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Re: How to download log from Ublox M8N?

From: Gary E. Miller
Subject: Re: How to download log from Ublox M8N?
Date: Mon, 24 May 2021 10:43:33 -0700

Yo Martin!

On Mon, 24 May 2021 09:11:13 +0200
Martin Ždila <> wrote:

> Sorry for the confusion. I meant thet every logger position is
> reported like this:
>   entryIndex 252 lon 212365890 lat 487064420 hMSL 247100 hAcc 15000
>   gSpeed 20 heading 23000000 version 0 fixType 3
>   year 2021 month 5 day 22 hour 20 min 24 sec 46
>   reserved1 x0 numSV 9 reserved2 x0

Ah, yes.  ubxtool wass designed as a debug tool, but now people, like you
want to use it for more.

> > > Is there a way to get it as nmea or gpx?  
> > I'm sure there is, if you want to write some code.
> I will write some parser for the above messages which will create
> gpx. I will share it here once I have it.

That output format is not part of the API, and there is no quarantee that
it does not change at any time.

I would suggest instead that your patch log_batch() in gps/ubx.y.  It
is only a few lines of formatting that you could change to get some
other output format.

I would like to have a generic way to output all the possible messsages
in some format, like JSON, that is parsable by users.  But I keep running
into nasty corner cases.  So nothing soon.

Another approach would be to have gpsd convert the BATCH data to JSON that
gpspipe, and other gpsd clients, coud read.  But that would be more work.

Given how slow the Python code is, that is my preferred solution, but
unlikely any time soon.

> > Few u-blox support UBX-LOG- and fewer peoeple even know it exists.
> > So no one has requested such a thing before.
> I have something like this:
> In the picture you can see SPI Flash which is AFAIK used to store the
> log.

Then you are one of the few.  BATCH support in gpsd is new, so you may find
things that need fixing, please let us know when you do.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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