I was wondering if there is any documentation that you can point me to on the interactions (if any) that occur between gpsd and a ublox device when gpsd starts. Does it perform any initialization of the ublox device? How does it handshake with it? Does it
handshakle with it? I reset the ublox device on our board and start gpsd (since we are not running it by default as of yet). I can then run gpsmon and see things getting reported (really nice tool). I am just looking for documentation that indicates what
happens when gpsd starts.
You might also find it useful to run something like this in a terminal `gpsd -nND9 /dev/ttyACM0 2>&1 | tee gpslog.txt` ... which will produce a large amount of output including device probes and control messages. As much as possible, gpsd has been developed to just do the right thing as long as a vaguely gps-like device is connected.
-- GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?