Hi Gary,
They are always in binary mode you can issue UBX commands to a Ublox module without issuing any preceding commands. By default a Ublox module will output NMEA as expect but you can issue commands either via the proprietary binary UBX protocol or the PUBX protocol. The "clever stuff" like switching dynamic model is done via UBX.
We do it all the time for our high altitude balloon trackers as we have to put them in dynamic model 6 to permit the use above 18km however there is a stationary "timing" mode which is what I would like to enable in this instance.
The binary command for this (obtained via uCenter) is :
B5 62 06 24 24 00 FF FF 02 03 00 00 00 00 10 27 00 00 05 00 FA 00 FA 00 64 00 2C 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 54
The GPS is confirmed working and gpsd is running as :
1961 ? S<sl 524:28 /usr/sbin/gpsd -n -F /var/run/gpsd.sock -P /var/run/gpsd.pid /dev/ttyAMA0
If I do :
address@hidden ~ $ sudo gpsctl -b -D 5 -t "uBlox UBX binary" -x \xB5\x62\x06\x24\x24\x00\xFF\xFF\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x27\x00\x00\x05\x00\xFA\x00\xFA\x00\x64\x00\x2C\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x54
gpsctl:PROG: uBlox UBX binary driver selected.
gpsctl:ERROR: device must be specified for low-level access.
So I do :
address@hidden ~ $ sudo gpsctl -b -D 5 -t "uBlox UBX binary" -e /dev/ttyAMA0 -x \xB5\x62\x06\x24\x24\x00\xFF\xFF\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x27\x00\x00\x05\x00\xFA\x00\xFA\x00\x64\x00\x2C\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x12\x54
gpsctl:PROG: uBlox UBX binary driver selected.
gpsctl:PROG: switch_driver(uBlox UBX binary) called...
gpsctl:PROG: selecting uBlox UBX binary driver...
gpsctl:SHOUT: switching to mode BINARY.
gpsctl:IO: => GPS: UBX class: 78, id: 42, len: 130, crc: b967
▒bxB▒5x62x06x24x24x00xFFxFFx02x03x00x00x00x00x10x27x00x00x05x00xFAx00xFAx00x64x00x2Cx01x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x12x54▒ggpsctl:IO: => GPS: b5627842820035783632783036783234783234783030784646784646783032783033783030783030783030783030783130783237783030783030783035783030784641783030784641783030783634783030783243783031783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783030783132783534b967
Which all looks good. However I'm not convinced its taking effect as the following should disable all NMEA messages (example given as you can ascertain if its working very quickly) :
address@hidden ~ $ sudo gpsctl -b -D 5 -t "uBlox UBX binary" -e /dev/ttyAMA0 -x \xB5\x62\x06\x00\x14\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xD0\x08\x00\x00\x80\x25\x00\x00\x07\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xA0\xA9
gpsctl:PROG: uBlox UBX binary driver selected.
gpsctl:PROG: switch_driver(uBlox UBX binary) called...
gpsctl:PROG: selecting uBlox UBX binary driver...
gpsctl:SHOUT: switching to mode BINARY.
gpsctl:IO: => GPS: UBX class: 78, id: 42, len: 82, crc: 7bf4
▒bxBR5x62x06x00x14x00x01x00x00x00xD0x08x00x00x80x25x00x00x07x00x01x00x00x00x00x00xA0xA9{▒gpsctl:IO: => GPS: b56278425200357836327830367830307831347830307830317830307830307830307844307830387830307830307838307832357830307830307830377830307830317830307830307830307830307830307841307841397bf4
and I see it doesn't by running gpsmon on another session.
I note the CRC gpsctl is giving is 7bf4 but the CRC for that string calculated by Ucenter is actually A0A9 on that command I have tried issuing it without the checksum, also doesn't work :
address@hidden ~ $ sudo gpsctl -b -D 5 -t "uBlox UBX binary" -e /dev/ttyAMA0 -x \xB5\x62\x06\x00\x14\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\xD0\x08\x00\x00\x80\x25\x00\x00\x07\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00
gpsctl:PROG: uBlox UBX binary driver selected.
gpsctl:PROG: switch_driver(uBlox UBX binary) called...
gpsctl:PROG: selecting uBlox UBX binary driver...
gpsctl:SHOUT: switching to mode BINARY.
gpsctl:IO: => GPS: UBX class: 78, id: 42, len: 76, crc: 9a68
▒bxBL5x62x06x00x14x00x01x00x00x00xD0x08x00x00x80x25x00x00x07x00x01x00x00x00x00x00▒hgpsctl:IO: => GPS: b56278424c00357836327830367830307831347830307830317830307830307830307844307830387830307830307838307832357830307830307830377830307830317830307830307830307830307830309a68
So basically I'm a little confused. If I plug the module into a machine with ucenter on it and issue the commands or if I issue them via an Arduino for example they work. Working code from Arduino that sets and verifies here :