uArr;"},     // ISOamsa
  {"vA", "&vArr;"},     // ISOamsa: vertical double-headed double arrow
  //{"an", "&an;"},
  // Lines
  {"-h", "&planck;"},   // ISOamso: h-bar (Planck's constant)
  // Old troff \(or goes here
  {"ba", "&verbar;"},   // ISOnum
  // Old troff \(br, \{u, \(ul, \(bv go here
  {"bb", "&brvbar;"},   // ISOnum
  {"sl", "/"},
  {"rs", "&bsol;"},     // ISOnum
  // Text markers
  // Old troff \(ci, \(bu, \(dd, \(dg go here
  {"lz", "&loz;"},      // ISOpub
  // Old troff sq goes here
  {"ps", "&para;"},     // ISOnum: paragraph or pilcrow sign
  {"sc", "&sect;"},     // ISOnum (in old troff)
  // Old troff \(lh, \{h go here
  {"at", "&commat;"},   // ISOnum
  {"sh", "&num;"},      // ISOnum
  //{"CR", "&CR;"},
  {"OK", "&check;"},    // ISOpub
  // Legalize
  // Old troff \(co, \{g go here
  {"tm", "&trade;"},    // ISOnum
  // Currency symbols
  {"Do", "&dollar;"},   // ISOnum
  {"ct", "&cent;"},     // ISOnum
  {"eu", "&euro;"},
  {"Eu", "&euro;"},
  {"Ye", "&yen;"},      // ISOnum
  {"Po", "&pound;"},    // ISOnum
  {"Cs", "&curren;"},   // ISOnum: currency sign
  {"Fn", "&fnof"},      // ISOtech
  // Units
  // Old troff de goes here
  {"%0", "&permil;"},   // ISOtech: per thousand, per mille sign
  // Old troff \(fm goes here
  {"sd", "&Prime;"},    // ISOtech
  {"mc", "&micro;"},    // ISOnum
  {"Of", "&ordf;"},     // ISOnum
  {"Om", "&ordm;"},     // ISOnum
  // Logical symbols
  {"AN", "&and;"},      // ISOtech
  {"OR", "&or;"},       // ISOtech
  // Old troff \(no goes here
  {"te", "&exist;"},    // ISOtech: there exists, existential quantifier
  {"fa", "&forall;"},   // ISOtech: for all, universal quantifier
  {"st", "&bepsi"},     // ISOamsr: such that
  {"3d", "&there4;"},   // ISOtech
  {"tf", "&there4;"},   // ISOtech
  // Mathematical symbols
  // Old troff "12", "14", "34" goes here
  {"S1", "&sup1;"},     // ISOnum
  {"S2", "&sup2;"},     // ISOnum
  {"S3", "&sup3;"},     // ISOnum
  // Old troff \(pl", \-, \(+- go here
  {"t+-", "&plusmn;"},  // ISOnum
  {"-+", "&mnplus;"},   // ISOtech
  {"pc", "&middot;"},   // ISOnum
  {"md", "&middot;"},   // ISOnum
  // Old troff \(mu goes here
  {"tmu", "&times;"},   // ISOnum
  {"c*", "&otimes;"},   // ISOamsb: multiply sign in a circle
  {"c+", "&oplus;"},    // ISOamsb: plus sign in a circle
  // Old troff \(di goes here
  {"tdi", "&divide;"},  // ISOnum
  {"f/", "&horbar;"},   // ISOnum: horizintal bar for fractions
  // Old troff \(** goes here
  {"<=", "&le;"},       // ISOtech
  {">=", "&ge;"},       // ISOtech
  {"<<", "&Lt;"},       // ISOamsr
  {">>", "&Gt;"},       // ISOamsr
  {"!=", "&ne;"},       // ISOtech
  // Old troff \(eq and \(== go here
  {"=~", "&cong;"},     // ISOamsr
  // Old troff \(ap goes here
  {"~~", "&ap;"},       // ISOtech
  // This appears to be an error in the groff table.  
  // It clashes with the Bell Labs use of ~= for a congruence sign
  // {"~=", "&ap;"},    // ISOamsr
  // Old troff \(pt, \(es, \(mo go here
  {"nm", "&notin;"},    // ISOtech
  {"nb", "&nsub;"},     // ISOamsr
  {"nc", "&nsup;"},     // ISOamsn
  {"ne", "&nequiv;"},   // ISOamsn
  // Old troff \(sb, \(sp, \(ib, \(ip, \(ca, \(cu go here
  {"/_", "&ang;"},      // ISOamso
  {"pp", "&perp;"},     // ISOtech
  // Old troff \(is goes here
  {"sum", "&sum;"},     // ISOamsb
  {"product", "&prod;"},        // ISOamsb
  {"gr", "&nabla;"},    // ISOtech
  // Old troff \(sr. \{n, \(if go here
  {"Ah", "&aleph;"},    // ISOtech
  {"Im", "&image;"},    // ISOamso: Fraktur I, imaginary
  {"Re", "&real;"},     // ISOamso: Fraktur R, real
  {"wp", "&weierp;"},   // ISOamso
  {"pd", "&part;"},     // ISOtech: partial differentiation sign
  // Their table duplicates the Greek letters here.
  // We list only the variant forms here, mapping them into
  // the ISO Greek 4 variants (which may or may not be correct :-() 
  {"+f", "&b.phiv;"},   // ISOgrk4: variant phi
  {"+h", "&b.thetas;"}, // ISOgrk4: variant theta
  {"+p", "&;"},  // ISOgrk4: variant pi, looking like omega
  // Card symbols
  {"CL", "&clubs;"},    // ISOpub: club suit
  {"SP", "&spades;"},   // ISOpub: spade suit
  {"HE", "&hearts;"},   // ISOpub: heart suit
  {"DI", "&diams;"},    // ISOpub: diamond suit

>                                      I'm sure I'll also need to
> ask you some questions along the way.

I'll do what I can to be helpful.  If I had just a bit less on my plate
right now I'd do this myself as a learn-XSLT project.

>                                         And I'll need some pointers
> to pages to test with (existing pages that are using eqn).

A good pace to start would be mag.1 from the TeTex package.  It includes
both an inline and a display equation.  Then look at the man pages for 
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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