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Re: [Groff] tbl(1) and Left-Adjusted Text Cells

From: Robert Goulding
Subject: Re: [Groff] tbl(1) and Left-Adjusted Text Cells
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 13:28:05 -0500
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.2

Quoting "Andrew J. Piziali" <address@hidden>:

>    In a table I've written using tbl(1), I have a number of text cells
> such as:
>      T{
>      .ad l
>      Some text that should be left-justified within its
>      column.
>      T}
> Is there a way to instruct tbl to left adjust all text in the table
> without having to repeat the ".ad l" request in every T{...T} block?
> I've tried inserting the .ad request before all of the T{...T} blocks
> but it has no effect.

That should work; just put .na before the .TS request, and .ad after the .TE.

You don't say what macro set you're using.  Just note that there was a bug in
the -me macros up to and including 1.19, making it impossible to change the
adjustment for the whole table.  This has been fixed in the CVS for the last
couple of months,


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