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Re: [Groff] new grohtml was (HTML fonts)

From: Gaius Mulley
Subject: Re: [Groff] new grohtml was (HTML fonts)
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 21:44:36 +0000 (GMT)

> My idea was rather to add special markers for tables, breaks, etc.
> to the input data which will survive processing by troff.
> *Then* you can send the relevant chunks to grops.
>             groff -t -e -p -ms -Thtml ...
>  raw troff input |           | troff output
>                  V           V
>               grohtml stage one
>                   |        \
>       raw+markers |         \ raw HTML, using raw troff input data
>                   |           for further analysis
>                   V
>                                      |
>      groff -t -e -p -ms -Tps ...     |
>                                      |
>      troff output |                  |
>                   V                  V
>                       check images
>     grohtml stage two ------------> final HTML output
>  cut troff output |                  ^
>                   V                  |
>                        PS output     |
>                 grops ---------------+
> I hope my sketch can be understood :-)

pic src would be better - no just kidding. I like
the idea of the markers - this will help .br .in .ce etc
but the biggest problem so far in current grohtml
is the textual table. Will the above solve this?

What is grohtml stage one doing, my understanding is that it:

 (i)  reads in raw troff input - adds say \X html-ce
      \X html-br etc etc for all the markers.
 (ii) produces raw HTML using by correlating the raw troff
      input with the troff output ??
 (iii) raw + markers get sent to groff -Tps
       to generate images

then grohtml stage two
 (i)  checks to see whether the troff output (needs troff
      output -Thtml as well?) can produce simple eqn's etc
      without using -Tps ?

 [ Actually can't grohtml stage 1 decide
   whether the eqn etc can be produced using html gylphs
   rather than stage2 - unless I've misunderstood something :-) ]

cheers Gaius

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