Hi everyone,
I have two ublox f9p receivers in a specific computer:
- /dev/ttyACM0
- /dev/ttyACM1
and I'd like to run 2 instances of gpsd, so that I can retrieve gnss data from both receivers.
I'm running gpsd 3.22 (rev 3.22), on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (jammy)
Since I did not receive my second antenna yet, only one receiver (ttyACM0) is connected to an antenna.
Please note that, for now at least, I don't want to run gpsd using systemd.
I checked:
$ sudo gpsmon /dev/ttyACM0 -> regular gnss frames can be observed
$ sudo gpsmon /dev/ttyACM1 -> no data received (since no antenna) but ok
I tried to run:
$ sudo gpsd /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/pps2 -n -N -p
(no wait, no daemonize, passive mode) -> no problem, cpgs confirms that I can get a FIX using my first receiver (connected to the antenna)
$ sudo gpsd /dev/ttyACM1 -n -N -p --port 2948 -F /var/run/gpsd_2nd_antenna.sock
and get the following error:
gpsd:ERROR: can't bind to local socket /var/run/gpsd_2nd_antenna.sock
gpsd:ERROR: control socket create failed, netlib error -1
I did not see any thread related to this error, or at least, related to my use case (I probably missed it).
Did someone manage to run what I want to achieve ?
Thanks and regards