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[Groff] ME 2c

From: Daniele Furlan
Subject: [Groff] ME 2c
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 21:10:26 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

I'm testing three packages of macros (mm, ms, me) writing a little
newsletter of two pages in A4 with two colums per page and with
text and tables as contents (but presumably also pics in
future). And a title on first page centered and spanned across
all page width.

I began with ME and it seems good, there is only one problem
(for now... :-) with its 2c macro: I have to call it for every page!
Is this its default?

For 2 pages with 4 columns I must call it at beginning of file
and just before the line that starts page two: if I do not at
this way the 4th column is printed on an unwanted third page
leaving blank the right half of the second page!

And naturally the .bc request starts a new page and not a new
column without that .2c request!

For a document of max two pages is simple change the location
of the second 2c request if text changes on first page but for a
document with many pages?

With MS I have no problems with 2C but MS has not something
like .bc request. Or yes?


 jbuss at Kaosmic Net                *** FreeBSD & Red addict ***

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