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[Groff] Justification problem in Polish

From: Andrzej Salwin
Subject: [Groff] Justification problem in Polish
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 23:51:28 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)


I have started to use groff some time ago. I use it to generate document
in Polish language.
I have installed Polish font Quasi Times and I use to generate documents
macro latin2.
But as you can see in attached document that there is a problem with
justification to the
both sides while there is polish letters in a line. When you compile the
same document
without macro latin2 justification problem disappears but there are no
Polish letters.

Is the problem with Quasi Times font or with groff?
How can I fix that problem?

I have used to compile that document groff 1.19.2 with command:
groff -Tps -mlatin2

Attachments:  --  PostScript file
test.g    --  groff source file

Description: PostScript document

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