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Re: [Groff] MSVC port still maintained?

From: Alejandro López-Valencia
Subject: Re: [Groff] MSVC port still maintained?
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 07:02:03 -0500

On Wednesday, November 19, 2003 6:42 AM [GMT-5],
Alejandro López-Valencia <address@hidden> wrote:

> Yes, it had some weird problems. I downloaded the newer version
> night but I haven't tried it yet. It is based on a CVS snapshot of
> about October 23 (released on October 25), so it might be very
> similar to the OOTB compile Robert mentions in another message.
> I know for sure it doesn't have HTML output support (there is no
> netpbm binary distro in the site...).

I just went to the site to grab a copy another utility and noticed
that *there is* both a copy of netpbm and of psutils, so you there
is HTML output support in this newer version.


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