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Re: [Groff] style sheet proposal for grohtml

From: kollar
Subject: Re: [Groff] style sheet proposal for grohtml
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 15:00:38 -0500

Gaius Mulley wrote:

> I was wondering whether the ability to include a style sheet would be
> useful for grohtml? I propose to write three tiny macros and enable
> post-grohtml to understand the following:
> .StS
> .St "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"foo/bar.css\">"
> .StE
> where .StS starts the style sheet description
>       .StE ends the style sheet
>       .St is the reference to the style sheet (multiple instances allowed)
> does this meet with approval?

I'd like to see the wrapper macros made more generic,
allowing insertion of LINK REL, META, and other tags that
belong in the HEAD section. Your proposed scheme looks as
if it would allow that already; the only change I'm
suggesting is to make that more explicit -- perhaps:

        .Hs (start list of tags to include in HEAD)
        tags go here, no macro needed
        .He (end of HEAD section)

The concept is great, overall.


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