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[groff] 01/08: groff_char(7): Remove AGL column from tables.

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: [groff] 01/08: groff_char(7): Remove AGL column from tables.
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 11:19:24 -0400 (EDT)

gbranden pushed a commit to branch master
in repository groff.

commit bf104009d082fe932bb25ce8936f5a3a781e7ac9
Author: G. Branden Robinson <>
AuthorDate: Fri Oct 9 01:02:55 2020 +1100

    groff_char(7): Remove AGL column from tables.
    Also drop references to Adobe Glyph List in text.
    Fixes item #1 in Savannah #57618.
 man/ | 813 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 400 insertions(+), 413 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ b/man/
index 6b05d96..2b48c7d 100644
--- a/man/
+++ b/man/
@@ -775,11 +775,6 @@ Some code points have multiple glyph names.
-gives the name of the glyph from the Adobe Glyph List (AGL).
 .B Unicode
 is the code point notation for the glyph or combining glyph sequence as
 described in subsection \[lq]Special character escape forms\[rq] above.
@@ -870,26 +865,26 @@ and equals
 signs normally drawn from this range.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[dq]  \e[dq]  quotedbl        u0022   neutral double quote
-\[sh]  \e[sh]  numbersign      u0023   number sign
-\[Do]  \e[Do]  dollar  u0024   dollar sign
-\[aq]  \e[aq]  quotesingle     u0027   apostrophe, neutral single quote
-\[sl]  \e[sl]  slash   u002F   slash, solidus +
-\[at]  \e[at]  at      u0040   at sign
-\[lB]  \e[lB]  bracketleft     u005B   left square bracket
-\[rs]  \e[rs]  backslash       u005C   reverse solidus
-\[rB]  \e[rB]  bracketright    u005D   right square bracket
-\[ha]  \e[ha]  asciicircum     u005E   circumflex, caret, \[lq]hat\[rq] +
-\[ul]  \e[ul]  underscore      u005F   underscore, low line +
-\[lC]  \e[lC]  braceleft       u007B   left brace
-|      |       bar     u007C   bar
-\[ba]  \e[ba]  bar     u007C   bar
-\[or]  \e[or]  bar     u007C   bitwise or +
-\[rC]  \e[rC]  braceright      u007D   right brace
-\[ti]  \e[ti]  asciitilde      u007E   tilde +
+\[dq]  \e[dq]  u0022   neutral double quote
+\[sh]  \e[sh]  u0023   number sign
+\[Do]  \e[Do]  u0024   dollar sign
+\[aq]  \e[aq]  u0027   apostrophe, neutral single quote
+\[sl]  \e[sl]  u002F   slash, solidus +
+\[at]  \e[at]  u0040   at sign
+\[lB]  \e[lB]  u005B   left square bracket
+\[rs]  \e[rs]  u005C   reverse solidus
+\[rB]  \e[rB]  u005D   right square bracket
+\[ha]  \e[ha]  u005E   circumflex, caret, \[lq]hat\[rq] +
+\[ul]  \e[ul]  u005F   underscore, low line +
+\[lC]  \e[lC]  u007B   left brace
+|      |       u007C   bar
+\[ba]  \e[ba]  u007C   bar
+\[or]  \e[or]  u007C   bitwise or +
+\[rC]  \e[rC]  u007D   right brace
+\[ti]  \e[ti]  u007E   tilde +
@@ -913,17 +908,17 @@ but rather to \[lq]SS\[rq].
 see subsection \[lq]Mathematical symbols\[rq] below.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[-D]  \e[\-D] Eth     u00D0   uppercase eth
-\[Sd]  \e[Sd]  eth     u00F0   lowercase eth
-\[TP]  \e[TP]  Thorn   u00DE   uppercase thorn
-\[Tp]  \e[Tp]  thorn   u00FE   lowercase thorn
-\[ss]  \e[ss]  germandbls      u00DF   lowercase sharp s
-\[.i]  \e[.i]  dotlessi        u0131   i without tittle
-\[.j]  \e[.j]  dotlessj        u0237   j without tittle
-\[Fn]  \e[Fn]  florin  u0192   lowercase f with hook, function
+\[-D]  \e[\-D] u00D0   uppercase eth
+\[Sd]  \e[Sd]  u00F0   lowercase eth
+\[TP]  \e[TP]  u00DE   uppercase thorn
+\[Tp]  \e[Tp]  u00FE   lowercase thorn
+\[ss]  \e[ss]  u00DF   lowercase sharp s
+\[.i]  \e[.i]  u0131   i without tittle
+\[.j]  \e[.j]  u0237   j without tittle
+\[Fn]  \e[Fn]  u0192   lowercase f with hook, function
@@ -932,24 +927,24 @@ _
 .\" ====================================================================
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[ff]  \e[ff]  ff      u0066_0066      ff ligature +
-\[fi]  \e[fi]  fi      u0066_0069      fi ligature +
-\[fl]  \e[fl]  fl      u0066_006C      fl ligature +
-\[Fi]  \e[Fi]  ffi     u0066_0066_0069 ffi ligature +
-\[Fl]  \e[Fl]  ffl     u0066_0066_006C ffl ligature +
-\[AE]  \e[AE]  AE      u00C6   AE ligature
-\[ae]  \e[ae]  ae      u00E6   ae ligature
-\[OE]  \e[OE]  OE      u0152   OE ligature
-\[oe]  \e[oe]  oe      u0153   oe ligature
-\[IJ]  \e[IJ]  IJ      u0132   IJ digraph
-\[ij]  \e[ij]  ij      u0133   ij digraph
-\[/L]  \e[/L]  Lslash  u0141   L with stroke
-\[/l]  \e[/l]  lslash  u0142   l with stroke
-\[/O]  \e[/O]  Oslash  u00D8   O with stroke
-\[/o]  \e[/o]  oslash  u00F8   o with stroke
+\[ff]  \e[ff]  u0066_0066      ff ligature +
+\[fi]  \e[fi]  u0066_0069      fi ligature +
+\[fl]  \e[fl]  u0066_006C      fl ligature +
+\[Fi]  \e[Fi]  u0066_0066_0069 ffi ligature +
+\[Fl]  \e[Fl]  u0066_0066_006C ffl ligature +
+\[AE]  \e[AE]  u00C6   AE ligature
+\[ae]  \e[ae]  u00E6   ae ligature
+\[OE]  \e[OE]  u0152   OE ligature
+\[oe]  \e[oe]  u0153   oe ligature
+\[IJ]  \e[IJ]  u0132   IJ digraph
+\[ij]  \e[ij]  u0133   ij digraph
+\[/L]  \e[/L]  u0141   L with stroke
+\[/l]  \e[/l]  u0142   l with stroke
+\[/O]  \e[/O]  u00D8   O with stroke
+\[/o]  \e[/o]  u00F8   o with stroke
@@ -962,76 +957,76 @@ described in subsection \[lq]Special character escape 
forms\[rq] above;
 the names below can be thought of short aliases for convenience.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\['A]  \e[\[aq]A]      Aacute  u0041_0301      A acute
-\['C]  \e[\[aq]C]      Cacute  u0043_0301      C acute
-\['E]  \e[\[aq]E]      Eacute  u0045_0301      E acute
-\['I]  \e[\[aq]I]      Iacute  u0049_0301      I acute
-\['O]  \e[\[aq]O]      Oacute  u004F_0301      O acute
-\['U]  \e[\[aq]U]      Uacute  u0055_0301      U acute
-\['Y]  \e[\[aq]Y]      Yacute  u0059_0301      Y acute
-\['a]  \e[\[aq]a]      aacute  u0061_0301      a acute
-\['c]  \e[\[aq]c]      cacute  u0063_0301      c acute
-\['e]  \e[\[aq]e]      eacute  u0065_0301      e acute
-\['i]  \e[\[aq]i]      iacute  u0069_0301      i acute
-\['o]  \e[\[aq]o]      oacute  u006F_0301      o acute
-\['u]  \e[\[aq]u]      uacute  u0075_0301      u acute
-\['y]  \e[\[aq]y]      yacute  u0079_0301      y acute
+\['A]  \e[\[aq]A]      u0041_0301      A acute
+\['C]  \e[\[aq]C]      u0043_0301      C acute
+\['E]  \e[\[aq]E]      u0045_0301      E acute
+\['I]  \e[\[aq]I]      u0049_0301      I acute
+\['O]  \e[\[aq]O]      u004F_0301      O acute
+\['U]  \e[\[aq]U]      u0055_0301      U acute
+\['Y]  \e[\[aq]Y]      u0059_0301      Y acute
+\['a]  \e[\[aq]a]      u0061_0301      a acute
+\['c]  \e[\[aq]c]      u0063_0301      c acute
+\['e]  \e[\[aq]e]      u0065_0301      e acute
+\['i]  \e[\[aq]i]      u0069_0301      i acute
+\['o]  \e[\[aq]o]      u006F_0301      o acute
+\['u]  \e[\[aq]u]      u0075_0301      u acute
+\['y]  \e[\[aq]y]      u0079_0301      y acute
-\[:A]  \e[:A]  Adieresis       u0041_0308      A dieresis
-\[:E]  \e[:E]  Edieresis       u0045_0308      E dieresis
-\[:I]  \e[:I]  Idieresis       u0049_0308      I dieresis
-\[:O]  \e[:O]  Odieresis       u004F_0308      O dieresis
-\[:U]  \e[:U]  Udieresis       u0055_0308      U dieresis
-\[:Y]  \e[:Y]  Ydieresis       u0059_0308      Y dieresis
-\[:a]  \e[:a]  adieresis       u0061_0308      a dieresis
-\[:e]  \e[:e]  edieresis       u0065_0308      e dieresis
-\[:i]  \e[:i]  idieresis       u0069_0308      i dieresis
-\[:o]  \e[:o]  odieresis       u006F_0308      o dieresis
-\[:u]  \e[:u]  udieresis       u0075_0308      u dieresis
-\[:y]  \e[:y]  ydieresis       u0079_0308      y dieresis
+\[:A]  \e[:A]  u0041_0308      A dieresis
+\[:E]  \e[:E]  u0045_0308      E dieresis
+\[:I]  \e[:I]  u0049_0308      I dieresis
+\[:O]  \e[:O]  u004F_0308      O dieresis
+\[:U]  \e[:U]  u0055_0308      U dieresis
+\[:Y]  \e[:Y]  u0059_0308      Y dieresis
+\[:a]  \e[:a]  u0061_0308      a dieresis
+\[:e]  \e[:e]  u0065_0308      e dieresis
+\[:i]  \e[:i]  u0069_0308      i dieresis
+\[:o]  \e[:o]  u006F_0308      o dieresis
+\[:u]  \e[:u]  u0075_0308      u dieresis
+\[:y]  \e[:y]  u0079_0308      y dieresis
-\[^A]  \e[\[ha]A]      Acircumflex     u0041_0302      A circumflex
-\[^E]  \e[\[ha]E]      Ecircumflex     u0045_0302      E circumflex
-\[^I]  \e[\[ha]I]      Icircumflex     u0049_0302      I circumflex
-\[^O]  \e[\[ha]O]      Ocircumflex     u004F_0302      O circumflex
-\[^U]  \e[\[ha]U]      Ucircumflex     u0055_0302      U circumflex
-\[^a]  \e[\[ha]a]      acircumflex     u0061_0302      a circumflex
-\[^e]  \e[\[ha]e]      ecircumflex     u0065_0302      e circumflex
-\[^i]  \e[\[ha]i]      icircumflex     u0069_0302      i circumflex
-\[^o]  \e[\[ha]o]      ocircumflex     u006F_0302      o circumflex
-\[^u]  \e[\[ha]u]      ucircumflex     u0075_0302      u circumflex
+\[^A]  \e[\[ha]A]      u0041_0302      A circumflex
+\[^E]  \e[\[ha]E]      u0045_0302      E circumflex
+\[^I]  \e[\[ha]I]      u0049_0302      I circumflex
+\[^O]  \e[\[ha]O]      u004F_0302      O circumflex
+\[^U]  \e[\[ha]U]      u0055_0302      U circumflex
+\[^a]  \e[\[ha]a]      u0061_0302      a circumflex
+\[^e]  \e[\[ha]e]      u0065_0302      e circumflex
+\[^i]  \e[\[ha]i]      u0069_0302      i circumflex
+\[^o]  \e[\[ha]o]      u006F_0302      o circumflex
+\[^u]  \e[\[ha]u]      u0075_0302      u circumflex
-\[`A]  \e[\[ga]A]      Agrave  u0041_0300      A grave
-\[`E]  \e[\[ga]E]      Egrave  u0045_0300      E grave
-\[`I]  \e[\[ga]I]      Igrave  u0049_0300      I grave
-\[`O]  \e[\[ga]O]      Ograve  u004F_0300      O grave
-\[`U]  \e[\[ga]U]      Ugrave  u0055_0300      U grave
-\[`a]  \e[\[ga]a]      agrave  u0061_0300      a grave
-\[`e]  \e[\[ga]e]      egrave  u0065_0300      e grave
-\[`i]  \e[\[ga]i]      igrave  u0069_0300      i grave
-\[`o]  \e[\[ga]o]      ograve  u006F_0300      o grave
-\[`u]  \e[\[ga]u]      ugrave  u0075_0300      u grave
+\[`A]  \e[\[ga]A]      u0041_0300      A grave
+\[`E]  \e[\[ga]E]      u0045_0300      E grave
+\[`I]  \e[\[ga]I]      u0049_0300      I grave
+\[`O]  \e[\[ga]O]      u004F_0300      O grave
+\[`U]  \e[\[ga]U]      u0055_0300      U grave
+\[`a]  \e[\[ga]a]      u0061_0300      a grave
+\[`e]  \e[\[ga]e]      u0065_0300      e grave
+\[`i]  \e[\[ga]i]      u0069_0300      i grave
+\[`o]  \e[\[ga]o]      u006F_0300      o grave
+\[`u]  \e[\[ga]u]      u0075_0300      u grave
-\[~A]  \e[\[ti]A]      Atilde  u0041_0303      A tilde
-\[~N]  \e[\[ti]N]      Ntilde  u004E_0303      N tilde
-\[~O]  \e[\[ti]O]      Otilde  u004F_0303      O tilde
-\[~a]  \e[\[ti]a]      atilde  u0061_0303      a tilde
-\[~n]  \e[\[ti]n]      ntilde  u006E_0303      n tilde
-\[~o]  \e[\[ti]o]      otilde  u006F_0303      o tilde
+\[~A]  \e[\[ti]A]      u0041_0303      A tilde
+\[~N]  \e[\[ti]N]      u004E_0303      N tilde
+\[~O]  \e[\[ti]O]      u004F_0303      O tilde
+\[~a]  \e[\[ti]a]      u0061_0303      a tilde
+\[~n]  \e[\[ti]n]      u006E_0303      n tilde
+\[~o]  \e[\[ti]o]      u006F_0303      o tilde
-\[vS]  \e[vS]  Scaron  u0053_030C      S caron
-\[vs]  \e[vs]  scaron  u0073_030C      s caron
-\[vZ]  \e[vZ]  Zcaron  u005A_030C      Z caron
-\[vz]  \e[vz]  zcaron  u007A_030C      z caron
+\[vS]  \e[vS]  u0053_030C      S caron
+\[vs]  \e[vs]  u0073_030C      s caron
+\[vZ]  \e[vZ]  u005A_030C      Z caron
+\[vz]  \e[vz]  u007A_030C      z caron
-\[,C]  \e[,C]  Ccedilla        u0043_0327      C cedilla
-\[,c]  \e[,c]  ccedilla        u0063_0327      c cedilla
+\[,C]  \e[,C]  u0043_0327      C cedilla
+\[,c]  \e[,c]  u0063_0327      c cedilla
-\[oA]  \e[oA]  Aring   u0041_030A      A ring
-\[oa]  \e[oa]  aring   u0061_030A      a ring
+\[oA]  \e[oA]  u0041_030A      A ring
+\[oa]  \e[oa]  u0061_030A      a ring
@@ -1046,22 +1041,22 @@ semantics;
 the values given in parentheses are their spacing counterparts.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[a"]  \e[a"]  hungarumlaut    u030B (u02DD)   double acute accent
-\[a-]  \e[a\-] macron  u0304 (u00AF)   macron accent
-\[a.]  \e[a.]  dotaccent       u0307 (u02D9)   dot accent
-\[a^]  \e[a\[ha]]      circumflex      u0302 (u005E)   circumflex accent
-\[aa]  \e[aa]  acute   u0301 (u00B4)   acute accent +
-\[ga]  \e[ga]  grave   u0300 (u0060)   grave accent +
-\[ab]  \e[ab]  breve   u0306 (u02D8)   breve accent
-\[ac]  \e[ac]  cedilla u0327 (u00B8)   cedilla accent
-\[ad]  \e[ad]  dieresis        u0308 (u00A8)   dieresis accent
-\[ah]  \e[ah]  caron   u030C (u02C7)   caron accent
-\[ao]  \e[ao]  ring    u030A (u02DA)   ring accent
-\[a~]  \e[a\[ti]]      tilde   u0303 (u007E)   tilde accent
-\[ho]  \e[ho]  ogonek  u0328 (u02DB)   hook accent
+\[a"]  \e[a"]  u030B (u02DD)   double acute accent
+\[a-]  \e[a\-] u0304 (u00AF)   macron accent
+\[a.]  \e[a.]  u0307 (u02D9)   dot accent
+\[a^]  \e[a\[ha]]      u0302 (u005E)   circumflex accent
+\[aa]  \e[aa]  u0301 (u00B4)   acute accent +
+\[ga]  \e[ga]  u0300 (u0060)   grave accent +
+\[ab]  \e[ab]  u0306 (u02D8)   breve accent
+\[ac]  \e[ac]  u0327 (u00B8)   cedilla accent
+\[ad]  \e[ad]  u0308 (u00A8)   dieresis accent
+\[ah]  \e[ah]  u030C (u02C7)   caron accent
+\[ao]  \e[ao]  u030A (u02DA)   ring accent
+\[a~]  \e[a\[ti]]      u0303 (u007E)   tilde accent
+\[ho]  \e[ho]  u0328 (u02DB)   hook accent
@@ -1070,21 +1065,21 @@ _
 .\" ====================================================================
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[Bq]  \e[Bq]  quotedblbase    u201E   low double comma quote
-\[bq]  \e[bq]  quotesinglbase  u201A   low single comma quote
-\[lq]  \e[lq]  quotedblleft    u201C   left double quote
-\[rq]  \e[rq]  quotedblright   u201D   right double quote
-\[oq]  \e[oq]  quoteleft       u2018   single open (left) quote
-\[cq]  \e[cq]  quoteright      u2019   single closing (right) quote
-\[aq]  \e[aq]  quotesingle     u0027   apostrophe, neutral single quote
-\[dq]  \e[dq]  quotedbl        u0022   neutral double quote
-\[Fo]  \e[Fo]  guillemotleft   u00AB   left double chevron
-\[Fc]  \e[Fc]  guillemotright  u00BB   right double chevron
-\[fo]  \e[fo]  guilsinglleft   u2039   left single chevron
-\[fc]  \e[fc]  guilsinglright  u203A   right single chevron
+\[Bq]  \e[Bq]  u201E   low double comma quote
+\[bq]  \e[bq]  u201A   low single comma quote
+\[lq]  \e[lq]  u201C   left double quote
+\[rq]  \e[rq]  u201D   right double quote
+\[oq]  \e[oq]  u2018   single open (left) quote
+\[cq]  \e[cq]  u2019   single closing (right) quote
+\[aq]  \e[aq]  u0027   apostrophe, neutral single quote
+\[dq]  \e[dq]  u0022   neutral double quote
+\[Fo]  \e[Fo]  u00AB   left double chevron
+\[Fc]  \e[Fc]  u00BB   right double chevron
+\[fo]  \e[fo]  u2039   left single chevron
+\[fc]  \e[fc]  u203A   right single chevron
@@ -1093,14 +1088,14 @@ _
 .\" ====================================================================
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[r!]  \e[r!]  exclamdown      u00A1   inverted exclamation mark
-\[r?]  \e[r?]  questiondown    u00BF   inverted question mark
-\[em]  \e[em]  emdash  u2014   em-dash +
-\[en]  \e[en]  endash  u2013   en-dash
-\[hy]  \e[hy]  hyphen  u2010   hyphen +
+\[r!]  \e[r!]  u00A1   inverted exclamation mark
+\[r?]  \e[r?]  u00BF   inverted question mark
+\[em]  \e[em]  u2014   em-dash +
+\[en]  \e[en]  u2013   en-dash
+\[hy]  \e[hy]  u2010   hyphen +
@@ -1205,48 +1200,48 @@ devices\[em]provided those glyphs exist.
 .\" XXX: This table overruns 78n on nroff devices.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[lB]  \e[lB]  bracketleft     u005B   left square bracket
-\[rB]  \e[rB]  bracketright    u005D   right square bracket
-\[lC]  \e[lC]  braceleft       u007B   left brace
-\[rC]  \e[rC]  braceright      u007D   right brace
-\[la]  \e[la]  angleleft       u27E8   left angle bracket
-\[ra]  \e[ra]  angleright      u27E9   right angle bracket
-\[bv]  \e[bv]  braceex u23AA   brace vertical extension *** +
-\[braceex]     \e[braceex]     braceex u23AA   brace vertical extension
+\[lB]  \e[lB]  u005B   left square bracket
+\[rB]  \e[rB]  u005D   right square bracket
+\[lC]  \e[lC]  u007B   left brace
+\[rC]  \e[rC]  u007D   right brace
+\[la]  \e[la]  u27E8   left angle bracket
+\[ra]  \e[ra]  u27E9   right angle bracket
+\[bv]  \e[bv]  u23AA   brace vertical extension *** +
+\[braceex]     \e[braceex]     u23AA   brace vertical extension
-\[bracketlefttp]       \e[bracketlefttp]       bracketlefttp   u23A1   left 
square bracket top
-\[bracketleftbt]       \e[bracketleftbt]       bracketleftbt   u23A3   left 
square bracket bottom
-\[bracketleftex]       \e[bracketleftex]       bracketleftex   u23A2   left 
square bracket extension
+\[bracketlefttp]       \e[bracketlefttp]       u23A1   left square bracket top
+\[bracketleftbt]       \e[bracketleftbt]       u23A3   left square bracket 
+\[bracketleftex]       \e[bracketleftex]       u23A2   left square bracket 
-\[bracketrighttp]      \e[bracketrighttp]      bracketrighttp  u23A4   right 
square bracket top
-\[bracketrightbt]      \e[bracketrightbt]      bracketrightbt  u23A6   right 
square bracket bottom
-\[bracketrightex]      \e[bracketrightex]      bracketrightex  u23A5   right 
square bracket extension
+\[bracketrighttp]      \e[bracketrighttp]      u23A4   right square bracket top
+\[bracketrightbt]      \e[bracketrightbt]      u23A6   right square bracket 
+\[bracketrightex]      \e[bracketrightex]      u23A5   right square bracket 
-\[lt]  \e[lt]  bracelefttp     u23A7   left brace top +
-\[bracelefttp] \e[bracelefttp] bracelefttp     u23A7   left brace top
-\[lk]  \e[lk]  braceleftmid    u23A8   left brace middle +
-\[braceleftmid]        \e[braceleftmid]        braceleftmid    u23A8   left 
brace middle
-\[lb]  \e[lb]  braceleftbt     u23A9   left brace bottom +
-\[braceleftbt] \e[braceleftbt] braceleftbt     u23A9   left brace bottom
-\[braceleftex] \e[braceleftex] braceleftex     u23AA   left brace extension
+\[lt]  \e[lt]  u23A7   left brace top +
+\[bracelefttp] \e[bracelefttp] u23A7   left brace top
+\[lk]  \e[lk]  u23A8   left brace middle +
+\[braceleftmid]        \e[braceleftmid]        u23A8   left brace middle
+\[lb]  \e[lb]  u23A9   left brace bottom +
+\[braceleftbt] \e[braceleftbt] u23A9   left brace bottom
+\[braceleftex] \e[braceleftex] u23AA   left brace extension
-\[rt]  \e[rt]  bracerighttp    u23AB   right brace top +
-\[bracerighttp]        \e[bracerighttp]        bracerighttp    u23AB   right 
brace top
-\[rk]  \e[rk]  bracerightmid   u23AC   right brace middle +
-\[bracerightmid]       \e[bracerightmid]       bracerightmid   u23AC   right 
brace middle
-\[rb]  \e[rb]  bracerightbt    u23AD   right brace bottom +
-\[bracerightbt]        \e[bracerightbt]        bracerightbt    u23AD   right 
brace bottom
-\[bracerightex]        \e[bracerightex]        bracerightex    u23AA   right 
brace extension
+\[rt]  \e[rt]  u23AB   right brace top +
+\[bracerighttp]        \e[bracerighttp]        u23AB   right brace top
+\[rk]  \e[rk]  u23AC   right brace middle +
+\[bracerightmid]       \e[bracerightmid]       u23AC   right brace middle
+\[rb]  \e[rb]  u23AD   right brace bottom +
+\[bracerightbt]        \e[bracerightbt]        u23AD   right brace bottom
+\[bracerightex]        \e[bracerightex]        u23AA   right brace extension
-\[parenlefttp] \e[parenlefttp] parenlefttp     u239B   left parenthesis top
-\[parenleftbt] \e[parenleftbt] parenleftbt     u239D   left parenthesis bottom
-\[parenleftex] \e[parenleftex] parenleftex     u239C   left parenthesis 
-\[parenrighttp]        \e[parenrighttp]        parenrighttp    u239E   right 
parenthesis top
-\[parenrightbt]        \e[parenrightbt]        parenrightbt    u23A0   right 
parenthesis bottom
-\[parenrightex]        \e[parenrightex]        parenrightex    u239F   right 
parenthesis extension
+\[parenlefttp] \e[parenlefttp] u239B   left parenthesis top
+\[parenleftbt] \e[parenleftbt] u239D   left parenthesis bottom
+\[parenleftex] \e[parenleftex] u239C   left parenthesis extension
+\[parenrighttp]        \e[parenrighttp]        u239E   right parenthesis top
+\[parenrightbt]        \e[parenrightbt]        u23A0   right parenthesis bottom
+\[parenrightex]        \e[parenrightex]        u239F   right parenthesis 
@@ -1256,22 +1251,22 @@ _
 .\" XXX: This table overruns 78n on nroff devices.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[<-]  \e[<\-] arrowleft       u2190   horizontal arrow left +
-\[->]  \e[\->] arrowright      u2192   horizontal arrow right +
-\[<>]  \e[<>]  arrowboth       u2194   bidirectional horizontal arrow
-\[da]  \e[da]  arrowdown       u2193   vertical arrow down +
-\[ua]  \e[ua]  arrowup u2191   vertical arrow up +
-\[va]  \e[va]  arrowupdn       u2195   bidirectional vertical arrow
-\[lA]  \e[lA]  arrowdblleft    u21D0   horizontal double arrow left
-\[rA]  \e[rA]  arrowdblright   u21D2   horizontal double arrow right
-\[hA]  \e[hA]  arrowdblboth    u21D4   bidirectional horizontal double arrow
-\[dA]  \e[dA]  arrowdbldown    u21D3   vertical double arrow down
-\[uA]  \e[uA]  arrowdblup      u21D1   vertical double arrow up
-\[vA]  \e[vA]  uni21D5 u21D5   bidirectional vertical double arrow
-\[an]  \e[an]  arrowhorizex    u23AF   horizontal arrow extension
+\[<-]  \e[<\-] u2190   horizontal arrow left +
+\[->]  \e[\->] u2192   horizontal arrow right +
+\[<>]  \e[<>]  u2194   bidirectional horizontal arrow
+\[da]  \e[da]  u2193   vertical arrow down +
+\[ua]  \e[ua]  u2191   vertical arrow up +
+\[va]  \e[va]  u2195   bidirectional vertical arrow
+\[lA]  \e[lA]  u21D0   horizontal double arrow left
+\[rA]  \e[rA]  u21D2   horizontal double arrow right
+\[hA]  \e[hA]  u21D4   bidirectional horizontal double arrow
+\[dA]  \e[dA]  u21D3   vertical double arrow down
+\[uA]  \e[uA]  u21D1   vertical double arrow up
+\[vA]  \e[vA]  u21D5   bidirectional vertical double arrow
+\[an]  \e[an]  u23AF   horizontal arrow extension
@@ -1292,8 +1287,7 @@ they can be used to build boxes.
 On terminal devices,
 they are mapped as shown in the table.
-Note that both the AGL and the Unicode-derived names of these three
-glyphs are rough approximations.
+The Unicode-derived names of these three glyphs are approximations.
@@ -1321,18 +1315,18 @@ for continuation of radical signs
 square roots).
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-|      |       bar     u007C   bar
-\[ba]  \e[ba]  bar     u007C   bar
-\[br]  \e[br]  SF110000        u2502   box rule +
-\[ul]  \e[ul]  underscore      u005F   underscore, low line +
-\[rn]  \e[rn]  overline        u203E   overline +
-\[ru]  \e[ru]  ---     ---     baseline rule +
-\[bb]  \e[bb]  brokenbar       u00A6   broken bar
-\[sl]  \e[sl]  slash   u002F   slash, solidus +
-\[rs]  \e[rs]  backslash       u005C   reverse solidus
+|      |       u007C   bar
+\[ba]  \e[ba]  u007C   bar
+\[br]  \e[br]  u2502   box rule +
+\[ul]  \e[ul]  u005F   underscore, low line +
+\[rn]  \e[rn]  u203E   overline +
+\[ru]  \e[ru]  ---     baseline rule +
+\[bb]  \e[bb]  u00A6   broken bar
+\[sl]  \e[sl]  u002F   slash, solidus +
+\[rs]  \e[rs]  u005C   reverse solidus
@@ -1342,23 +1336,23 @@ _
 .\" ====================================================================
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[ci]  \e[ci]  circle  u25CB   circle +
-\[bu]  \e[bu]  bullet  u2022   bullet +
-\[dg]  \e[dg]  dagger  u2020   dagger +
-\[dd]  \e[dd]  daggerdbl       u2021   double dagger +
-\[lz]  \e[lz]  lozenge u25CA   lozenge, diamond
-\[sq]  \e[sq]  uni25A1 u25A1   square +
-\[ps]  \e[ps]  paragraph       u00B6   pilcrow sign
-\[sc]  \e[sc]  section u00A7   section sign +
-\[lh]  \e[lh]  uni261C u261C   hand pointing left +
-\[rh]  \e[rh]  a14     u261E   hand pointing right +
-\[at]  \e[at]  at      u0040   at sign
-\[sh]  \e[sh]  numbersign      u0023   number sign
-\[CR]  \e[CR]  carriagereturn  u21B5   carriage return
-\[OK]  \e[OK]  a19     u2713   check mark
+\[ci]  \e[ci]  u25CB   circle +
+\[bu]  \e[bu]  u2022   bullet +
+\[dg]  \e[dg]  u2020   dagger +
+\[dd]  \e[dd]  u2021   double dagger +
+\[lz]  \e[lz]  u25CA   lozenge, diamond
+\[sq]  \e[sq]  u25A1   square +
+\[ps]  \e[ps]  u00B6   pilcrow sign
+\[sc]  \e[sc]  u00A7   section sign +
+\[lh]  \e[lh]  u261C   hand pointing left +
+\[rh]  \e[rh]  u261E   hand pointing right +
+\[at]  \e[at]  u0040   at sign
+\[sh]  \e[sh]  u0023   number sign
+\[CR]  \e[CR]  u21B5   carriage return
+\[OK]  \e[OK]  u2713   check mark
 .\" ====================================================================
@@ -1369,13 +1363,13 @@ The Bell Systems logo is not supported in
 .IR groff .
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[co]  \e[co]  copyright       u00A9   copyright sign +
-\[rg]  \e[rg]  registered      u00AE   registered sign +
-\[tm]  \e[tm]  trademark       u2122   trade mark sign
-\[bs]  \e[bs]  ---     ---     Bell Systems logo +
+\[co]  \e[co]  u00A9   copyright sign +
+\[rg]  \e[rg]  u00AE   registered sign +
+\[tm]  \e[tm]  u2122   trade mark sign
+\[bs]  \e[bs]  ---     Bell Systems logo +
@@ -1384,16 +1378,16 @@ _
 .\" ====================================================================
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[Do]  \e[Do]  dollar  u0024   dollar sign
-\[ct]  \e[ct]  cent    u00A2   cent sign +
-\[eu]  \e[eu]  ---     u20AC   Euro sign
-\[Eu]  \e[Eu]  Euro    u20AC   variant Euro sign
-\[Ye]  \e[Ye]  yen     u00A5   yen sign
-\[Po]  \e[Po]  sterling        u00A3   pound sign
-\[Cs]  \e[Cs]  currency        u00A4   currency sign
+\[Do]  \e[Do]  u0024   dollar sign
+\[ct]  \e[ct]  u00A2   cent sign +
+\[eu]  \e[eu]  u20AC   Euro sign
+\[Eu]  \e[Eu]  u20AC   variant Euro sign
+\[Ye]  \e[Ye]  u00A5   yen sign
+\[Po]  \e[Po]  u00A3   pound sign
+\[Cs]  \e[Cs]  u00A4   currency sign
@@ -1402,16 +1396,16 @@ _
 .\" ====================================================================
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[de]  \e[de]  degree  u00B0   degree sign +
-\[%0]  \e[%0]  perthousand     u2030   per thousand, per mille sign
-\[fm]  \e[fm]  minute  u2032   arc minute sign +
-\[sd]  \e[sd]  second  u2033   arc second sign
-\[mc]  \e[mc]  mu      u00B5   micro sign
-\[Of]  \e[Of]  ordfeminine     u00AA   feminine ordinal indicator
-\[Om]  \e[Om]  ordmasculine    u00BA   masculine ordinal indicator
+\[de]  \e[de]  u00B0   degree sign +
+\[%0]  \e[%0]  u2030   per thousand, per mille sign
+\[fm]  \e[fm]  u2032   arc minute sign +
+\[sd]  \e[sd]  u2033   arc second sign
+\[mc]  \e[mc]  u00B5   micro sign
+\[Of]  \e[Of]  u00AA   feminine ordinal indicator
+\[Om]  \e[Om]  u00BA   masculine ordinal indicator
@@ -1424,19 +1418,19 @@ whether they differ in appearance or spacing will 
depend on the device
 and font selected.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[AN]  \e[AN]  logicaland      u2227   logical and
-\[OR]  \e[OR]  logicalor       u2228   logical or
-\[no]  \e[no]  logicalnot      u00AC   logical not + ***
-\[tno] \e[tno] logicalnot      u00AC   text variant of \f[B]\e[no]\f[]
-\[te]  \e[te]  existential     u2203   there exists
-\[fa]  \e[fa]  universal       u2200   for all
-\[st]  \e[st]  suchthat        u220B   such that
-\[3d]  \e[3d]  therefore       u2234   therefore
-\[tf]  \e[tf]  therefore       u2234   therefore
-\[or]  \e[or]  bar     u007C   bitwise or +
+\[AN]  \e[AN]  u2227   logical and
+\[OR]  \e[OR]  u2228   logical or
+\[no]  \e[no]  u00AC   logical not + ***
+\[tno] \e[tno] u00AC   text variant of \f[B]\e[no]\f[]
+\[te]  \e[te]  u2203   there exists
+\[fa]  \e[fa]  u2200   for all
+\[st]  \e[st]  u220B   such that
+\[3d]  \e[3d]  u2234   therefore
+\[tf]  \e[tf]  u2234   therefore
+\[or]  \e[or]  u007C   bitwise or +
@@ -1469,93 +1463,93 @@ the device and font selected.
 .\" XXX: This table overruns 78n on nroff devices.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[12]  \e[12]  onehalf u00BD   one half symbol +
-\[14]  \e[14]  onequarter      u00BC   one quarter symbol +
-\[34]  \e[34]  threequarters   u00BE   three quarters symbol +
-\[18]  \e[18]  oneeighth       u215B   one eighth symbol
-\[38]  \e[38]  threeeighths    u215C   three eighths symbol
-\[58]  \e[58]  fiveeighths     u215D   five eighths symbol
-\[78]  \e[78]  seveneighths    u215E   seven eighths symbol
-\[S1]  \e[S1]  onesuperior     u00B9   superscript one
-\[S2]  \e[S2]  twosuperior     u00B2   superscript two
-\[S3]  \e[S3]  threesuperior   u00B3   superscript three
+\[12]  \e[12]  u00BD   one half symbol +
+\[14]  \e[14]  u00BC   one quarter symbol +
+\[34]  \e[34]  u00BE   three quarters symbol +
+\[18]  \e[18]  u215B   one eighth symbol
+\[38]  \e[38]  u215C   three eighths symbol
+\[58]  \e[58]  u215D   five eighths symbol
+\[78]  \e[78]  u215E   seven eighths symbol
+\[S1]  \e[S1]  u00B9   superscript one
+\[S2]  \e[S2]  u00B2   superscript two
+\[S3]  \e[S3]  u00B3   superscript three
-+      +       plus    u002B   plus
-\[pl]  \e[pl]  plus    u002B   special variant of plus +
-\-     \e[\-]  hyphen  u002D   minus
-\[mi]  \e[mi]  minus   u2212   special variant of minus +
-\[-+]  \e[\-+] uni2213 u2213   minus-plus
-\[+-]  \e[+\-] plusminus       u00B1   plus-minus + ***
-\[t+-] \e[t+\-]        plusminus       u00B1   text variant of \f[B]\e[+\-]\f[]
-\[pc]  \e[pc]  periodcentered  u00B7   centered period
-\[md]  \e[md]  dotmath u22C5   multiplication dot
-\[mu]  \e[mu]  multiply        u00D7   multiplication sign + ***
-\[tmu] \e[tmu] multiply        u00D7   text variant of \f[B]\e[mu]\f[]
-\[c*]  \e[c*]  circlemultiply  u2297   circled times
-\[c+]  \e[c+]  circleplus      u2295   circled plus
-\[di]  \e[di]  divide  u00F7   division sign + ***
-\[tdi] \e[tdi] divide  u00F7   text variant of \f[B]\e[di]\f[]
-\[f/]  \e[f/]  fraction        u2044   fraction slash
-\[**]  \e[**]  asteriskmath    u2217   mathematical asterisk +
++      +       u002B   plus
+\[pl]  \e[pl]  u002B   special variant of plus +
+\-     \e[\-]  u002D   minus
+\[mi]  \e[mi]  u2212   special variant of minus +
+\[-+]  \e[\-+] u2213   minus-plus
+\[+-]  \e[+\-] u00B1   plus-minus + ***
+\[t+-] \e[t+\-]        u00B1   text variant of \f[B]\e[+\-]\f[]
+\[pc]  \e[pc]  u00B7   centered period
+\[md]  \e[md]  u22C5   multiplication dot
+\[mu]  \e[mu]  u00D7   multiplication sign + ***
+\[tmu] \e[tmu] u00D7   text variant of \f[B]\e[mu]\f[]
+\[c*]  \e[c*]  u2297   circled times
+\[c+]  \e[c+]  u2295   circled plus
+\[di]  \e[di]  u00F7   division sign + ***
+\[tdi] \e[tdi] u00F7   text variant of \f[B]\e[di]\f[]
+\[f/]  \e[f/]  u2044   fraction slash
+\[**]  \e[**]  u2217   mathematical asterisk +
-\[<=]  \e[<=]  lessequal       u2264   less than or equal to +
-\[>=]  \e[>=]  greaterequal    u2265   greater than or equal to +
-\[<<]  \e[<<]  uni226A u226A   much less than
-\[>>]  \e[>>]  uni226B u226B   much greater than
-\&=    \&=     equal   u003D   equals
-\[eq]  \e[eq]  equal   u003D   special variant of equals +
-\[!=]  \e[!=]  notequal        u003D_0338      not equals +
-\[==]  \e[==]  equivalence     u2261   equivalent +
-\[ne]  \e[ne]  uni2262 u2261_0338      not equivalent
-\[=~]  \e[=~]  congruent       u2245   congruent to, approximately equal to
-\[|=]  \e[|=]  uni2243 u2243   asymptotically equal to +
-\[ap]  \e[ap]  similar u223C   similar to, tilde operator +
-\[~~]  \e[~~]  approxequal     u2248   almost equal to
-\[~=]  \e[~=]  approxequal     u2248   almost equal to
-\[pt]  \e[pt]  proportional    u221D   proportional to +
+\[<=]  \e[<=]  u2264   less than or equal to +
+\[>=]  \e[>=]  u2265   greater than or equal to +
+\[<<]  \e[<<]  u226A   much less than
+\[>>]  \e[>>]  u226B   much greater than
+\&=    \&=     u003D   equals
+\[eq]  \e[eq]  u003D   special variant of equals +
+\[!=]  \e[!=]  u003D_0338      not equals +
+\[==]  \e[==]  u2261   equivalent +
+\[ne]  \e[ne]  u2261_0338      not equivalent
+\[=~]  \e[=~]  u2245   congruent to, approximately equal to
+\[|=]  \e[|=]  u2243   asymptotically equal to +
+\[ap]  \e[ap]  u223C   similar to, tilde operator +
+\[~~]  \e[~~]  u2248   almost equal to
+\[~=]  \e[~=]  u2248   almost equal to
+\[pt]  \e[pt]  u221D   proportional to +
-\[es]  \e[es]  emptyset        u2205   empty set +
-\[mo]  \e[mo]  element u2208   element of a set +
-\[nm]  \e[nm]  notelement      u2208_0338      not element of set
-\[sb]  \e[sb]  propersubset    u2282   proper subset +
-\[nb]  \e[nb]  notsubset       u2282_0338      not subset
-\[sp]  \e[sp]  propersuperset  u2283   proper superset +
-\[nc]  \e[nc]  uni2285 u2283_0338      not superset
-\[ib]  \e[ib]  reflexsubset    u2286   subset or equal +
-\[ip]  \e[ip]  reflexsuperset  u2287   superset or equal +
-\[ca]  \e[ca]  intersection    u2229   intersection, cap +
-\[cu]  \e[cu]  union   u222A   union, cup +
+\[es]  \e[es]  u2205   empty set +
+\[mo]  \e[mo]  u2208   element of a set +
+\[nm]  \e[nm]  u2208_0338      not element of set
+\[sb]  \e[sb]  u2282   proper subset +
+\[nb]  \e[nb]  u2282_0338      not subset
+\[sp]  \e[sp]  u2283   proper superset +
+\[nc]  \e[nc]  u2283_0338      not superset
+\[ib]  \e[ib]  u2286   subset or equal +
+\[ip]  \e[ip]  u2287   superset or equal +
+\[ca]  \e[ca]  u2229   intersection, cap +
+\[cu]  \e[cu]  u222A   union, cup +
-\[/_]  \e[/_]  angle   u2220   angle
-\[pp]  \e[pp]  perpendicular   u22A5   perpendicular
-\[is]  \e[is]  integral        u222B   integral +
-\[integral]    \e[integral]    integral        u222B   integral ***
-\[sum] \e[sum] summation       u2211   summation ***
-\[product]     \e[product]     product u220F   product ***
-\[coproduct]   \e[coproduct]   uni2210 u2210   coproduct ***
-\[gr]  \e[gr]  gradient        u2207   gradient +
-\[sr]  \e[sr]  radical u221A   radical sign, square root +
-\[sqrt]        \e[sqrt]        radical u221A   radical sign, square root
-\[radicalex]   \e[radicalex]   radicalex       ---     radical extension ***
-\[sqrtex]      \e[sqrtex]      radicalex       ---     radical extension ***
+\[/_]  \e[/_]  u2220   angle
+\[pp]  \e[pp]  u22A5   perpendicular
+\[is]  \e[is]  u222B   integral +
+\[integral]    \e[integral]    u222B   integral ***
+\[sum] \e[sum] u2211   summation ***
+\[product]     \e[product]     u220F   product ***
+\[coproduct]   \e[coproduct]   u2210   coproduct ***
+\[gr]  \e[gr]  u2207   gradient +
+\[sr]  \e[sr]  u221A   radical sign, square root +
+\[sqrt]        \e[sqrt]        u221A   radical sign, square root
+\[radicalex]   \e[radicalex]   ---     radical extension ***
+\[sqrtex]      \e[sqrtex]      ---     radical extension ***
-\[lc]  \e[lc]  uni2308 u2308   left ceiling +
-\[rc]  \e[rc]  uni2309 u2309   right ceiling +
-\[lf]  \e[lf]  uni230A u230A   left floor +
-\[rf]  \e[rf]  uni230B u230B   right floor +
+\[lc]  \e[lc]  u2308   left ceiling +
+\[rc]  \e[rc]  u2309   right ceiling +
+\[lf]  \e[lf]  u230A   left floor +
+\[rf]  \e[rf]  u230B   right floor +
-\[if]  \e[if]  infinity        u221E   infinity +
-\[Ah]  \e[Ah]  aleph   u2135   aleph symbol
-\[Fn]  \e[Fn]  florin  u0192   lowercase f with hook, function
-\[Im]  \e[Im]  Ifraktur        u2111   blackletter I, imaginary part
-\[Re]  \e[Re]  Rfraktur        u211C   blackletter R, real part
-\[wp]  \e[wp]  weierstrass     u2118   Weierstrass p
-\[pd]  \e[pd]  partialdiff     u2202   partial differential
-\[-h]  \e[\-h] uni210F u210F   h bar
-\[hbar]        \e[hbar]        uni210F u210F   h bar
+\[if]  \e[if]  u221E   infinity +
+\[Ah]  \e[Ah]  u2135   aleph symbol
+\[Fn]  \e[Fn]  u0192   lowercase f with hook, function
+\[Im]  \e[Im]  u2111   blackletter I, imaginary part
+\[Re]  \e[Re]  u211C   blackletter R, real part
+\[wp]  \e[wp]  u2118   Weierstrass p
+\[pd]  \e[pd]  u2202   partial differential
+\[-h]  \e[\-h] u210F   h bar
+\[hbar]        \e[hbar]        u210F   h bar
@@ -1571,64 +1565,64 @@ and the lowercase ones are slanted.
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[*A]  \e[*A]  Alpha   u0391   uppercase alpha +
-\[*B]  \e[*B]  Beta    u0392   uppercase beta +
-\[*G]  \e[*G]  Gamma   u0393   uppercase gamma +
-\[*D]  \e[*D]  Delta   u0394   uppercase delta +
-\[*E]  \e[*E]  Epsilon u0395   uppercase epsilon +
-\[*Z]  \e[*Z]  Zeta    u0396   uppercase zeta +
-\[*Y]  \e[*Y]  Eta     u0397   uppercase eta +
-\[*H]  \e[*H]  Theta   u0398   uppercase theta +
-\[*I]  \e[*I]  Iota    u0399   uppercase iota +
-\[*K]  \e[*K]  Kappa   u039A   uppercase kappa +
-\[*L]  \e[*L]  Lambda  u039B   uppercase lambda +
-\[*M]  \e[*M]  Mu      u039C   uppercase mu +
-\[*N]  \e[*N]  Nu      u039D   uppercase nu +
-\[*C]  \e[*C]  Xi      u039E   uppercase xi +
-\[*O]  \e[*O]  Omicron u039F   uppercase omicron +
-\[*P]  \e[*P]  Pi      u03A0   uppercase pi +
-\[*R]  \e[*R]  Rho     u03A1   uppercase rho +
-\[*S]  \e[*S]  Sigma   u03A3   uppercase sigma +
-\[*T]  \e[*T]  Tau     u03A4   uppercase tau +
-\[*U]  \e[*U]  Upsilon u03A5   uppercase upsilon +
-\[*F]  \e[*F]  Phi     u03A6   uppercase phi +
-\[*X]  \e[*X]  Chi     u03A7   uppercase chi +
-\[*Q]  \e[*Q]  Psi     u03A8   uppercase psi +
-\[*W]  \e[*W]  Omega   u03A9   uppercase omega +
+\[*A]  \e[*A]  u0391   uppercase alpha +
+\[*B]  \e[*B]  u0392   uppercase beta +
+\[*G]  \e[*G]  u0393   uppercase gamma +
+\[*D]  \e[*D]  u0394   uppercase delta +
+\[*E]  \e[*E]  u0395   uppercase epsilon +
+\[*Z]  \e[*Z]  u0396   uppercase zeta +
+\[*Y]  \e[*Y]  u0397   uppercase eta +
+\[*H]  \e[*H]  u0398   uppercase theta +
+\[*I]  \e[*I]  u0399   uppercase iota +
+\[*K]  \e[*K]  u039A   uppercase kappa +
+\[*L]  \e[*L]  u039B   uppercase lambda +
+\[*M]  \e[*M]  u039C   uppercase mu +
+\[*N]  \e[*N]  u039D   uppercase nu +
+\[*C]  \e[*C]  u039E   uppercase xi +
+\[*O]  \e[*O]  u039F   uppercase omicron +
+\[*P]  \e[*P]  u03A0   uppercase pi +
+\[*R]  \e[*R]  u03A1   uppercase rho +
+\[*S]  \e[*S]  u03A3   uppercase sigma +
+\[*T]  \e[*T]  u03A4   uppercase tau +
+\[*U]  \e[*U]  u03A5   uppercase upsilon +
+\[*F]  \e[*F]  u03A6   uppercase phi +
+\[*X]  \e[*X]  u03A7   uppercase chi +
+\[*Q]  \e[*Q]  u03A8   uppercase psi +
+\[*W]  \e[*W]  u03A9   uppercase omega +
-\[*a]  \e[*a]  alpha   u03B1   lowercase alpha +
-\[*b]  \e[*b]  beta    u03B2   lowercase beta +
-\[*g]  \e[*g]  gamma   u03B3   lowercase gamma +
-\[*d]  \e[*d]  delta   u03B4   lowercase delta +
-\[*e]  \e[*e]  epsilon u03B5   lowercase epsilon +
-\[*z]  \e[*z]  zeta    u03B6   lowercase zeta +
-\[*y]  \e[*y]  eta     u03B7   lowercase eta +
-\[*h]  \e[*h]  theta   u03B8   lowercase theta +
-\[*i]  \e[*i]  iota    u03B9   lowercase iota +
-\[*k]  \e[*k]  kappa   u03BA   lowercase kappa +
-\[*l]  \e[*l]  lambda  u03BB   lowercase lambda +
-\[*m]  \e[*m]  mu      u03BC   lowercase mu +
-\[*n]  \e[*n]  nu      u03BD   lowercase nu +
-\[*c]  \e[*c]  xi      u03BE   lowercase xi +
-\[*o]  \e[*o]  omicron u03BF   lowercase omicron +
-\[*p]  \e[*p]  pi      u03C0   lowercase pi +
-\[*r]  \e[*r]  rho     u03C1   lowercase rho +
-\[ts]  \e[ts]  sigma1  u03C2   terminal lowercase sigma +
-\[*s]  \e[*s]  sigma   u03C3   lowercase sigma +
-\[*t]  \e[*t]  tau     u03C4   lowercase tau +
-\[*u]  \e[*u]  upsilon u03C5   lowercase upsilon +
-\[*f]  \e[*f]  phi     u03D5   lowercase phi +
-\[*x]  \e[*x]  chi     u03C7   lowercase chi +
-\[*q]  \e[*q]  psi     u03C8   lowercase psi +
-\[*w]  \e[*w]  omega   u03C9   lowercase omega +
+\[*a]  \e[*a]  u03B1   lowercase alpha +
+\[*b]  \e[*b]  u03B2   lowercase beta +
+\[*g]  \e[*g]  u03B3   lowercase gamma +
+\[*d]  \e[*d]  u03B4   lowercase delta +
+\[*e]  \e[*e]  u03B5   lowercase epsilon +
+\[*z]  \e[*z]  u03B6   lowercase zeta +
+\[*y]  \e[*y]  u03B7   lowercase eta +
+\[*h]  \e[*h]  u03B8   lowercase theta +
+\[*i]  \e[*i]  u03B9   lowercase iota +
+\[*k]  \e[*k]  u03BA   lowercase kappa +
+\[*l]  \e[*l]  u03BB   lowercase lambda +
+\[*m]  \e[*m]  u03BC   lowercase mu +
+\[*n]  \e[*n]  u03BD   lowercase nu +
+\[*c]  \e[*c]  u03BE   lowercase xi +
+\[*o]  \e[*o]  u03BF   lowercase omicron +
+\[*p]  \e[*p]  u03C0   lowercase pi +
+\[*r]  \e[*r]  u03C1   lowercase rho +
+\[ts]  \e[ts]  u03C2   terminal lowercase sigma +
+\[*s]  \e[*s]  u03C3   lowercase sigma +
+\[*t]  \e[*t]  u03C4   lowercase tau +
+\[*u]  \e[*u]  u03C5   lowercase upsilon +
+\[*f]  \e[*f]  u03D5   lowercase phi +
+\[*x]  \e[*x]  u03C7   lowercase chi +
+\[*q]  \e[*q]  u03C8   lowercase psi +
+\[*w]  \e[*w]  u03C9   lowercase omega +
-\[+h]  \e[+h]  theta1  u03D1   variant theta
-\[+f]  \e[+f]  phi1    u03C6   variant phi (curly shape)
-\[+p]  \e[+p]  omega1  u03D6   variant pi (similar to omega)
-\[+e]  \e[+e]  uni03F5 u03F5   variant epsilon (lunate)
+\[+h]  \e[+h]  u03D1   variant theta
+\[+f]  \e[+f]  u03C6   variant phi (curly shape)
+\[+p]  \e[+p]  u03D6   variant pi (similar to omega)
+\[+e]  \e[+e]  u03F5   variant epsilon (lunate)
@@ -1637,13 +1631,13 @@ _
 .\" ====================================================================
-l l l l lx.
-Output Input   AGL     Unicode Notes
+l l l lx.
+Output Input   Unicode Notes
-\[CL]  \e[CL]  club    u2663   solid club suit
-\[SP]  \e[SP]  spade   u2660   solid spade suit
-\[HE]  \e[HE]  heart   u2665   solid heart suit
-\[DI]  \e[DI]  diamond u2666   solid diamond suit
+\[CL]  \e[CL]  u2663   solid club suit
+\[SP]  \e[SP]  u2660   solid spade suit
+\[HE]  \e[HE]  u2665   solid heart suit
+\[DI]  \e[DI]  u2666   solid diamond suit
@@ -1705,13 +1699,6 @@ Summer 1989
-.UR https://\:github\\:adobe\-type\-tools/\:agl\-aglfn/\:blob/\:\
-Adobe Glyph List (AGL)
 .UR http://\:www\:.unicode\
 The Unicode Standard

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