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Re: <OK> [Groff] Simplifying groff documentation

From: Michael(tm) Smith
Subject: Re: <OK> [Groff] Simplifying groff documentation
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 04:22:26 +0900
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

M Bianchi <address@hidden>, 2006-12-23 08:26 -0500:

> I encourage the  flat text  format because sometimes things like X fail and 
> you
> want access to the documents without requiring the fancy programs work and a
> flat-file editor is all you have.
>  +-------------+                                     +--------------------+
>  |  man pages  |-----+                          +--->|  HTML on browsers  |
>  +-------------+     |                         /     +--------------------+
>                      |                        /
>  +-------------+     |        +-------------+/       +===========+
>  |  Texinfo    |-----+------->| XML-DocBook |=======>| flat text |
>  +-------------+     |        +-------------+\       +===========+

I think Eric pointed this out earlier, but anyway, you can get
flat text just by piping HTML output through "lynx -dump" (or
-dump through elinks or w3m). And that preserves any table layout
(I think lynx handles tables now -- if not, elinks and w3m do) and
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Michael(tm) Smith

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